View Full Version : Exchange media Device

03-07-2010, 07:53 AM
We bought our 320 GB Media device in Jan 10, In April the device started having problems in that it will no longer detect Channels via the antenna although if we plug the aerial directly into our HD TV the TV works perfectly. We contacted TIVO (have an case ID) and have been working with them to find a solution since April 13 2010. Now its July dispite my repeated requests to exchange media devices TIVO still have not approved or agreed to the exchange. Feel that we are just getting the run around. Can anyone help with suggestions to speed up the exchange process or advise what recourse I have against TIVO.

03-07-2010, 11:19 AM
The TiVo need a stong clear signal as it has 2 tuners, often a signal may be just good enough for a TV, but not for a TiVo.

Have you tried the TiVo at another location?


05-07-2010, 08:10 AM
Yes I have tried it at another location and still we get the same problem, any other suggestions?

14-07-2010, 10:27 PM
Your best bet is to keep pushing TiVo support for an exchange.

The Alternative is to contact the Retailer, as they are obliged to look after the warranty. They may be able to push for a replacement on your behalf.
