View Full Version : Austar Flinders / Mystar Advice

04-02-2009, 07:58 PM
Hi All,

Along with many others I've come to the stage that the incompatibility with the Austar Flinders box has totally done my head in. Being an old newbie (had my Tivo for 4 years and as normal can't or don't want to live without it), the Austar Flinders box issue has driven me to total frustration.

Obviously I can't use the tivo as intended due to this problem and will try anything do regain the experience that most of you are having. I live in Noosa Heads Queensland so sadly, Austar is the only option (I think), I moved here and have been presented with the rotton Flinders useless boat anchor.

Although there is a hardware fix that has been shown in December 08, I do not have a circuit diagram (or potentially the ability to construct even if I did) for the hardware IR mod to control the flinders box.

May I please humbly ask :-

1) Does anyone have any fix whatsoever for the flinders box (no matter the cost)
2) Has anyone used a Mystar box with the tivo's IR?
3) Is there any solution whatsoever to use Austar with Tivo if you don't have an old STB?

Any suggestions or comments and or advice would be most welcome prior to me driving myself off a bridge.


05-02-2009, 01:42 AM
Being in WA I don't know anyone that has Austar as it is not available here even in country areas, but I have followed the various attempts at making this work.

One thing that I can't remember being raised is using a regular Humax or Digicrystal STB with your Austar card, as we do have good codes for those. Or is this not possible as the card is married to the box? If this is the case has anyone asked Austar if they can get a non married card as they have caused the issue by replacing the old boxes.

I am not aware of any IR code that has been made to work with the Flinders box. The only solution that has worked is the hardware translator.

If you can't find any other solution, there is always SelecTV which is cheaper and available Australia wide, but does not have as many channels.


05-02-2009, 06:14 AM
It may be possible to receive Austar on a Dreambox (DM-500S). We are going to Hobart next week to stay with the in-laws who have Austar, so I could test it for you. The only disclaimer is that the IR codes on Dreambox clones are not perfect (you could always buy a real one @ 400Euro)

05-02-2009, 05:45 PM
Thanks for the replies, firstly I would like to keep the full Austar line up, so that leaves Select TV out of the picture so to speak.

The Austar cards are married to the box, so its my understanding that I can't use another box (considering I have 4 Humax STB's its a real shame and very annoying). I would assume this will also be the case with a Dreambox.

If anyone has the information on the hardware translator or if a mystar box works with exisiting TIVO IR codes, I would be most grateful. If anyone has a hardware translator that they would sell I would be a most interested buyer.

Thanks again, hopefully something may come of this.

Darren King
05-02-2009, 06:14 PM
If anyone has the information on the hardware translator

I take it you have not used the forum search with the keyword flinders and seen this thread then?

05-02-2009, 07:04 PM
Yes I have seen the post, in fact I contacted Bruce and requested to purchase one, however that has not come about for some reason and there has not been a circuit diagram supplied so I'm really not sure how or who to get to make one, as you can tell from the photos, its hard to even read the IC's.

Darren King
05-02-2009, 08:50 PM
From what I can see you need an original Flinders remote to mount the "brains" chip on a converter board and then there is a Microchip 16F627A PIC based CPU chip that would be converting the Sony 30035 TiVo codes and essentially "pressing the right buttons" on the Flinders chip which would then output to an IR LED in the usual fashion. The "sharp" 4-pin chip is an opto isolation coupler that would be taking the incoming IR codes from the TiVo and providing an electrically isolated signal to the PIC chip. He would have done this so that there is no loss of IR signal in the air, as the opto isolator is essentially a LED and a receiver in an encapsulated package that no external light can enter.

As for what the diagram is and the code program for the PIC chip I cannot say, sorry.

The Flinders remote chip could be abolished if the Flinders IR generation signals were produced in the PIC chip but the problem with that is you need to then be able to view the IR waveforms and create an emulation of them. Raiding the original chip and just providing a means of electronically "pressing the right button" is much easier for a concept prototype.

06-02-2009, 04:33 PM
Thanks Darren for that info. I would say that is all well beyond me.

Can I make a possible suggestion that could be mutually beneficial?

As I know your the hardware wiz when it comes to TIVO's and my first Tivo that came from George in the USA went directly to you for mods, perhaps you could make these translators up?

I'm able to supply a new remote, and I know this problem is also an issue for several others (Netmedic). I happy to pay what ever you think you need to charge (considering there may be many hours particularly for the first one), so I certainly won't be expecting anything cheap, or for nothing.

I know this is not intended to be a commercial forum, however it would be a great help to those such as myself in the Tivo community that are frankly suffering.

