View Full Version : Just got TiVo 1 :) can't finish setup call :(

28-01-2010, 09:02 PM

Just wanted to ask for suggestions on what could be my next step (or I may have missed something really obvious after reading the docs). I got the TiVo off a friend who just upgraded to the new series. First thing I did was upgrade my box to 1.6.2.

I however can't complete set up because the first setup call wont finish. Networking is all fine on the TiVo (ping, dns, wget, turned off firewall on modem/router etc) and I've tried all the transparent proxy changes (even though I don't think I go through one, but hey!) but I still get the same error (in tclient log). The log lines look like:
(I hope these are the relevant lines)

Jan 28 20:41:02 (none) comm[166]: Using Ethernet. Not starting modem/pppd.
Jan 28 20:41:02 (none) comm[166]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Start_Auth, Status In Progress
Jan 28 20:41:02 (none) comm[166]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "ST|33"
Jan 28 20:41:03 (none) comm[166]: CommUtil: connection to host, port 9090, err 0x0
Jan 28 20:41:03 (none) comm[166]: Uploading HTTP Header for modLog of /var/log/svclog: POST /tivo-service/mlog.cgi HTTP/1.0^M Content-Length: 319059^M ^M
Jan 28 20:44:17 (none) comm[166]: XferRqst timeout waiting to read
Jan 28 20:44:17 (none) comm[166]: drainGetPostQ: doXfer failed err=65535 (0xffff)
Jan 28 20:44:17 (none) comm[166]: NetAgent: drainPostQ failed, err = 0xffff

So it is timing out from what I can tell. I've tried connecting through the emuProxyZA as well. I have a turboNet card and use a wireless bridge to connect.

Any suggestions on what to try next or clues as to the problem?

Thanks in advance!

29-01-2010, 04:04 AM
Well that is a weird one.

Since you are using port 9090 there should not be any proxy issue, but the log does timeout the same as ones that do have proxy issues...

Can you try
traceroute -p 9090


29-01-2010, 07:34 AM
Where abouts are you? Could you perhaps add your location to your profile. Someone local (like me) may be able to help you quickly run through the setup correctly, just in case you missed something. Might save you alot of frustration (took me 3 weeks to get my first one going).

29-01-2010, 08:52 AM
Where abouts are you? Could you perhaps add your location to your profile. Someone local (like me) may be able to help you quickly run through the setup correctly, just in case you missed something. Might save you alot of frustration (took me 3 weeks to get my first one going).

Thanks for the tip. Profile updated, I'm in Sydney.

Well that is a weird one.

Since you are using port 9090 there should not be any proxy issue, but the log does timeout the same as ones that do have proxy issues...

Can you try


Traceroute from the TiVo makes it in 15 hops. I'm going to direct connect to my modem tonight (cut the wireless bridge out) and see if that helps, will let you know. I use bigpond, if worse comes to worse I can bring it into work and test here using a different ISP.

I ran a wget from the TiVo as well:
wget http://www.oztivo.net/tivo-service/mlog.cgi and with http://www.oztivo.net:9090/tivo-service/mlog.cgi
Which returned a file with just "Done." (I don't think wget (or this version) on the box supports POST requests) .

I've double checked the firewall and I tested the page where you enter in your box ID and it reports never to have checked in.

Thank you both for your replies, much appreciated.

29-01-2010, 08:14 PM
When you did the Turbonet setup on the boot CD menu, did you choose Failsafe? If not you can edit /etc/oztivo.conf and change/add the line timing=16. Might help it to make it all the way through the call

09-02-2010, 08:08 PM
When you did the Turbonet setup on the boot CD menu, did you choose Failsafe? If not you can edit /etc/oztivo.conf and change/add the line timing=16. Might help it to make it all the way through the call

Finally got a chance to get back on to this, still no luck though. Thanks for your reply Skolink. I didn't run the Turbonet setup boot CD, I was given the box with 1.5 running, I upgraded it to 1.6 following the wiki article, all appeared fine from the upgrade. I did change the /etc/oztivo.conf and increased the timing value to 16 but still get the same error.

I plugged the TiVo straight into my modem (to eliminate the wireless bridge I have running) and still get the "XferRqst timeout waiting to read".

My next step would be to try a different internet connection, but might be a pain. Is there anything else you think I should try? Should I look at re-installing anything? Is there anything other than network I need to get the initial setup call working, eg does the TiVo have to be plugged into the foxtel box and receiving a signal?


11-02-2010, 10:08 AM
To be honest at this stage I would start again with a fresh image, unless there are heaps of shows/seasons passes/thumbs data you don't want to loose. If you don't have access to an older PC that will boot the ozTiVo installer disk I guess this is not an option for you.
I recently upgraded my parents' TiVo from v1.5 to the latest via the web, and apparently now it's not working so well. I'm just going to reimage it next time I'm down.

Darren King
11-02-2010, 12:04 PM
Yes I tend to agree with Skolink on this one. There could be some niggly software issues that can be wiped clean with a total fresh install. At the very least if you do not want to lose settings but wish to give it a try then just grab another small hard disk (10GB and up is fine) and do it as a test on this hard disk. At least then you will have an idea if it makes a difference or not.

12-02-2010, 07:43 PM
Thanks for all your help guys. I don't have anything on it that I don't mind losing. I'll re-image the disk when I get a chance and I'll let you know how I go. Cheers!