View Full Version : Tivo complains of no signal

31-12-2009, 09:58 AM
I am running an old Sony svr2000 (Tivo series 1) for several years now.
The Tivo signal is coming from a Strong FTA satellite box (video source is the composite jack).
While I was not at home, the children played with the satellite remote, while the Tivo was recording. I can see that on the recording. All of a sudden the recording stopped (they did not touch the Tivo remote).
Now the Tivo complains that there is no signal. This is however not true, as I can see the program if I plug the video jack directly to the TV.

I am running the Tivo with two sources, antenna (source 1) and cable box (source 2). (the satellite box can output antenna signal, and I tried plugging that in as well, with no success).

I am wondering if anyone has an idea for what happened other than a Hardware malfunction (and if that could be related to the satellite box), and if so of a possible remedy.

I have tried rebooting the Tivo of course.


31-12-2009, 11:01 AM
Can you try plugging a DVD or game machine into the composite input and reboot the TiVo.


04-01-2010, 01:46 AM
Thanks Peter,

I have done this of course. No reuslt.
Is there any point in trying to run the guided setup again?


04-01-2010, 02:03 AM
Sure, why not give it a try.

Also if you still get the same thing also try GS using S-Video instead to narrow down the issue.


05-01-2010, 07:37 PM

I am now having trouble with the guided setup.
I have an Airnet card, and I am able to telnet to the Tivo.

However, the Setup call in the guided setup fails on the first step
("Connecting"). The unit goes through These steps:

Connecting (Approx 1-2 minutes)
Connecting (Preparing to call)
Connecting (Connecting...)
Connecting (Failed. Service unavailable)

Any ideas?


05-01-2010, 07:46 PM
Please attach your tclient log (zipped) so I can see why it is failing.

Can you force a daily call, does that still work?


PS if all you want to do is change the input, it can be done manually (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Hardware/ConvertCompositeToSVideo).

06-01-2010, 07:24 AM
Thanks for the advice.

Attached please find the tclient file.
Would have been nice to change the source, but I am afraid
it is too late now.
When I use the MFS (via tivowebplus) to look at the Source object
I find that it is almost empty (unlike in the past). It only contains the following
Connector 1
RFChannel 3
SignalType 1
VariableBitrate 0

Did the fact that I started the Guided setup erase the old values. I distinctly remember
an object with all the channels on the TV box.

Thanks again,


07-01-2010, 12:01 AM
Looking at the log it cannot connect because it thinks it is still online.

Try a reboot to see if it clears the issue.

There are also some hardware issues that may cause it if still unsuccessful.


07-01-2010, 04:40 AM
I tried to reboot several times, but no luck.

I guess my only choice now, is to reinstall the image disc, and try my luck.
I have an Airnet card. Is there a way to set the image to work with Airnet by default?
(otherwise, I would need to connect by serial cable to change the settings. That would be a serious
pain, if I can find the cable at all).


07-01-2010, 12:06 PM
Assuming you are using the US image, you can setup Airnet during the install.

Also I would test the harddrive with Seatools before reimaging the drive to make sure it is not the cause.


07-01-2010, 11:48 PM
I am not really familiar with the US image. I am in Israel, and have used the OZTivo images so far.
We are in Pal system, so I prefer PAL (although all our TVs here are multisystem).
It's a good idea to check the HD.
Perhaps the problem was that I recently upgraded to 1.6 image from 1.3 . Perhaps this did not
go perferctly well?


08-01-2010, 12:12 AM
If you use our current 1.6.2 image it includes setting up AirNet during the install.
