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View Full Version : Turning off a TiVo

13-07-2004, 08:20 AM
Is there a recommended way of turning off the tivo so I can move the box, do I just unplug it or should I do something else first ???

13-07-2004, 09:03 AM
Thats it


14-07-2004, 09:48 PM
I have seen this asked heaps of times, In fact 'YES' there is a way of turning it off.
Goto- Messages and setup and choose standby...This turns the tivo off until you push the tivo button again to wake it up.


15-07-2004, 01:02 AM
Thanks very much for the reply guys.

20-07-2004, 10:18 PM
I have seen this asked heaps of times, In fact 'YES' there is a way of turning it off.
Goto- Messages and setup and choose standby...This turns the tivo off until you push the tivo button again to wake it up.


This actually puts the TiVo to sleep as opposed to turning it "OFF".

The sleep mode is similar to a laptop. When the Laptop goes into sleep, it shuts off all non-critical devices: ie. screen and hdd, and keeps power running so that the RAM can hold a "state" where if you resume your session, it will. Same applies to TiVo. The sleep state in this instance powers off the outputs, but keeps the HDD running as well as the OS. This is so it can record your shows still.

To turn the TiVO off, you will need to pull the plug. Please also make sure that if you are moving the unit, you take care and wait until the HDD has powered down completly before moving the unit. I suggest counting to 10 slowly after powering off TiVo.
