View Full Version : Stuttering playback, then total failure

28-05-2009, 06:35 PM
Had a few days of stuttering video playback, assumed it was a failing HDD, TiVo locked up tonight, rebooted and then 'internal error' and couldn't even display the 'now playing' list of recordings. OK, I thought, dead HDD, grabbed an old one that I keep as a spare, already imaged and set up for NZ. Whacked it in and booted, minor problem that it was set to S video input and we now use composite, went into Maintenence mode and fixed that, all fine. Couldn't get it to reboot into NTSC mode, tried several times, then suddenly TiVo couldn't find a video signal...checked everything, good signal coming from Sky box, TiVo can't see it....Guessing something other than HDD failure?
All ideas and suggestions gratefully received! I'm in New Zealand btw.

28-05-2009, 09:41 PM
Can you access tivoweb? Can you use it to make sure you are back in PAL mode.


29-05-2009, 02:40 AM
omg! Can I die of embarassment now? Just realised I was booting into NTSC mode! Booted into PAL, and unsurprisingly, all good! Thanks for pointing out the obvious Pete! Off to get a new HDD now!