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06-06-2010, 08:06 AM
Hi All,

I hope that this site is still very active given TIVO is now available commercially.

I'm trying to create a boot CD for the ozTiVo_installer_Philips_1.6.2_20080604.iso that I downloaded in the website.

So I restart my PC and put this boot cd on the drive. Then it goes to 'DOS mode' and comes up with a few scrolling messages which ends with a

Caldera DR-DOS 7.03
[DR-DOS] A:\>

after that I cannot proceeed any further as I cannot type any characters on this [DR-DOS] A:\> prompt.

Am I on track at all???

Mind you I have not installed the OZTIVO disk on my PC while I am doing this and my computer hard drives are both sata. But I would think that the boot disk would at least show the menu screen that is expected with all the delete warnings.


06-06-2010, 10:37 AM
Have you read: http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Install/PrepareTiVoDisk
Have you burnt the installer iso to a cd as listed here: Software to Burn ISO Images (make sure you have imaged and not just copied the iso to cd)
Next follow the section headed: Booting from the Install CD
With only the target hard drive (set as ide0 master) and the cd in your computer the pc should boot up from the cd and run the installer (you may need to set the pc bios to "boot from cdrom")

06-06-2010, 05:49 PM
Thanks, Islander. I think I have tried to create the boot disk and it is working because if I didn't, then the windows application will run on the PC. I'm getting DOS messages that scroll up quickly.

Let me connect the TIVO hard disc into the PC and see how I go with this boot disk. I will disconnect my two sata hard disks as well while this is happening. I'm glad this forum is still active given the release of TIVO units commercially here.

06-06-2010, 08:09 PM
I tried to copy the image on to two drives and both gave me error messages (probably the scrolling thing I mentioned before was an error message and that I should not get and I should get a text-based menu instead.)

Both disks are not from the original Tivo unit:

Western Digital 80gig

Seagate Barracuda 20gig

both have IDE connections.

Does anyone know why I cannot get past this stage? I have connect the cables to the CD ROM and TIVO HD and set the bios boot up settings a per instructions.

07-06-2010, 12:34 PM
So I restart my PC and put this boot cd on the drive. Then it goes to 'DOS mode' and comes up with a few scrolling messages which ends with a

Caldera DR-DOS 7.03
[DR-DOS] A:\>

after that I cannot proceeed any further as I cannot type any characters on this [DR-DOS] A:\> prompt.

Am I on track at all???

You are not booting the installer CD.

It appears you may be booting a Floppy disc or have not made the installer CD correctly. We do not use DR-DOS on our installer.


07-06-2010, 08:44 PM
Thanks, Peter. Let me try this again and post my results. My time is a bit limited these days compared to my uni years but I will get this sorted out. Probably better to have a 2nd computer when I am doing this eh?

It looks like I need fully understand how to create a boot CD. I am using NERO Burning ROM 6 to create the boot CD so I add the file ozTiVo_installer_Philips_1.6.2_20080604.iso. It's now asking for an image file and I am using the one NERO provides which is DosBootimage.IMA

Am I doing this right? Am I using the correct image file because I'm thinking maybe I am using the wrong one which is giving the unexpected DR DOS A:/ prompt. I saw another filke on the server called ozTiVo_installer_Philips_1.6.2_20080604.iso.md5 is this like an image file that needs to be used for the boot CD?

I can't be booting a floppy disk because I have no floppy disk in the dirve.

Such a noob I am. Little steps....

08-06-2010, 12:27 AM
The problem is that you are adding a boot image, this is where DR-DOS is coming from.

I haven't used Nero for a while, but you should be able to just burn the .iso file as it is. Nothing needs to be added it is all there.


08-06-2010, 08:48 PM
I use nero, and just select "Burn Image..." from the 'Recorder' menu. Then just find the oztivo .iso, select 'Write' and ''Finalize CD' and Write Method 'Disc at once''. I also turn off buffer underrun protection and burn at 16x or slower to be sure.

08-06-2010, 09:31 PM
Ok what I did tonight was there is this image drive in NERO 6 so I enabled it and mounted the ozTiVo_installer_Philips_1.6.2_20080604.iso to this drive and used the Copy CD to CD feature.

