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View Full Version : New Foxtel/Austar channels

15-11-2009, 12:35 PM
Hi there,
We seem to have a complete change around of the foxtel and austar channels. They're not in my "select programs you receive" list.

What's the go with this, is there a new oztivo image or something?


15-11-2009, 05:14 PM
Hi Netmedic,

I re-ran the Guided Setup (this keeps all your current settings) and when you get to the Channel selection you should then see all the new channels. Note: the first time I got to the Channel selection in Guided Setup today (for me it's Foxtel Digital Satellite), it didn't show the new channels, so I selected Foxtel Digital Cable, then went back and reselected Foxtel Digital Satellite and then all the new channels were available. Completed Guided Setup and I now have all the new channels.

Here's a link on how to re-run Guided Setup:


Hope that helps,
Astro :)

15-11-2009, 06:23 PM
Mine just worked after todays phone home.

Phone home happened some time around 5:00pm



15-11-2009, 11:12 PM
They should all work without re-doing guided setup.

Changes are still being made behind the scenes, if you still have not received the changes after doing a daily call Sunday night please post here.

Let us know what city you are in, which Pay TV company, and how you get your signal (cable/sat).


16-11-2009, 08:43 AM
Our two required guided setup. Now the time is 5 hours behind. I have performed another daily call to no avail. settime doesn't work either. Sydney (north of), Foxtel Satellite. version 3.0-01-1-000 as reported by system information.

Followup: rebooted and time fixed.


16-11-2009, 10:14 PM
Hi All,

The changes to the channel line up on Austar have really done my Tivo in. I've phoned home, rebooted, etc, and I'm still struggling to get everything back in order.

I'm rerunning the Guided Setup now and hope that will get things working again. I'll reply soon on whether I was successful or not.

My Setup:

Gold Coast
Single Source (RCA)
Austar Digital


UPDATE: Rerunning Guided Setup worked, though I first had to reboot to get my clock in sync. Also, it appears as though I have my old channels in the line up, as well as the new ones. So, I had to consult with Austar's online guide to choose the right ones.

17-11-2009, 01:45 AM
It 's a shame you have both run GS.

We would have liked to have figured out why it was not working for you to stop any issues with future changes by Foxtel.

If anyone else still has problems please let us know before resorting to running GS. We would like to know why there are a few systems that have had trouble, and stop it from occurring in the future.


17-11-2009, 10:13 AM

Still having problems with my lineup (channels missing, mapped to wrong channel, etc) and have held off running guided setup.

Happy to help if I can...

Philips series 1
Optus cable with Foxtel STB
Oztivo 1.6.2 latest version


17-11-2009, 04:57 PM

Can you have a look at the channels listed on the Channels you receive screen, and let me know what is actually wrong in detail.


18-11-2009, 10:12 AM

Here's a couple of the problems I've got:

1) Can't add Channel 132 (Ovation) to "Channels you receive" in Channel Prefs.
If I add it, and update I get:

ADDING Channel 125 to "Channels You Receive" -- Already Set
ADDING Channel 606 to "Channels You Receive" -- Already Set
ADDING Channel 120 to "Channels You Receive" -- Already Set
ADDING Channel 117 to "Channels You Receive" -- Already Set

Still seems to think it's 125 (Now Sci-Fi)

2) Scrambled channels:
Not sure this is 100% (need to go through channel by channel) but from TWP and the foxtel guide, here's the difference:

Ch# Should be My TiVo
112 The Comedy Channel CLAS
113 13th Street CMDY
114 FOX Classics W
115 W. BIOG
117 Bio. FOOD
120 Lifestyle YOU PREVIEW
606 The History Channel BBC
608 Discovery Channel HIST
610 National Geo Aus DISC
612 BBC Knowledge NGEO

I've done several "phone home" updates, reindexed from Channel Prefs - no help.

Let me know what else you want to know. Happy to help - at least for a while until my wife gets upset :mad:

We made need to take this out of forum if this gets more involved...


18-11-2009, 04:33 PM
Ok, I'm just trying to figure out which headend you are subscribed to with the optus/foxtel mix.

