View Full Version : date in US format

11-12-2008, 06:21 AM
Ok, this could be very embarrassing for me, but here goes :o

My Tivo is showing it's dates in US format and my wife swears this has just started happening. Now I can't remember either way, so I don't know if it has changed or not.

So, are the dates normally set day/month or month/day and can they be changed?



12-12-2008, 11:50 AM
I assume you are talking about Series 1 TiVo's. If they are running Oztivo software it should show Day/Month.

Which screens are wrong, and is this on the TV or TiVoWeb?


13-12-2008, 07:06 AM
Hi Peter,

First up, the problem has resolved it's self :confused:

Yes it's a series 1 and the problem was on the TV. It was first noticed after I changed my FTA STB to a new one and re did the part of the setup that chooses the box type. I then tried doing a complete setup to see if that helped, but it didn't. I left it overnight to index and then the time was out as well, for everything including the guide data (so I didn't miss anything, as the whole lot was out about 4 hours). So I rebooted again which fixed the time, but not the date. Then a bit later on it just went back the right way, I can only assume it was after a daily call.

Anyway it's all good now.

However I did notice one issue after installing my new HD STB and configuring the channels. In Melbourne channel 21 & 22 FTA are listed as ABC2. In fact 21 is ABC1 and 22 is ABC2.

Thanks for your help.



13-12-2008, 10:30 AM
Ok, something is a bit out.

I show the following for Melbourne on our server:
provider: 03001 Victoria FTA
version: 26
lineuptype: Digital
channel: 0 NoNag
channel: 1 TenHD
channel: 2 ABC-Vic
channel: 22 ABC2 DoNotShift
channel: 3 SBS-Vic
channel: 4 31-Mel
channel: 5 Ten-Vic
channel: 6 Prime-Vic
channel: 7 Seven-Mel
channel: 8 WIN-Vic
channel: 9 Nine-Mel
channel: 10 Ten-Vic
channel: 33 SBS-NEWS DoNotShift
channel: 70 SevenHD DoNotShift
channel: 80 NineHD DoNotShift
channel: 90 NineHD DoNotShift

Which has 22 listed correctly as ABC2, but does not show 21.

Can you check in the channels you receive section that you only have 1 Channel 22 to select from.


13-12-2008, 01:03 PM
Ok, I have channel 21 & 22

My lineup is as follows;

channel: 0 NoNag
channel: 1 Ten-Vic
channel: 1 TenHD
channel: 2 ABC-Vic
channel: 3 SBS-Vic
channel: 4 31-Mel
channel: 5 Ten-Vic
channel: 6 Prime-Vic
channel: 7 Seven-Mel
channel: 8 WIN-Vic
channel: 9 Nine-Mel
channel: 10 Ten-Vic
channel: 21 ABC2
channel: 22 ABC2
channel: 33 SBSWN
channel: 33 SBS-NEWS
channel: 70 SevenHD
channel: 80 NineHD
channel: 90 NineHD



13-12-2008, 03:21 PM
Ok, something is not quite right.

Run this (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Howto/DeleteOldChannels) and then list your channels again.


13-12-2008, 04:24 PM
Ok, I did that and it deleted the ones I had in red.

Thanks for your help.

