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View Full Version : Confogure WindowsXP PC to allow TIVO guide upload either PPP (serial) or Network

19-12-2008, 11:41 PM

I'm new in OzTIVO world. Have a Philips HDR212 which is not happy, as it has not done it's "daily check in the past 30 days".

Try to set it up using WindowsXP PC. PC has wireless NextG internet access.
Have serial connection working (hyperterm at boot works) so where do I go from here.

The TIVO also has a network card, and could find the IP address in bootmenu. However, when using Cross-over cable, correct IP address and turn firewall off on the card, still not able to Ping.

I read that either way PPP or network should be able to do the guide upload, but how???
Can someone help me.

20-12-2008, 10:03 AM
Just to clarify, if you brought it in from the 'States did you put the ozTiVo software on the harddrive as per these instructions? http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Install/PrepareTiVoDisk

Have you read through the info here about PPP over serial? http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Network/WebHome

20-12-2008, 10:18 PM
John, according to seller already used in Oz. Read about PPP requiring Proxy, but have reconfigured all IP schemes and now get ping back from Tivo, so prefer using network card. Will read all threaths in the hope I get it working
How can I see software is Oz version? my system settings are:
Software Version: 3.0-01-1-000
TIVO Account Status: 3: Account in good standing
Program Source: Satellite, IR
Program Guide data to: None available (that's the problem right now)
Dial-in Configuration code: 127, TFA=1

21-12-2008, 04:10 PM
"Software Version: 3.0-01-1-000" is just the general US version that the OzTiVo image is based on.

To be specific for help we need to verify your OzTiVo version, as files are different in older version. Depending on what version you have it will be shown in either the /etc/oztivo-version or /etc/oztivo_version file.

But really since you are starting out fresh it would probably be best just to install the latest version and start with a clean system setup for your environment.

Follow the instructions in the first link skolink gave you.


21-12-2008, 10:01 PM
Thanks. I checked the OzTIVO version and it is 1.3 Way toooo old.

Seeing the disk in the TIVO is not too large (believe 22Gb-53hours max), I might as well build a complete new disc. Have a 160Gb Seagate hanging around. Plan B would be to run an upgrade on current disk.

I've seen quite some docco to upgrade the software. Would creating a new disk from scratch easy. I'm a Windows guy, and not Unix (although I come from the days of DOS and command lines.

21-12-2008, 10:23 PM
If your drive is small and still on 1.3, then I would definitely recommend just starting from scratch with the new drive.

The instructions for doing it are in the 1st link that skolink gave you.

You just download the ISO image burn it to a CD, then attach the 160Gb drive to your PC, boot the new CD and run through the menus. Once done you just put the Drive into the TiVo and follow the onscreen instructions.

No Linux skill are required make a new image, but getting your 1.3 almost up to date will require editing on the TiVo using telnet.


23-12-2008, 12:00 AM
This threat title is not relevant anymore (not using PPP anymore, starting from scratch now with Enet card.)
However, I lodged a new threat with kernel mismatch installation problem.