View Full Version : Newbie - OzTivo still going? Software versions/downloads

09-06-2010, 08:45 PM

I just bought an oztivo from ebay, and am getting 'Failed. Service unavailable'onfirst call.

Image is v3 rel 1.4 - should I upgrade? How/where from? Is Oztivo still going/ Latest date on wiki seems to be Feb 2010..

Btw, I've done some investigation via telnet and most of the diagnostics on the wiki seem to work - with the exception that the wget returns a 301, not 200.

Hope you can help.. missing my tivo from back in uk!


10-06-2010, 07:33 PM
You should definitely reimage with the latest oztivo boot CD (v1.6.2), it has many improvements. Oztivo is still going strong.

11-06-2010, 04:34 PM
And to add the "where from" details, go to our Prepare Disk page (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Install/PrepareTiVoDisk).

They are dated Jun 2008, but will update when you run though the install process.