So now I have a burnt CD of the boot CD. I tried to run this CD on both Hard Drives (one at a time of course), setting each drive as master and the CD Drive with the boot CD as the slave. I had the following error messages for each Hard Disk:

For Seagate Barracuda 20gig ST320430A

Error Message: '"Could not find NTLDR" and it just hangs.

For Western Digital 80gig WD800JB

Error Message:

"Error finding BTMAGIC.IMG
Rew BootMagic install
Press any key to boot active partition"

I press <ENTER>

and then I get another error message:

"Partition Table Invalid" and it just hangs.

Anyone have a clue to what went wrong? Was my boot CD copied incorrectly?

10-06-2010, 08:30 PM
Sounds like your PC is trying to boot from the harddrives. Set it to boot from CD first in BIOS

10-06-2010, 09:54 PM
Ok I updated my bios boot settings so that my PC only boots to the CD rom with the boot CD and everything else (boot options) has been disabled. I only tried with Western Digital 80gig WD800JB and get the Error Message: '"Could not find NTLDR" and then prompts me to go into Windows safe mode (which it won't because my windows hard drive has been physically disconnected.) which makes it reboot again and again.

Will reformatting my Hard drive via Windows help?

Darren King
11-06-2010, 09:41 AM
It has already been mentioned but I will reiterate what has already been posted: Your PC is not booting the CD. The messages you are seeing are not possible if the CD is being loaded.

11-06-2010, 11:07 AM
where are you located? someone might be able to come and help you.

11-06-2010, 10:44 PM
Ok..I think I'm getting warmer here.

I think after spending a few days on this (and 10 CD coasters later) I think I have established that the file ozTiVo_installer_Philips_1.6.2_20080604.iso does not work.

Why? Because tonight I decided to burn ozTiVo_installer_Sony_1.6.2_20080604.iso and I went as far as this linux screen (with the twin penguins on top??). Then I decided to burn an old file ozTiVo_installer_Philips_1.6.2_20061106.iso and got the twin penguins too.

However, the menu does not appear and I get another error message:

Can't find knoppix file system sorry
Dropping you to a (very limited) shell
Press reset button to quit

Then I get this KNOPPIX# prompt where I can freely use my keyboard to type. But I'm thinking I should get a menu screen and not this....

Melb SE burbs here....FTG. Thanks.

11-06-2010, 11:31 PM
The file has been in use since 2008 with hundreds of downloads, so I don't think there is any issue with the file.

At least you are on the right track now.

Either your PC does not work with this install CD or your original download was corrupted.

In the same directory as the Iso files we also have an md5sum file (http://www.oztivo.net/oztivofiles/images/ozTiVo_installer_Philips_1.6.2_20080604.iso.md5), this is used to confirm the file you downloaded is not corrupt.

Google md5sum to see how it works and check your download is ok.


11-06-2010, 11:54 PM
Ok I googled and found this IsoBuster program to verify using Checksum. I get a message saying "Checksum does not match". Does that mean I have downloaded the ISO file from the server incorrectly? How can I download the file incorrectly?

Mind you the sony iso file I downloaded has checksum matched message and yet I get the same error message as in #14 thread.

12-06-2010, 12:17 AM
More than likely the Philips image was just corrupted during the download.

Just try again, maybe using a download manager like getright or similar.

But since the checksum matched the Sony image, chances are you will end up with a similar problems. Unfortunately not all PC's work with the installer.

Your best bet would be to try using an older PC if possible, or maybe ask Darren if he could image a drive for you as he also in Victoria (but I know he has had less spare time at home recently).


12-06-2010, 12:24 AM
Thanks, Peter. I will try to contact Darren.

Maybe a Computer Swap Market can also be another option for me.

12-06-2010, 12:31 AM
I do hope to come up with a fix for these issues with some newer PC's, but will not be for a while.


12-06-2010, 05:53 PM
Where there's a will there's a way!

I've actually made a little bit of progress as I've managed to partially restore a Pentium 3 which I have cannibalised many years ago.

So using the boot CD with ozTiVo_installer_Sony_1.6.2_20080604.iso on it, I turned the PC on which took me to the menu screen as expected. Although there were suspicious message that were scrolling up that were too fast for me to read, it went to the menu screen. So as per instructions:

Update - it was OK.