Could you please go to the My Slices (http://www.oztivo.net/tivo-bin/myslices.pl) page and let me know the name of the latest slice you have received.

1) have you only tried adding channels via TWP or have you tried the regular way using the menu on the TiVo itself?

I would like to leave this on the forum for others to use or comment on.


21-11-2009, 04:08 PM
I ran the guided setup and it kind of failed to do anything. Now I can't watch anything other than what is already recorded.

When I ran Guided Setup it asks for the 3 thumbs and enter, informs me about it taking about 35 minutes and then dumped me to the home screen. I'm pretty sure that is not supposed to happen. Reboots (warm or cold) do nothing.

Now Live TV is just black and the TV Guide is empty (though stuff comes up on TiVoWeb channel listing). There is a persistent white line at the top of the screen. In anything in the Settings and Messages menu there is the progress bar.

I suspect something is completely broken on my TiVo box because a couple other settings options also dump me back to the home screen (like the Phone call option). Is there a way to run the guided setup from the command line or TiVoWeb?

On the bright side SciFi and Ovation have swapped to their correct channel numbers.

21-11-2009, 05:50 PM
I managed to get Guided Setup to start correctly from TiVo Web (NTSC PAL option). Things seem to work now except the IR control, but that's a problem for another thread.

Edit: It's working now. The time is about 5 hours slow but so is the TV guide. I'll reboot it after it finishes organising the guide data, that should fix it.

22-11-2009, 10:51 PM

The new channel lineup for Austar Digital is working fine on my Tivo - big thanks to Peter and the others for all the tireless work they do.

Just one thing, the Austar channel lineup seems to have missed channel 179 SBSTWO-NSW

Peter, is it possible to have it added to the QLD Austar lineup? (I've checked and it looks like the other states Austar lineups are also missing their equivalent SBSTWO)

I get the slice file QL14016

thanks for all the help!

23-11-2009, 12:41 AM
I'll look into it.

Austar seems to share the Foxtel digital lineup.


Darren King
23-11-2009, 07:13 AM
When I ran Guided Setup it asks for the 3 thumbs and enter, informs me about it taking about 35 minutes and then dumped me to the home screen. I'm pretty sure that is not supposed to happen.
That is normal as you found out in your subsequent post. Just for reference of anyone else reading the procedure is covered here: http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Install/RedoGuidedSetup

The time is about 5 hours slow but so is the TV guide. I'll reboot it after it finishes organising the guide data, that should fix it.
It will.

23-11-2009, 02:05 PM
Looks like the Foxtel lineup is missing 179 SBS-TWO also.

23-11-2009, 02:08 PM
Looks like the Foxtel lineup is missing 179 SBS-TWO also.

Yes, like I said Austar Digital seems to be using the Foxtel Digital Lineup.

It will be added to both.


23-11-2009, 04:34 PM
Just trying to work out what timezone SBSTWO is shown in for different states.

Can anyone people with Foxtel or Austar let me know if channel 179 is showing the same program as SBSTWO is showing FTA, or even just what was showing at a given time.

Please include your state, if you are using Austar or Foxtel, and if on cable or satellite.



24-11-2009, 11:41 PM
Just trying to work out what timezone SBSTWO is shown in for different states.

Can anyone people with Foxtel or Austar let me know if channel 179 is showing the same program as SBSTWO is showing FTA, or even just what was showing at a given time.

Please include your state, if you are using Austar or Foxtel, and if on cable or satellite.



I'm in QLD with Austar Satellite. SBSTWO (ch 179) on Austar is on NSW time (daylight savings - same as Austar SBS ch 104) - one hour in front of QLD FTA SBS TWO.

We get our own timeshift SBS channels :D


25-11-2009, 01:04 AM
Great that's what I would have expected given what we have for SBS already.

Anyone here with Foxtel?


25-11-2009, 10:24 AM
Ok, I'm just trying to figure out which headend you are subscribed to with the optus/foxtel mix.

Could you please go to the My Slices (http://www.oztivo.net/tivo-bin/myslices.pl) page and let me know the name of the latest slice you have received.