Please let me know:)

Darren King
06-02-2009, 06:27 PM
That's all fine, and I'm sure that Bruce would allow the PIC software to be made available. But.... Where do we source the original remotes from for the controller chip? I know I said that the remote control chip *can* be made redundant but that requires a LOT of reverse engineering and testing the IR codes and such that the PIC chip then emulates in software what is currently the sole purpose of the remote chip.

Then of course comes the testing. For that I need a Flinders box. Got any ideas where I can get one of those besides having a PayTV subscription?

06-02-2009, 07:07 PM
I can supply you a flinders remote, I actually have three and they are available retail. If I (or anyone else) supplies a remote will that do without the flinders box?

Obviously this would be making the translator without making the remote chip redundant

If you still need a flinders box I can send you mine with the sub card.

Darren King
06-02-2009, 07:47 PM
I can supply you a flinders remote, I actually have three and they are available retail.

Ah, well... My apologies then. I always assumed these things were not, but there you go :D

That changes things a little, because if the original remote chip is used then the only reason why it would not work properly is if I crossed the wiring from the PIC to the remote chip and it was "pressing" the wrong buttons. So long as I do not do that a simple IR detector (I have one) will show the translator is transmitting IR signals for each digit which means no test STB required. Therefore I guess it would be a case of if anyone wants one then they BYO remote.

OK then I guess it is up to whether Bruce wants to do it or me. Given it is his project I'll have to give him first dibs on this - and I don't actually have the program that runs in the PIC chip anyway - so it is Bruce's call. He's been "green lighted" regarding his apprehensions about having to charge for the making of them (see other thread) so it is his call on what happens from here.

06-02-2009, 08:15 PM
I have been in contact with Bruce (via PM's here) in November and December, however have not had a reply since. Anything you can do (as I'm not sure if Bruce is about or visiting here any longer) would be an enormous help to myself and all the others with Flinders boxes

11-02-2009, 08:18 PM
As we have not had any further response from Bruce...... Can I suggest that maybe Darren you can look into producing this translator?

I am more than happy to be the guinea pig, by way of what ever equipment you need and also being the financial guinea pig as I really can't see this solution being fixed by anyone else.

This solution will benefit all those in the tivo community that either have a flinders stb or are reluctant to join as Austar is their only option and the Flinder STB is what they are going to be stuck with.

Please help

Darren King
11-02-2009, 08:47 PM
Sorry, but I really don't have the time to "reinvent the wheel" so to speak.

Build units from an already working design, yes. Having to fully work out and write a program for the PIC chip to interpret the IR codes, no.

11-02-2009, 09:32 PM
Wade, have you tried PM'ing Bruce?


12-02-2009, 06:58 PM
Hi Peter, Yes I have attempted to do that, however there has been no reply, so I feel like I (and others) are stuck in limbo again..... which if anyone can assist again I'm more than happy to pay for someones time and provide whatever equipment that is required in order to find a solution for all that are suffering the same problem

12-02-2009, 11:20 PM
Thanks, I have also got your PM.

I'll try directly and see if I get a response.


13-02-2009, 12:16 PM
I have heard from both Bruce and Wade, and they are working something out together.


15-02-2009, 09:48 PM
So far I've been unsucessful tuning the Dreambox into Austar. I can't seem to get a lock on any of the Optus C1 transponders. The issue might be signal strength, although both Austar boxes (analog and MyAustar) work fine.

15-02-2009, 10:54 PM
Since you work with dreamboxes, I assume you already know about the lyngsat (http://www.lyngsat.com/optusc1.html) website.

It might pay to try and find a good FTA channel, to at least rule out any encryption issues.


20-02-2009, 12:32 PM

I am still alive !!

For several reasons I have not had much spare time of late, which was why I have not been around much.

I have finished the 2 prototype converters.....both of these have been sent out to anynamebuttpg & Netmedic.... I hope they report success with them.

Once we establish that these 2 units will work successfully I fully intend to make up a circuit board, and make these available to anyone that wants one...either fully made up and tested, or as a kit.

I have purchased around 25 Austar Remote Controls, in anticipation of making up a run of 25 units.

Hopefully the guys mentioned above will have some success over the weekend.

P.S....I'm still using the hacked up hybrid remote control with veroboard stuck on with insulating tape on my Flinders box.....I haven't made a proper unit for myself yet !



Darren King
20-02-2009, 03:59 PM
Hi Bruce nice to hear from you :)

Glad to hear you are sorting it all out. If the transplanted Flinders remote chip design works well enough then probably no need to spend time to refine it any further.

