View Full Version : Slowing Down Learned IR commands

08-10-2008, 08:19 AM
Hi All,

I am in the process of building a IR translator, so I can control the Austar Flinders box with my TiVo. I have basically resigned myself to the fact that the Austar remotes are not something the TiVo can learn (after 3 days of every combination of config); so Im trying to build a small hardware translator to solve my immediate problem. At this stage, and just for testing, I have basically built a PIC micro based 10 channel receiver, using the Philips RC5 protocol, then purchased one of the off the shelf replacement Austar remotes from Electus for $15, and literally soldered my optocoupler outputs across the 0-9 buttons (I plan to use level translators later, and remove the IC from the remote control PCB and integrate it into my circuit, if and when I design up a custom PCB).

The system is working very well, when using an original RC5 remote, or the learned RC5 commands in my harmony 880.......the TiVo was able to learn these codes using IRslicecreator with no problems, the TiVo learned codes work when sending single numbers OK. However after I've created the tcl file (29993), and configured the TiVo to use it....it seems to be sending the IR commands too close together, and my receiver is not coping, and overlaping the received codes.

What I am hoping, is that someone can point me in the right direction to be able to slow down (or increase the gap) between the transmission of the TiVo learned IR codes. Similar to the way it is done in guided setup, with fast, medium, and slow.

I must admit; I struggle with linux...which is why I have approached this problem from a hardware standpoint....thanks to all who created the great tutorials......I would have had no chance of even changing the source of the tcl without your step by step guides.



08-10-2008, 05:27 PM
Good on you for giving it a go. I'm sure there are few people who will be pleased to have a solution to this problem.

I'm not entirely sure of your process, as you have missed the step about how you are getting the signal from the TiVo to your PIC. I assume you are hooking up an opto to the IR emitter jack on the TiVo.

So if that is the case and you are asking about how to change the delay between digits on the TiVo output, then that is relatively easy.

Use this (http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Hintsortips/HowToFindSourceID) link to find your SourceID

There are 2 values that control the time between digits TunerDigitDelay & UnattendedTunerDigitDelay. the TunerDigitDelay value is used for timing when you use the remote to change channels and UnattendedTunerDigitDelay is used when the TiVo wants to change channels to record a show.

To see what your current settings are use these commands:
dbget <SourceID> TunerDigitDelay and dbget <SourceID> UnattendedTunerDigitDelay, where <SourceID> is the number you got from the first link I gave you. Usually in the form xxxx/xx or similar.

To change this setting I suggest you play with TunerDigitDelay first as you will be using the remote to test the changes. The command is dbset <SourceID> TunerDigitDelay <ms> Where <ms> is the delay amount in milliseconds.

I can't remember if the change is immediate or requires a reboot (let me know).

Once you have found something that works change UnattendedTunerDigitDelay to the same value as well.

Good luck.


09-10-2008, 06:58 AM
Thanks Peter,

At the moment, I was just using a 38KHz IR receiver module to receive the commands from the IR blaster sent by the TiVo......I plan on using an opto on the input in version 2.

Yes, that's exactly what I was after.....increasing the delay between the digits....Thanks.

I will try it out tonight....and hopefully I might have some success....will let you know about the reboot.



09-10-2008, 06:56 PM
Have been playing around with the delays. While better, there is still a problem.....which I have just discovered the cause of......the RC5 protocol uses a toggle bit, which was why it was easy for the PIC micro to distinguish between holding the button down, and pressing the button twice. It seems that TiVo's will not add/change the toggle bit, but simply replay the learned code with whatever toggle bit was present on the end of the code at the time of teaching. That explains why a few channel combinations work consistantly very well, and others are hopeless. So I'll have to make up a receiver based on a different IR protocol.....at least I'll have something to do over the weekend.

The digitdelays changed, and took effect straight away...it was not necessary to reboot after changing them. I kept an eye on them through TiVowebplus - MFS - Setup - 2357/12.

Thanks again for your help.



09-10-2008, 07:22 PM
Thanks for that, I knew the values would change in the mfs straight away, but was unsure if the values were read on the fly or only once at system is initialisation.

At least this way it makes testing easier for you.

Good luck with Mk2...


10-10-2008, 08:13 AM
Here's a look at version 1, before it get's stripped down.

10-10-2008, 05:53 PM
RIP Mk1, good luck with MK2...


17-10-2008, 07:16 PM
Hi Brucep

I have been trying to get flinders codes working for a while. Please read this thread in this forum:

?how to convert pronto neo IR codes

In that thread you will find working pronto codes which I've been unable to correctly covert to working tivo codes. Also you will find that I've been told the the flinders codes are rcmm32 format, a whole world away from rc5 codes.

If you have a line of research I can help with, please let me know and I'll jump to your aid. I've got as far as I can get with my available resources and knowledge!

I would also suggest you contact tivoza if you haven't already done so. He's a great help and a lateral thinker.


20-10-2008, 01:03 PM
Hi Chris,

Thanks for that information. I had been following your thread, and your posts at remote control central etc.. looking for the flinders codes.

I don't believe, at this stage it is possible for the TiVo to reproduce the codes for the flinders box, as they seem to require a more intelligent software handler than what we currently have.....similar to the software applications in the Pronto, or Harmony learning remotes.....which have no problems with these codes, or other codes that use toggle bits!

What I am attempting to do is create a hardware solution, which will use a IR code the TiVo CAN reproduce, and then use this code to address the corresponding button on the flinders remote. (using the custom IC from a replacement Flinders remote). It's by no means an ideal solution, but it will get the job done.

I hope to have a fully working unit up and running towards the end of this week (all going well), and will post pics etc when ready. I will start a new thread........as this is starting to get away from the original topic.

Thanks again,


20-10-2008, 01:27 PM
According to Philips:

The RCMM protocol is proprietary; an NDA would be required to obtain the protocol description.

It must be in the same vault as the Broadcom BCM7020 and BCM7040 datasheets !!

25-10-2008, 07:48 AM
Hi Brucep

Thanks for the info. Please keep me in the loop with developments.

Kind regards and felicitations


Hmm. I wonder if the ir code handler in Myth TV could handle these codes... that runs under Linux and is tinkerable with.