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View Full Version : National Radio (Sky Channel 101)

05-08-2004, 10:52 PM

I'm interested in having National Radio (Sky Channel 101) included in the guide data.

If I provided the schedule could it be included?

For that matter what else can I do?
BTW, I happen to know someone else who is under employed, eh Thomson?!




Not that I actually care but I noticed that the Arts Channel on Sky is listed in the guide data as Channel 57 when it should be Channel 59.

06-08-2004, 09:56 PM
I'm planning on including radio stations soon..

Re: Arts channel, Are you using the emulator or loadguide?

06-08-2004, 10:05 PM
Hmmm, re Arts channel... (stupid question which you may ignore) how can I tell what I'm using? This TiVo actually belongs to Thomson, while mine may be here Monday/Tuesday (from George at EkSys). When it is here and I learn how to set it up (I should use the emulator I presume) I'll let you know what I see.


Go to bed and stop answering my posts!!!!!! :) ......... THANKS.

07-08-2004, 08:17 AM
I've also had a request for radio and a few other goodies. I'm thinking maybe what should be done is including *all* the digital channels (music 'n everything) in the headend, with the caveat that there may not be data for the channels. How's this grab everyone? If y'all figure it's worthwhile, I'd propose we stick with the standard format (7998xxx where xxx == the sky channel). There are a couple of oddballs, like UKTV, but it seems reasonable to standardize on that format since we're all using it already. If it's agreeable let me know... As for Arts, it looks like I do have it at 57, so I can correct that when I update the headend with all the other channels. Let me know if there are any other problematic channels.

07-08-2004, 09:25 AM
Thanks Ed, I for one like that idea.

Regarding my offer to provide the National Radio guide data... do you want me to? I suppose it's a way I can get more involved. Of course you may prefer to do it more by yourself. Naturally that is also OK by me (I'm always over commiting myself anyway :) ).

07-08-2004, 12:58 PM
I'll add the stations and ID's to my current setup this weekend. Ed I'll let you know which ID corresponds to which station.

27-08-2004, 08:23 PM
Thanks guys, appreciated.