Select - it was OK (one HD)

Image - it was OK (used 127 MB partition swap for my 80 gig HD)

MFsadd - Only one HD I'm using so I skipped this.

Network - I chose the Turbonet option and pressed <enter> all throughout until the very end. But I don't have this turbonet card so I'm wondering whether I should've skipped this.

Emulator - I just pressed enter key all through our not changing any default options on the screen.

Palmod - ditto as per Emulator option.

Sysinit - ditto as per Emulator option.


I've opened my Sony SVR-2000 and took out the original Hard Drive and replaced this with my imaged 80 gig HD, setting my HD drive as single master.

So does this mean I cannot proceed any further until I get say a network card installed in my unit?

12-06-2010, 07:26 PM
How were you planning connecting your TiVo to the internet for it's guide data?

Turbonet type card is the most common, but there are other methods.

There is quite a bit of information in our networking howto (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Network/NetworkingHowto).

Where did you get your TiVo from? The majority of units here already have a network card of some sort in them.


12-06-2010, 10:31 PM
I got the SONY SVR-2000 from the USA which I think only has dial-up connection at the back which I don't think can be used here.

Should I have modified the hardware first before deciding on imaging the OZTIVO software into the hard drive?

Thank god it's the long weekend...my place is full of spaghetti.

12-06-2010, 10:55 PM
If the modem still works (most on eBay seem to have been damaged by lightning), you can use that if you use a dial-up ISP that works with TiVo, there are some on this list (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Network/AustralianISPs).

If you want to use the modem you will need to change from the turbonet settings that you chose when you set it up.

You can find more info about using the modem on our website (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Network/NetworkingWithBuiltinModem).

You might want to have a read through the pages on our website, as most things are covered there.


12-06-2010, 11:05 PM
Thanks, Peter. I think I might just go with the turbonet network card which I still need to get. My ISP is with iprimus and I don't think this is mentioned in the knowledge base that you refer below. (But I will inquire with iprimus just in case.)

12-06-2010, 11:24 PM
No worries, anything not mentioned in the list is an unknown. People add to the list themselves, but not everyone bothers to do it.

If you are after a Turbonet type card, best bet is to contact John (skolink) (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?1547-TurboNZet-TiVo-networks-cards-AU-70).


13-06-2010, 12:44 AM
Yes I think I will go for the Turbonet option and contact Skolink. Will post when I get further developments to this. Thanks!

14-06-2010, 08:37 AM
I just found out from my ISP that my adsl modem hub has DHCP and NAT enabled, which I think means it should be easier for me to set this up. Fingers crossed!

Darren King
14-06-2010, 01:05 PM
Most modems/routers generally do by default. Which means once you get your Turbonet things should work OK.

03-07-2010, 01:20 AM
OK I got my TIVO net work card now (thanks to NZ John). So how do I connect say 2 STBs to set up my TIVO? Is the picture I created below correct?

Hopefully I can get this sorted out this weekend. Thanks!


03-07-2010, 07:48 AM
The pictured setup looks fine. Obviously you can only record from STB2.

03-07-2010, 09:08 AM
OK. My current connection is:
ONE STB connected to the inputs of the TIVO
Outputs of the TIVO connected to the TV
Network Card attached to the TIVO mobo and has network cable connect to a second network port in my ADSL modem/router

I can see the Guided Setup on the TV but I seem to be stuck on "First Setup Call" screen as I am getting a "failed. Service Unavailable message".

Any ideas?

I looked at the network card that I have connected and it has got both the networks lights on but not blinking when I turn on TIVO. Is this suppose to be normal given that I have seen network lights from a PC network card blinking?

Also when I imaged my hard drive in the "network" option on the Menu I just kept pressing enter key until the end and not type/update any settings along the 'wizard' options thinking my TIVO setup is typical and default settings have been used. Is this correct at all?


03-07-2010, 12:15 PM
I can see the Guided Setup on the TV but I seem to be stuck on "First Setup Call" screen as I am getting a "failed. Service Unavailable message".

Any ideas?

