View Full Version : Dud TiVo box . . . Telecom and Caspa run around on replacement

30-09-2010, 11:58 AM
Anyone else had problems getting sorted? Telecom promise replacement boxes if something goes wrong. What they don't tell you prior to purchase, is that you have to deal with Caspa in Australia. Friday, we were told to email reference number and details to Caspa in Australia, and after acknowledgement from Caspa, we would receive a replacement box within 3 or 4 days. We are now almost a week later, and still have had no acknowledgement from Caspa. Telecom continue to pass the buck, and although they have TiVo boxes in-store "it is not their policy" to swap faulty ones out. No one can get hold of anyone sensible in Australia to talk to, to get a response. Anyone had a problem like this and able to resolve it?

30-09-2010, 12:42 PM
Yes, at least one persone has returned theirs to a Telecom store for a replacement
I presume you mean Hybrid TV Services, not Caspa which is the video-on-demand service offered by Hybrid in NZ and Aus

30-09-2010, 01:31 PM
. . . Telecom keep telling us its Caspa in Australia that need to sort it out.

They refuse to allow us to swap the box at the Telecom store where we purchased it. We've emailed them again, citing the Consumer Guarantees Act, which states that our purchase from them, means that our contract is with them, and that its their responsibility to resolve this not keep fobbing us off to Caspa.

I'm in NZ

01-10-2010, 09:46 AM
I would package the TiVo up in it's original box with all the accessories, and physically take it back to the same store where you purchased it. If they tell you to call/email the support number tell them you have done that several times in the last few weeks, and you want a box that works (or your money back)...now.

01-10-2010, 12:56 PM
can you PM me with your contact details, reference number, what is wrong with the TiVo, who you have spoken to and any other details. I'll see if I can do anything.


05-10-2010, 01:40 PM
Any luck yet Peter?


06-10-2010, 01:21 AM
I have forwarded on your details, and this is what I have received back.

Hi Peter,

We’ve looked into the case history and the customer has reported poor reception.

The customer’s current address comes up with “likely with high aerial”, and the customer has advised that he just has a regular aerial, not up high.

The customer has also advised that he is moving to a different address where the Freeview|HD coverage shows as “very likely”, and advised that he would report back to us once he has relocated.

I hope this is of help but please feel free to let me know if there is any misunderstanding

So as far as they are concerned they appear to be waiting for you to move house and see if the problem remains.

It is true that a twin tuner TiVo requires a better signal than a single tuner TV or STB. so if your signal quality (not strength) is marginal it may not always work with your current setup. it could be a simple as a bird has done a little damage to your aerial which was enough to push a marginal signal to no signal (on TiVo). With digital once you reach that point signal disappears, there is no in between.


06-10-2010, 05:16 AM
Hi, and thanks for all of your help. I'm afraid they have twisted this. WE DO have a high aerial, we did tests on reception on very first day of reporting faults to Telecom. I even went and (humoured them) got indoor bunny ears. We repeatedly did aerial tests, picture without TIVO was Ok, we still watching tv direct from aerial. TIVO and reception was great for 6 weeks?
Oz said they were not preared to do anything until we have moved, and performed all tests. Jason in NZ was aghast at this, and immediately offered to cancel our TIVO, as he thought they were being unreasonable. I firmly beleive he has been messed around by Oz couterparts. It due to be collected tomorrow, but of course I will try, as essentially, we want a TIVO service.
Thanks again for all your help. Much appreciated. Onward with start of move today! ;o>

06-10-2010, 12:03 PM
Just curious do you have a Digital TV, and why not wait a couple of days till you move before getting the TiVo collected?


06-10-2010, 01:20 PM
No, we don't have digital TV set. And yes, as said in previous post, we'll give it a go at the new place. Moving today/tomorrow.

Cheers Dave

06-10-2010, 01:58 PM
So then it's possible that a Digital TV may also not work reliably where you currently are.

I only asked about waiting for the move because in your last post you said that the TiVo was due to be collected tomorrow.


10-10-2010, 07:48 AM
Right, have now moved house. Tivo still doesn't work. Won't tune in at all. We'd like a replacement, as per their promise on their TV adverts here. Telecom NZ customer services reps don't think much of the customer service they are receiving from Aus. But despite this, our contract is with Telecom NZ and under the Consumer Guarantees Act, Telecom NZ have to resolve this problem. We're really fed up with being given the run around, and having to deal with an intermediary when Telecom NZ seems "powerless" to make any of their own decisions on this.
It seems they have no backbone to stand up and support their customers. A standard guarantee would cover this. A standard return to base option with at least one iota of customer care. As we have always said all along. We want a working Tivo. This service (or lack of) has us close to ending all services with Telecom. If a supplier has the confidence in their product, then admitting that we have a faulty box, and supplying a new one as per their advertising promise should not have been a problem. It worked fine for two months, and doesn't work at all now.

And no, they didn't send anyone round to collect the box on Thursday as they had said they would.

Thanks for your help Petestrash.

10-10-2010, 11:57 AM
I have again passed on your info.


10-10-2010, 12:46 PM
Thanks Peter.

Have also spoken to Branch Manager (again) at the Telecom Store that I originally spoke to, and he says he will try again from his end.


11-10-2010, 03:33 PM
Thanks Pete. Not sure if your assistance gave us this result, but my husband managed to get a replacement TiVo unit at our local branch today. Thanks so much for your assistance.

We've got through the set up here again with the new unit, and got beautiful pictures. Lovely.

However, now we have an issue with audio. We are using component video cables connected them all up correctly as per diagram, with the yellow plug NOT connected as per instructions.

No sound. None.

What are we doing wrong?


11-10-2010, 03:55 PM
Might sound dumb, but have you connected any audio cables?

Unlike HDMI, Component is only for Video signals. You need to also use either RCA audio cables (White and Red socket) or an Optical cable (Digital Audio) for the sound.


11-10-2010, 04:33 PM
We have connected the component video cables, red green blue, and the red and white plugs for the stereo audio -


11-10-2010, 04:52 PM
Been speaking to the techsupport at Telecom, and after an hour or two, have finally found a solution that works. We've connected the RCA cables only (red white yellow), and taken out the green blue and red.

Not what the instructions say. Not what we had on the other unit - but for some reason this works.

Thanks again.

11-10-2010, 05:01 PM
Ok, that means the TiVo is working fine.

What you described should have been correct on the TiVo side of things, but you may need to use a different Audio input on your TV for component. Usually there is more than one set of Audio inputs and it sounds like you may have connected the red & white cables to the A/V audio input, not the component audio input.