As has been mentioned in reply early on in your postings: Feel free to run with this. No need to think you are stepping on anyone's toes. :D

17-03-2009, 11:10 AM

I've heard back from anynamebuttpg in regard to the translator I sent him. It seems to be working fine; so I've finally finished the PCB layout, and sent off the gerber files to get it made. Here's what it ended up like (it's very low resolution to get the file size down under 97.7 Kb). I ended up keeping the original optocouplers for each button, as it proved more relaible.....for the few extra $'s on parts it proved to be a faster and less messy option, as the chip from the remote control was deigned to accept inputs from conductive rubber and screen printed carbon ink !! I should have some units made up and tested in early April.



17-03-2009, 01:00 PM
Thanks for that Bruce.

Once your ready to go, feel free to drop a note onto the OzTiVo Mailing list also.


20-03-2009, 11:25 AM
Just a note to let everyone that is suffering from the Austar Flinders problem, BruceP has done an exceptional job. Being the first to receive and test his device I can say, it is changing channels on the Flinders box with more accuracy than the supplied remote control.

There was no issue in setting the device up, in fact I had it installed, re setup my IR codes in guided setup and had the whole thing running in under ten minutes. Since I have again enjoyed the use of my Tivo in its full form.

Thank you very much for all your work Bruce, please accept this commendation from myself and on behalf of those that will also get the benefit from your translator in the future.

PS: Rather than requiring payment for this prototype model that was supplied to myself (which frankly looked so professional that it could be hardly considered a prototype), Bruce instructed my to make a donation to Oztivo for the running of the server, which I shall do now. Another reason to hold Bruce in high esteem.

28-03-2009, 11:17 PM
Sorry to say I'm not the first to use BruceP's converter.

However I must concur that it is a great device and very reliable. In particular it seems to work wherever it is placed! No messing about trying to find a "sweet spot" to position the IR blaster.

After hours and hours of trying to get other methods to work, and fiddling about programming my pronto with timers and macro's to record stuff in the middle of the night, I really can't express my gratitude to BruceP enough!

BruceP, could you please send me your address so I can offer you something in return for your hard work, and public spiritedness in sending the converter for me to try out!

Best wishes


06-04-2009, 07:41 AM
Thanks for the feedback on the translator guys. Much appreciated.

The PCB's have arrived, and I made up 2 units over the weekend. I'm glad to report that there were no errors in the layout, and it worked first go. I will list them for sale in the Trading Forum in the next few days if anybody needs one...just have to work out a case etc, and of course.....price.



06-04-2009, 12:03 PM
Very nice, once you have the details finalised also send a message to the OzTiVo mailing list.


28-04-2009, 09:46 PM
This looks very professional, with it's surface mount technology!

It ought to be a relatively simple process to mount the pcb inside the tivo case after picking up a suitable power source, and then wire it directly to the IR blaster socket on the rear of the tivo.... hence dispensing with separate case and power supply.

Just a suggestion!

Best wishes


BTW. Brucep: I didn't get a reply to my request for your details so I can send you a token of my appreciation for providing me with the prototype converter. Please correct this so I can make things right! ;-)

21-11-2009, 09:37 AM
H Brucei:

Just had Austar HD tuner installed yesterday and after one day my, Series 1 Tivo will not synch with the Austar HD tuner. Can I purcgase your fixed remote?

Note: I can access all features of the Series one except change the channels on the Austar HD. Can you help me?



21-11-2009, 12:51 PM
You might want to send a private message to Brucep, as I don't think he visits here much.


23-11-2009, 09:11 AM

I've been in contact with Lance about this....... we need to find out wether a standard "Digital" style Austar remote will work with the new Austar HD boxes. If anyone has both a flinders, and a HD box it would be a great help if you could let us know if the remote from the flinders will change channels on the HD box (using 0-9 numeric keys only)..... it might also be worth trying to capture the IR codes using IR Slice Creator as seen here: http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/IR/CaptureIrCodesWithIrSliceCreator
from the HD remote, on the off chance that the format of the commands is able to be learned. Failing that, I've offered to post up a "Flinders" remote to try it out, for the cost of postage.......as a last resort.



23-11-2009, 11:59 AM
Thanks Bruce you help is appreciated.


20-05-2010, 10:02 AM
Hi Bruce, I would like to purchase one of your converter devices from you.

I only need it as a kit and I don't actually need the micro from the original remote as I intend on interfacing it to a hacked IQ remote. (the IQ remote does not have a removable chip in it)

90% of what you have done will work for me, so I see no point in reinventing the wheel.

Also are you prepared to make a circuit diagram available? I would also be interested in the source for the PIC as well.

Can you let me know how I go about buying a kit and how much it is.



29-05-2010, 10:44 AM
I would just like to publicly thank Bruce for his help and generosity in providing me with one of his converters.

Making My S1 TiVo work with the Foxtel IQ will be much easier now with Bruce's help.

Thanks again.