I think you need to make sure that you entered the correct information for your network, this is what you said earlier:

So using the boot CD with ozTiVo_installer_Sony_1.6.2_20080604.iso on it, I turned the PC on which took me to the menu screen as expected. Although there were suspicious message that were scrolling up that were too fast for me to read, it went to the menu screen. So as per instructions:

Update - it was OK.

Select - it was OK (one HD)

Image - it was OK (used 127 MB partition swap for my 80 gig HD)

MFsadd - Only one HD I'm using so I skipped this.

Network - I chose the Turbonet option and pressed <enter> all throughout until the very end. But I don't have this turbonet card so I'm wondering whether I should've skipped this.

The network setting need to match your network for it to work.

From memory the default is DHCP, do you have DHCP enabled on your modem/router?

To run the setup again use the command nic_config_tivo see this (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Network/ChangeConfigurationofTurbonet) page for details.


03-07-2010, 09:30 PM
I might just need some further clarification to your post, Peter.

1. Just to confirm, my modem/router has been DHCP enabled. This is because the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window in Control Panel shows "Obtain an IP Address Automatically" and "Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically".

2. If I am able to detach my hard drive from the TIVO and re-image my drive again using the image CD then I do not need to understand/follow your advice for "run the setup again use the command nic_config_tivo see this page for details." because it is the same procedure right?

3. The way I have connected my hard drive in my TIVO should be OK as far as the master/slave jumpers and ribbon cable and power cable are concerned. Because if this is not right then I would not even see the TIVO Guided setup messages on my TV. Ditto answer to me using my 80 gig ide Western Digital Hard Drive.

4. Because I am using DHCP, then there is no need to specify "Subnet Mask" and "Gateway".

Which gets me back to my issue of not being able to connect in the "First Set up Call" part of the Guided Set Up.

If I were to find out the IP Address of my TIVO, is that just connecting my TIVO to my PC network socket with a crossover cable and type ipconfig on the cmd prompt of my Windows XP? and If I do find out what my TIVO's IP Address is, does that mean that at that point my turbonet card has been set up correctly? Because so far I have not been able to get this TIVO IP address and even doing the ping OZTIVO I am not able to get the packets messages.

By the way can I also confirm that I do not need to understand/worry how to get the 3rd party telnet because that is only applicable to "2." which I don't need to go through as I can disconnect my TIVO HD etc etc.


04-07-2010, 12:29 PM
If I were to find out the IP Address of my TIVO, is that just connecting my TIVO to my PC network socket with a crossover cable and type ipconfig on the cmd prompt of my Windows XP? and If I do find out what my TIVO's IP Address is, does that mean that at that point my turbonet card has been set up correctly? Because so far I have not been able to get this TIVO IP address and even doing the ping OZTIVO I am not able to get the packets messages.

Don't connect the tivo directly to the PC, as then it will not get an address from the DHCP server (modem). Log on to your modem and look at the list of DHCP 'clients', you should see your PC listed there.

Are you using an original TiVo harddrive in your TiVo at the moment, or have you got the 80Gb drive in there? If you used an original drive you need to unlock it every time you image it. Otherwise you will still have the original US configured software on it. It should be obvious anyway because it will be in NTSC mode.

You won't be able to ping 'oztivo' because the TiVo does not use the windows discovery protocol. The 'host name' is only used for DHCP address assignment.

05-07-2010, 09:42 PM
I'm not using the original TIVO Disk but a Western Digital 80 gig which I think I have succesfully re-imaged..

I have to work out how to log into my modem and work out what how to look for a list of DHCP 'clients'. Do you think I should also see my TIVO listed here when the TIVO is on and the network cable is connected to the hub?

06-07-2010, 10:13 AM
Yes the TiVo should be listed as a DHCP client along with your PC. You must have the network cable plugged into the TiVo before you power it on, otherwise it won't obtain an IP address. You should see one of the network card LEDs blink occasionally (due to miscellaneous traffic from your PC).

If you can't find the list of DHCP clients on your modem, download 'Angry IP Scanner', hit "IP" button, then "Class C" button, then scan. If you are using Vista or Win7 then I don't know if this will work by default.

07-07-2010, 10:01 PM
OK I rang my isp and I was able to log in to my modem and hub and they showed where I can find all the devices that are currently or in the past connected.

