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View Full Version : TiVo have released their Home Networking upgrade today.

17-03-2009, 09:32 PM
TiVo have released their Home Networking (http://www.tivo.com.au/whatistivo/tivois/newfeatures/homenetworking/) upgrade today.

While this is a welcome addition to the features TiVo has, the $199 price tag is not.

Last year Mark Hughes (when he was still General
Manager for TiVo at Seven) said in an interview with the SMH (http://www.smh.com.au/news/articles/seven-unveils-hobbled-tivo/2008/07/01/1214678017036.html).

"The home networking functionality and the ability to load recorded shows to
a portable device like the iPod will only be available early next year for a
fee in the "tens of dollars".

Well the final price is 20 "tens" of dollars, not cool.

We have been misled by TiVo.


17-03-2009, 11:28 PM
That is very disappointing. Perhaps tivo will come to their senses and lower the price. I remember in the US, tivo initially released HMO as paid upgrade (a one-time fee of 100 USD), but quickly abandoned that (making HMO free to normal subscribers).

17-03-2009, 11:58 PM
This is the first stumble TiVo has made in Australia.

For $40 - $90 a lot of people would have said yeah why not , but nearly $200 is too much for most now.

Unfortunately for them with their price overshoot they appear to have angered a lot of "decision influencers" on the internet forums.

20-03-2009, 01:18 AM
Only some of the options have been released so far. Robbee has promised the full package options will be available on the site by Sunday.

Some are already available here (https://shop.tivo.com.au/online/special-offers).
