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View Full Version : Guide Slice Frequency

18-07-2004, 10:58 PM
New Guide Slices will be auto uploaded to the FTP every Mon, Wed, Fri approx 12pm
I don't see a need for more days since the tivo takes approx ~12hrs to index..

I'm not sure when the emulator obtains updated slices.. Ed can answer that..

19-07-2004, 06:35 PM
Thanks for the great work Jaidev! It's all been working very smoothly of late - the reason for the lack of activity on the forum I'm sure ;-)

20-07-2004, 12:56 PM
New Guide Slices will be auto uploaded to the FTP every Mon, Wed, Fri approx 12pm
I don't see a need for more days since the tivo takes approx ~12hrs to index..

I'm not sure when the emulator obtains updated slices.. Ed can answer that..

It was set to run daily at 1:21pm PDT (8:21am NZT), but knowing they go up at noon I've changed it to 5:37PDT (12:37NZT).

30-04-2005, 11:29 AM
It was set to run daily at 1:21pm PDT (8:21am NZT), but knowing they go up at noon I've changed it to 5:37PDT (12:37NZT).

Is this still the case?
My Tivo is set to do a daily call at 2:20pm each day - I've noticed lately that the guide data doesn't seem to be there at that time (my Tivo is currently downloading Fridays data - it's now Saturday).
Has the time changed ?

30-04-2005, 12:09 PM
Times for the emulator to attempt getting new data are currently 03:37 and 16:37 Pacific, which would correspond to 22:37 and 11:37 NZ time at the moment.

I wouldn't worry about it too much myself. I've not noticed any detrimental effect to waiting until Sat AM, even if the slice did go up at 10:37 the previous evening. In theory the data should be more than a few days in advance anyway. I only worry about it when large empty spots appear in on screen guide data.

30-04-2005, 12:51 PM
Is this still the case?
My Tivo is set to do a daily call at 2:20pm each day - I've noticed lately that the guide data doesn't seem to be there at that time (my Tivo is currently downloading Fridays data - it's now Saturday).
Has the time changed ?

I didn't think you could set the time the TiVo does the daily call (via the emulator anyway). The time my TiVos connect for the daily call seems to differ all the time.


30-04-2005, 03:38 PM
I didn't think you could set the time the TiVo does the daily call (via the emulator anyway). The time my TiVos connect for the daily call seems to differ all the time.


I run a cron job to force a daily call - the idea being that if the guide data came in around lunch, I would have it downloaded and indexed that night...
Theres an article on the Twiki - http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Howto/ForceDailyCall

Thanks Ed for the update - wasn't worried - I just like to know what/when/where - :) Good to know ;)

05-05-2005, 06:07 PM
My browser can no longer find the nztivo.slice file to download - has this been shifted?

06-05-2005, 08:20 AM
My browser can no longer find the nztivo.slice file to download - has this been shifted?

Probably not - although isn't working, if you drop back to you'll note the following message....

tjv.org.nz - Personal space of Tim van der Hulst

Taken down for repairs..

I'm sure she'll be back up soon (fingers crossed).

06-05-2005, 12:38 PM
Is there any other way to get the slices via my browser? Thanks

06-05-2005, 05:24 PM
Aside from using TivoWeb to make a daily call... ? No - (as far as I know) unless someone else has a copy of the latest slice sitting around that they could email you...