This is what I got:


From the image, it looks like it's just my PC that is currently connected to the ethernet even though the TIVO box is on and cable has been connected to the hub prior to me turning it on. I just turned the TIVO on and not click on the remote to follow the guided set up steps (but I don't think I need to do that first before I check if my hub has recognised the TIVO).

Any more ideas would be great. I tried swapping the cable to0 by using the PC network cable but no cigar...

08-07-2010, 10:43 AM
I'm not really confident that image would show all connected devices. For example if you had a switch plugged into ethport2 with multiple PCs hanging off it?
What does the DHCP server configuration screen look like?
Have you tried doing an IP address scan?
Pretty crazy looking hub with VoIP and cordless phone capability built in.
You could put the HDD back in your PC and reconfigure the network card, making sure 'failsafe' speed is selected rather than standard or 'turbo'. I can't remember what the default is. Also check that the emulator port entered is 9090 (rather than 80 or 8000). I think that is the default on the latest image anyway.
Has your TiVo had the tuner replaced with a PAL tuner? I have had the RF output frequency interfere with network functionality. Your diagram indicated that you do not have a VHF/UHF aerial plugged in, so would not be an issue.

What model is your modem?

10-07-2010, 10:50 AM
I think that is my DHCP screen. Picture this - my modem/hud has two ethernet ports. One connected to my PC and the other connect to the TIVO (which is currently not working). From http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsuDc7S which I previously posted. It can show the PC as the only devices recognised by the modem/hub. When I click on the PC hyperlink from this picture, I get:


As you can see the the PC is set up with DHCP so I think this proves that my DHCP is working because it being used for my PC that is connected to the ethernet port.

I'm using the WIFI for my iphone and my landline to connect to the home socket via the ADSL filter which is why that other info is there.

I also re-imaged my Hard Drive and selected 'failsafe' in the network options and also changed the emulator port to 9090 by selecting "Other" in the emulator part of the menu.

I have not replaced the tuner at all with a PAL tuner as I want to use my STB as the tuner.

I dunno, from a high perspective I just think the network component of my set up is the one not working. If I stuffed up on the re-imaging of the the disk then I don't think guided setup will appear at all on my TV screen. Network card seems to be fine (there's one on spot in the mobo to connect it right? and that's at the front). Maybe my TIVO Unit is faulty?

My modem/hub is provided my ISP IPrimus so it's name is on the modem but looking at the back it says Thomsom with SSID: SpeedTouch0159F4. There is a MAC info here of MAC:001D68811FD8. Maybe I need to use this MAC number in the network settings in the Network part of the re-imaging menu?

When I boot the OZTIVO Re-Imaging CD on my PC I notice from the scrolling message a "Kernel Module Mismatch" message. Does that really matter?

I tried the CACHECARD option from the CD but I got a error message on my TV screen (as expected I suppose).

I wish I had another device to connect to my modem/hub to test DHCP.

I changed the MAC # thing as well and that didn't work.

Actually I do have another Device to test my DHCP - my network printer. So I connected my network printer in the ethernet port along with my PC and this what I got:


And clicking on my printer link gives:


DHCP again! I think my DHCP settings for my modem/hub is correct.

10-07-2010, 11:26 AM
Is there no screen where you can set the modem's IP, enable/disable DHCP and choose what IP addresses it goves out via DHCP? Your ISP has probably locked all such functions.
I agree that DHCP seems to be working since your PC an iPhone have both been assigned an address. Since your PC's address is it is likely that the TiVo will be assigned an address in the range to
Also your HDD imaging must have been sucessful or you would not be able to boot the TiVo as you point out. I think the kernel mismatch error is normal.
You should not have chosen 'other' for the emulator, you should have chosen 'oztivo.net' and then at the next prompt checked/changed the port to 9090. You have now probably set the emulator address to 9090 when is should be www.oztivo.net
There is no need to change the MAC address unless you have two series1 TiVos on the same network.

Although I test all network cards before they go out, it is possible (although unlikely) the turbonet card is faulty. If you want to risk paying return postage, then you can send it back for me to retest. Obviously if it is faulty I will cover the postage both ways.