Here's the detail:
OzTiVo TV Guide Slice Search for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Your OzTiVo receives these lineups: VI03013.

The following table shows what TV guide slices are available on the OzTiVo Emulator, which slices you have already received, and which guide slices your OzTiVo will receive when it performs its next Daily Call.
Slice File Data Starting At Status
VI03013_14552-14566.slice.gz 4 November Already received
VI03013_14553-14567.slice.gz 5 November Already received
VI03013_14554-14568.slice.gz 6 November Already received
VI03013_14555-14569.slice.gz 7 November Already received
VI03013_14556-14570.slice.gz 8 November Already received
VI03013_14557-14571.slice.gz 9 November Already received
VI03013_14558-14572.slice.gz 10 November Already received
VI03013_14559-14573.slice.gz 11 November Already received
VI03013_14560-14574.slice.gz 12 November Already received
VI03013_14561-14575.slice.gz 13 November Already received
VI03013_14562-14576.slice.gz 14 November Already received
VI03013_14563-14577.slice.gz 15 November Already received
VI03013_14564-14578.slice.gz 16 November Already received
VI03013_14565-14579.slice.gz 17 November Already received
VI03013_14566-14580.slice.gz 18 November Already received
VI03013_14567-14581.slice.gz 19 November Already received
VI03013_14568-14582.slice.gz 20 November Already received
VI03013_14569-14583.slice.gz 21 November Already received
VI03013_14570-14584.slice.gz 22 November Already received
VI03013_14571-14585.slice.gz 23 November May have downloaded
VI03013_14572-14586.slice.gz 24 November May have downloaded

If you see the status "May have downloaded", then this indicates that the Emulator told your OzTiVo to download this slice, but until you do another Daily Call, the Emulator cannot tell if the slice was downloaded successfully.

1) have you only tried adding channels via TWP or have you tried the regular way using the menu on the TiVo itself?

I would like to leave this on the forum for others to use or comment on.


What a novel idea :) Using the TiVo TV interface.
Setting up the channels here seems to work. 132 is now Ovation, and all the channels seem OK. SBS2 is missing (but I see someone else has mentioned this also).

Still have lots of duplicate channels, and channels with more than 1 name.
e.g. On the TiVo menu I get:
125 Ovation
125 Sci-Fi
125 Sci-Fi
and I pick one of the SciFi channels.
I'm hoping that both of these match the "right" channels with the guide data and it doesn't matter which one I pick.


25-11-2009, 04:26 PM
Here's the detail:
OzTiVo TV Guide Slice Search for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Your OzTiVo receives these lineups: VI03013.

This means you are using the Foxtel Digital Cable lineup for Victoria.

What a novel idea :) Using the TiVo TV interface.
Setting up the channels here seems to work. 132 is now Ovation, and all the channels seem OK. SBS2 is missing (but I see someone else has mentioned this also).

Cool, glad it worked for you. TiVoWeb sometimes does not load new channels into it's cache. It is safer to use the TiVo's own menus to manage the channels you watch.

Working on SBSTWO now should be added soon, but would still like some confirmation on time zone used in non ESDT zones.

Still have lots of duplicate channels, and channels with more than 1 name.
e.g. On the TiVo menu I get:
125 Ovation
125 Sci-Fi
125 Sci-Fi
and I pick one of the SciFi channels.
I'm hoping that both of these match the "right" channels with the guide data and it doesn't matter which one I pick.

The TiVo gets a little clingy to channels that have been removed sometimes. As long as you have EPG for the channel, you have the correct one.

If you want to clean up your channel list, we have a way to do it here (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Howto/DeleteOldChannels).


25-11-2009, 07:19 PM
I have foxtel cable and the following channels are missing in Tivo:
179 SBS Two
129 Go! (started yesterday)

25-11-2009, 07:35 PM
Thanks Kierza,

Could you please let me know what state you are in, as you have not included it in your profile.

And Could you let me know if SBSTWO and GO! are both showing the same as live FTA TV.


