View Full Version : Uk Tivo pvr10uk.255 image problem

06-08-2009, 05:36 PM
I'm having trouble imaging a drive with the pvr10uk.255.oztivo_emulator.release1.3beta image.

When I run the mfsrestore command, it reaches 99.99% and gets stuck there. While it's stuck the compression ratio is changing at hi speed. I left it like this for an hour and then decided to kill it.

This is mfsrestore command line I used -

mfsrestore -b -s 250 -xzpi /cdrom/pvr10uk.255.oztivo_emulator.release1.3beta /dev/hda

Has anyone got any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here.

I know the 1.6.2 image works on the uk tivo but I hoping to play with the scart to rgb option


07-08-2009, 09:30 AM
The command looks fine.

Did you check the MD5 sum on the ISO you downloaded to make sure it contains no errors.

What chipset is your main board?

What drive are you using?


07-08-2009, 10:04 AM
Hi Peter,
thanks for the reply.

I'm having a bit more luck this morning. Instead of restoring the image from the cdrom I'm now restoring the image from a usb stick. The restore now finishes ok and hard drive now boots in the tivo but I'm getting a GSOD loop happening. I'll keep plugging away at it :)

To answer your questions -
1. I tried 2 different drives, one being a seagate 320gb and the other a hitachi 500gb

2. not sure which chip to look at for this one.

3. the checksum is fine

Anyway I'll keep at it with gsod.


07-08-2009, 07:32 PM
Cool I've now further along the path.

I'm now receiving the error "Failed while loading series" during the setup call which I believe is due to emulator looking at the US headends and not the UK headends.

I've posted a message on the mailing which hopefully Warren will see requesting the headend be changed to the UK ones.


08-08-2009, 09:39 AM
Yes, Warren will need your serial number to set it up.