If you do get the network going, then can I just check you are aware of the guided setup how-to (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Install/GuidedSetup16)

10-07-2010, 11:56 AM
I cannot see any option to change the emulator address to 9090 when I choose www.oztivo.net. It just goes back to the Select NIC to install screen. (Maybe Petestrach can confirm?)

Yeah I might just return this to you for retest. Just give me your postal details and will post on Monday.

Just too stubborn I suppose to get this sorted out rather than get a new TIVO unit and let this one be a door stopper :)

Also, I've taken a picture of the turbonet card connected to my TIVO unit:


As you can see I cannot push the card further into the mobo cause that's as far as it gets so you can see those "gold tracks" slightly exposed. Also the card will only work (i.e. network card lights turned on) when the card is slotted in an angle as you can see. Otherwise the network lights won't turn on.

By the way for some reason, my TIVO can only be switched off by physically unplugging it from the power cable and the off/on button from the remote does not work. Is this normal?

Yes I am aware of the guided set up page. Thanks.

10-07-2010, 04:04 PM
Why can't you get the turboNZet card to seat properly?
Did you modify/remove the foot underneath the connector as described here: http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Hardware/InstallingTurbonetCard

10-07-2010, 07:42 PM
Why can't you get the turboNZet card to seat properly?
Did you modify/remove the foot underneath the connector as described here: http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Hardware/InstallingTurbonetCard

You legend!

Let's see what happens next. Level up!




10-07-2010, 09:59 PM
Now I'm trying to calibrate the channels with my TEAC STB SDB440. I know in the Guided setup what the actual configuration should be however when I channel surf the channels do not change. I have connected the IR cable and stuck it next to the IR receiver part of the STB but still no luck. I can see the channels trying to change in some instances though as channel numbers appear on the screen.

I tried to muck around with the other STB OZTIVO STB models and now I notice a latency when I navigate in the OZTIVO channels and I also cannot get back to the phone/recording setup screen. I think I might re-image my disk again and repeat the process.

11-07-2010, 08:30 AM
I've worked out how this IR Receiver works. I actually thought the TIVO remote should point to these receivers when changing channels.

The TIVO IR receivers need to be near the STB receiver as shown:


I guess I need to tidy up here now and play around with this machine a bit more.

Thank you for all the help and suggestions here.

I'm very fortunate that my Television is a SONY which means I can use some of the buttons of the Sony TIVO remote that I have!

12-07-2010, 01:36 PM
Also, I've taken a picture of the turbonet card connected to my TIVO unit: Sheesh. Well I guess that will be the first question I ask next time...at least you mentioned it before sending the card back.
Out of curiousity, does the TiVo now show up on the modem's 'Home Network' connections page?
If you saw digits on screen that is a good start in terms of IR control of your STB. You can adjust the number of digits and the delay between digits later if you need to, the main thing is getting it to change reliably for a start.
The good news is that your STB is listed here http://www.oztivo.net/tivo-bin/irdatabase.cgi (you need a login to view page) so should be in the oztivo IR database.

15-07-2010, 10:40 PM
Yes OZTIVO Is showing on the Home Network connections page:


Luckily I posted a picture of my network card 'inserted' into the mobo. Otherwise it would have been worthless to return the card back. I actually thought the card was faulty as it wouldn't fit in the mobo).I try and provide as much information here as I can since I used to work in a tech support role.

How do I log in to the ir database? the links to provide in page if you cancel seem to be broken.

Having fun with my TIVO now. This might sound cliché by now but I like this device, not having that much exposure to DVRs until now. I also got the chance to get a device to act as a wireless bridge so that I don't have any cables running between rooms (albeit my total costs should now be equivalent to a brand new TIVO unit). Maybe install my other 80 gig HD on the OZTIVO or get a 500 gig IDE drive next...still deciding!

Thanks again.

15-07-2010, 10:53 PM
How do I log in to the ir database? the links to provide in page if you cancel seem to be broken.

You need to Register (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiRegistration) first.


05-08-2010, 10:59 PM
Not sure where to put it so I'll just put it here. Thank you very much to the organiser(s) for creating this Australian site for TiVo users! I've just discovered it after having a TiVo for about a year and will be reading through it all with great interest.

Cheers, K