26-11-2009, 05:55 PM
Sydney NSW
Both channels are transmitting the FTA signal live

27-11-2009, 02:09 AM
Thanks, but unfortunately anyone on ESDT (ACT/NSW/Tas/Vic) does not really help lock down which time zone is being used.

I need to know about these stations from someone who is not on ESDT (Qld, SA, NT,WA).


28-11-2009, 04:32 PM
We have added SBSTWO, ABC3, and GO to most lineups.

Do a daily call to pick them up and if there are any issues let me know.


06-12-2009, 01:15 PM
Thanks Peter. SBSTWO now working fine on Austar.
cheers Jon

06-12-2009, 04:15 PM


Dave Hatt
28-12-2009, 05:14 PM
I'm having a wierd problem with the new lineup on one of my UK OzTiVo boxes since the change (and yes, I'm only just getting around to looking at it now!). I have two other UK OzTiVo boxes and they handled the new Foxtel lineup changes just fine, despite the fact that I thought they were all set up identically, and all use the UK 2.5.5 image. The one with the problem doesn't see the new lineup and it doesn't let me change the lineup through Guided Setup either!

Of course as luck would have it, this is the wife's machine so I dare not reimage it. Nor do I dare tinker with the settings manually. :eek: I must say that I'm stumped, despite being able to resolve most of my issues myself in the past. Hopefully this will make sense to one of the esteemed members here! :)

When I do a GS, if I select any postcode other than the 02000 setting it was using originally I get the following message after the initial call:

No ariel or cable/digital terrestrial channel data
was found for your Postal Code.

Please try the Postal Code of a neighbouring
community that has the same or similar service
providers and arial channel lineup.

The same happens if I try select another service provider.

When I look at the tclient log file of the machine I see the following:

12/28:13:34:53: /tvbin/TClient: Current postalcode: 02000
12/28:13:34:53: /tvbin/TClient: getting headendID
12/28:13:34:53: /tvbin/TClient: getting headend ID List info
12/28:13:34:53: /tvbin/TClient: working on headend: dbobj309
12/28:13:34:53: /tvbin/TClient: Found TmsHeadendId = NS12015

I figure it is somehow using the wrong headend, because the log file of one of my tivos that works fine says:

12/28:06:11:48: /tvbin/TClient: Current postalcode: 02000
12/28:06:11:48: /tvbin/TClient: Nothing found so returning: |DBS-0
12/28:06:11:48: /tvbin/TClient: getting headendID
12/28:06:11:48: /tvbin/TClient: getting headend ID List info
12/28:06:11:48: /tvbin/TClient: working on headend: dbobj178
12/28:06:11:48: /tvbin/TClient: Found TmsHeadendId = NS02015

From what I can see, the Headend NS12015 has not been updated for the new lineup (I guess its obsolete) which shouldn't be a problem except that I can't seem to change the lineup through GS.

Is there a manual way to change the lineup for this TiVo? Or maybe a manual way to change the headend? I've looked at all the old documentation but haven't seen anything comprehensive enough on this topic.

Another thing that occurred to me is that maybe my UK TiVo has slipped off the list of the TiVo's using the UK image? Although I recall not being able to complete GS when this was the case, so I'm not confident about this being the problem.

28-12-2009, 08:18 PM
Is your TiVo setup for one source or two?

Please send me your TiVo serial number by private message and I'll check it is included in the UK TiVo system.


Dave Hatt
29-12-2009, 01:20 AM
It's set for two inputs (pretty much the only option with the UK boxes): Arial plus Digital Terrestrial.

I will send a PM with the serial number for checking. Thanks Peter.


29-12-2009, 02:04 AM
You Serial# is still set on the system as using UK software, so that is not the issue.

Been a while since I played with a 2.5.5 image.

From memory your second input source needs to be for Pay TV, and the First source for the antenna connection. If you set it up backwards you can get the issues you are seeing.


Dave Hatt
29-12-2009, 02:33 PM
Hi Peter,

Thanks for confirming/ruling out the UK related issue. What you say about the setup makes sense. I've been using the second option on the setup (Arial + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial) but you could be on to something as maybe I've been selecting Foxtel Digital as my first source in error.

Meanwhile I've been trying to get GS to work since this morning, but its been failing on the setup call with the message "Failed. Number unavailable"

That said, my other two TiVos are having the same "Failed. Number unavailable" message since this morning on their daily calls. I have rebooted everything (routers, computers, TiVos) so I am suspecting that its just unlucky timing and for some reason the TiVo server is unavailable right now!

I will monitor the situation and try your suggestion when it becomes available.

Cheers, Dave

29-12-2009, 02:45 PM
There are no server issues at our end, so must be something at your place or ISP for all to have the same issue.


Dave Hatt
29-12-2009, 03:01 PM
I was afraid you might say that!

I've been using TiVos with the same ISP (Optus Cable) for about 5 years with no problems (and no transparent proxy issues either) so I'm just putting this down to coincidence for now and will give it a bit more time in case it resolves itself.

Meanwhile I did try a ping test to via Telnet from one of the TiVos and it was receiving packets just fine.

I feel like I'm digging the hole deeper at this point!

Regards, Dave.

Dave Hatt
29-12-2009, 11:31 PM
Well the "Number unavailable" error disappeared by itself. (:confused: Weird). So now I have had a chance to try Peter's advice to select arial first.

On the UK TiVo Image there are 5 Programme Source options:
1. Arial Only
2. Arial + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial
3. Arial + Analogue Cable
4. Digital Satellite + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial
5. Arial + Digital Satellite

I've been using option 2 on this box, but I've tried them all now without any real success. Here are the results:

1. Arial Only - not suitable for set top box use, ignored.

2. Arial + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial - actually this only gives one chance to select a service provider, so I selected 'Foxtel Digital - Satellite, NS' which is what I'm using. When selecting this one, the channels are still wrong, showing the old satellite lineup. In fact I just realised that each Foxtel channel shows (cab) next to it insteal of (sat). I wonder if that indicates this lineup was wrong from the start. Tried several other service
providers, including Digital FTA (wrong lineup for what I need, and no choice to select an additional Foxtel lineup) Foxtel Digital Cable (same wrong lineup as Satellite) Austar Digital Satellite (still the same old/wrong Foxtel lineup) and just plain non digital Foxtel (completely wrong channel numbers).

3. Arial + Analogue Cable - exactly the same as option 2

4. Digital Satellite + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial - I get the message 'No service providers were found in your Postal Code.'

5. Arial + Digital Satellite - exactly the same as option 4, i.e. 'No service providers were found in your Postal Code.'

Now I seem to remember having option 4 working previously on my boxes, and believe this was the option that previously allowed both FTA and Foxtel to be set up as Peter suggests. Maybe the problem is now this option doesn't find any service providers for some reason?

So to summarise: the old 'Foxtel Digital - Satellite, NS' service seems to select the wrong lineup (NS12015 instead of NS02015). When I try to change to another Programme Source that theoretically should allow the correct lineup, it instead fails to find any Service Providers (and I know this option used to work a few years ago).

Any suggestions greatly appreciated! :confused:

30-12-2009, 01:52 AM
With the three issues you have:

1. This TiVo did not automatically get the updates
2. You cannot change postcodes
3. You are only getting the Cable headend, and not the Satellite one

All seem to point to an error in your TiVo's software.

The easiest option would be to do a full Clear & Delete Everything so the MFS is rebuilt.

I'll have a look at the headend which may have a workaround for you, but it would only be a temporary solution at best.


Dave Hatt
30-12-2009, 10:45 AM
Hi Peter,

Thanks for your advice. I was beginning to suspect that something could be corrupted, but was hoping to not lose the recordings (this being the wife's box and all!).

Out of interest I ran mfscheck with the following results:

[TiVo [p0] ~]# mfscheck
EventSwitcher stopped
mfscheck scan begins
Checking reference counts
All reference counts are OK.
mfscheck scan ends
mfscheck: 0 fatal errors, 0 severe errors, 0 warnings.

Now I'm not ruling out an impending hard drive failure, but the box is otherwise working fine and I did replace this drive 18 months ago as a precaution.

Either way, sounds like I need to start the process of downloading those recordings!

30-12-2009, 03:13 PM
Apart from mfscheck, another test that may correct the errors is fsfix, but I did not suggest either as after running them you may end up with a TiVo that will not boot.

One non destructive method of testing the actual drive is using seagates seatool utility.


Dave Hatt
30-12-2009, 06:39 PM
Thanks Peter, good idea. I ran fsfix and got a segmentation fault error:

TiVo [p0] /tvbin]# /tvbin/fsfix -splash -uncollide -rehash -salvage
Writing 401560 bytes to OSD at address 0
EventSwitcher stopped
fsfix: mounted MFS volume, starting consistency checks.
Segmentation fault

I am going to try a clear and delete everything and see where that gets me.

Cheers, Dave

30-12-2009, 06:54 PM
I have double checked the server, and there is nothing (even temporary) I can do for you.

The C&DE should rebuild the MFS and allow the updated headend to be loaded.


Dave Hatt
30-12-2009, 08:39 PM
Well I've completed the C&DE. But still no joy.

Now after I complete the setup call, every Programme Source that I select gives the message 'No service providers were found in your Postal Code'.

I can't understand it. I've done this many times in the past without these problems.

30-12-2009, 08:49 PM
Can you just confirm this TiVo did make daily calls before and was not still using the old loadguide system?

I cannot see any recent downloads from this TiVo's TSN.


Dave Hatt
30-12-2009, 09:38 PM
Yes definitely this TiVo has been making daily calls for more than 2 years. Its had a new HDD 2 years ago, and I configured it for the server move last year. It was operating just fine until it failed to get the Foxtel lineup change mentioned at the beginning of this thread.

I've noticed the same thing as you about this TiVo's ID not appearing in the script that shows the last slices downloaded. I just put that down to the fact that it was configured for UK headends, but I really don't know if that's the reason or not.

30-12-2009, 11:55 PM
But are the daily calls made through a cron job using loadguide or using the actual daily call function?

Do your other UK TiVo's show up in the script?

Might be corruption in the TiVo software which a C&DE would not fix. Apart from starting from scratch, you might just want to copy the image from a good TiVo and use that as a base.


Dave Hatt
31-12-2009, 12:09 AM
Sorry I wasn't clear. Its using the actual daily call function.

The other UK TiVos that work also use the actual TiVo daily call function, and they don't show up in the script at http://www.oztivo.net/tivo-bin/myslices.pl either. When I enter their serial numbers I get the message: "It seems that you have not received any TV guide slices from the OzTiVo Emulator yet. Please do a Daily Call, and come back to this script after it has completed" however they are receiving guide data just fine.

31-12-2009, 12:15 AM
Ok Cool, must be a UK software thing on the myslices script.

Can you pm me your other UK TiVo serials.


31-12-2009, 11:58 AM
Dave can you please try GS again and let me know the time you tried.

I want to check the server debug log.


Dave Hatt
31-12-2009, 02:25 PM
Hi Peter,

Just done another GS setup call at 2:22pm Sydney time. (Same error 'No service providers were found in your Postal Code' too.)

Thanks, Dave

01-01-2010, 05:21 PM
Can you try running GS against the 04000 postcode to see if it works any differently.


Dave Hatt
02-01-2010, 11:11 PM
Hi Peter,

I'm away on vacation now for a week, so I can't try anything until I get back.

But I can say that one of the things I did try on a recent GS was using postcode 02600 for the ACT. I got the same error (i.e. it still could not fine a lineup for that postcode). Something tells me that 04000 won't be any different.

Thanks for your continued help,


03-01-2010, 12:34 AM
It's funny, I saw that attempt a few days ago which is what made me suggest using the 04000 code.

From our end your attempts using 02000 and 02600 had different results.

We have had other TiVos running UK software complete GS on 04000 recently, I would like to see what 04000 brings you.

I think it still looks like an issue your end, but would like to be sure.


Dave Hatt
03-01-2010, 10:43 PM
Hi Peter,

Actually I think you are correct. When I tried the 02600 postcode I got the same incorrect lineup as I was getting with 02000 on some programme sources. Other Programme sources were yielding the 'No service providers' message, and now that I've done a clear and delete everything its all programme sources that yield this 'No service providers' message.

In any case, I will give the 04000 postcode a go and report back (albeit it will have to wait a week until I'm back from vacation).

Cheers, Dave

Dave Hatt
10-01-2010, 06:40 PM
Hi Peter,

Just done a GS setup call using postcode 04000 at 6:32pm Sydney time. Same result at my end: 'No service providers were found in your Postal Code.'

Thanks, Dave

15-01-2010, 04:02 AM
Ok, don't know what the issue is, but does seem to point to corruption on your disc.

The easiest would be to just load the philips image, which I can support better.


Dave Hatt
15-01-2010, 08:54 AM
Agreed - I've been thinking the same thing and I was going to try a reinstall today.

In the past I've used the UK images because I needed the RGB output for my high-end televisions and I'm not sure the Phillips image caters for this. However I'm prepared to give it a go today to see if it works. Not sure if I will need to trouble you to take this TiVo's serial number out of the UK list, or whether I can try the Phillips image without doing that? And of course if RGB on the Phillips image doesn't work then I may need to have it put back again. What do you think - should I try the image without it being removed from the list?

Cheers, Dave.

15-01-2010, 03:03 PM
I don't think RGB works using the philips image (neither does the front blaster) on a UK TiVo.

I would need to remove the TSN from the UK database if you do decide to go with the philips image.

Let me know what you would like to do.


Dave Hatt
15-01-2010, 03:28 PM
Hi Peter,

I think the TSN does need to be removed - I just tried the latest Phillips image with a totally reimaged HDD and worryingly I got the same error message:

No cable providers were found in your state's Postcode.

Please check the state Postcode that you entered.

Can you please remove the TSN and I will test again. (I will worry about the lack of RGB issue once I get something working. That said, sorry to keep bothering you.)

15-01-2010, 04:41 PM
I have removed your TSN from the UK list.

You will probably need to do a clear and delete all first, before continuing with GS.


Dave Hatt
15-01-2010, 06:45 PM
This is somewhat better. I can complete the setup and get all guide data using the Phillips image. It controls the Foxtel box fine, and outputs RGB to the TV fine, but there is still one major problem in that I can't get it to change to RGB input from the Foxtel box.

I might have to look into this a little to decide whether to stay with the Phillips image or go back to the UK Tivo image. I can swap from composite to s-video input using the interface, but both give a distorted picture (lots of snow, a little like NTSC input on PAL mode, but I know I have selected PAL in the setup). In fact if this one one issue is resolvable then I think there is no reason why all UK TiVo users shouldn't use the same Phillips image as everyone else!

16-01-2010, 12:49 AM
Ok, I knew of 2 outstanding UK TiVo issues using Philips images.

1. RGB, but could not remember if was input/output or both.

2. The front blaster has been reported (by only one user) not to work with the Philips image.

Unfortunately none of the developers have a UK TiVo which is why there has been no further development of the UK image.


Dave Hatt
16-01-2010, 02:45 PM
Not having RGB working appears to be a dealbreaker for using the Phillips image on a UK TiVo - at least for me: The best it seems to support is composite video using the scart inputs which is a very noticable drop in quality from the RGB that the UK image supports. That said there must be a way to get the TiVo back into RGB mode (I suspect there is a iicset command or two that would do this, but if I perservere then I think it would be best to start another thread rather than steer this one off topic more than it is already!)

The other issue about the front blaster is trivial imho: I've always used the IR cables as they seem to be far more reliable and quite easy to set up usually.


16-01-2010, 03:17 PM
Ok, I can see you have started a new thread (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?2312-Using-Latest-OzTiVo-1-62-image-on-UK-S1-TiVos), not sure if anyone here can help you.

There might be some NZ'rs who can help as they prefer the UK models.
