View Full Version : incorrect time

05-10-2008, 12:21 PM
anyone else having problems getting the time to correctly reflect the change over to DST today?

i've done 3 successful calls, but the time hasn't updated correctly.

my last one done just now (Sunday, 1:28pm) and the output from TivoWeb is "Sunday, Oct 05 at 12:26 pm"

any way for me to force the correct time?



05-10-2008, 05:11 PM
I assume you are in Australia (as you have not included your location in your profile), is the time also wrong on the TV screen, or just Tivoweb?


05-10-2008, 05:14 PM
I think it works if you telnet the type in "settime YYYYMMDDhhmmss" and it should work.

05-10-2008, 06:24 PM
settime will be overwritten by the next daily call.


05-10-2008, 08:37 PM
yes to both - i am in Aus (syd) and the time is wrong on the Tivo guide interface and on tivoweb

05-10-2008, 09:09 PM
Ok, then your timezone file may be out of date.

What version of oztivo software are you running ?


Dave Hatt
06-10-2008, 12:03 AM
To update your timezone and effect the Daylight Savings Time change, I basically follow the instructions listed here: http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Main/WA2006DaylightSavingChange

Note that to run ntpdate if you are using the second method, use the following:

/bin/ntpdate -b -v

If that doesn't work for some reason, try

/bin/ntpdate -b -v

06-10-2008, 07:57 AM
Ok, then your timezone file may be out of date.

What version of oztivo software are you running ?


i am running a pretty old version 1.3 or 1.4, but i did do the daylight savings time update for the comm games...

Dave Hatt
06-10-2008, 10:30 AM
If you are running an old version, the method I indicated in my post will still work. I am running 1.3 on my three Tivos and it worked for them.

I will repeat this here for clarity. Basically if you are running version 1.4 or below:

Telnet to your Tivo.
Change to the top-level directory by doing cd /
Run the command rsync -rv .
Don't forget the space then dot on the end of the command!
rs/bin/ntpdate -b -v on line 3 of this post, it is showing a :o Smilie instead of Colon ':' and Letter 'o'. I can't seem to find a way to post this correctly! :( Please refer to the link if you are going to cut and paste this into Telnet!

06-10-2008, 11:31 AM
If you are running an old version, the method I indicated in my post will still work. I am running 1.3 on my three Tivos and it worked for them.

I will repeat this here for clarity. Basically if you are running version 1.4 or below:

Telnet to your Tivo.
Change to the top-level directory by doing cd /
Run the command rsync -rv .
Don't forget the space then dot on the end of the command!
rs/bin/ntpdate -b -v on line 3 of this post, it is showing a :o Smilie instead of Colon ':' and Letter 'o'. I can't seem to find a way to post this correctly! :( Please refer to the link if you are going to cut and paste this into Telnet!

thanks for the help, but i don't think it worked...

at step3 it seemed to work & said receiving file list, then went through all the australian zones, but wrote 0 bytes, read 0 bytes.

on the ntpdate i got the error 'no such file/directory'

i also just did another phone update, but still nothing :(

Dave Hatt
06-10-2008, 12:48 PM
you may have to use the rw command to make your system writeable.

Basically issue the 'rw' command at the start, and then use 'ro' when you are done.

Also, did you remember to include the dot at the end of line 3? It won't work without it.

06-10-2008, 01:41 PM
i lied - it seems to have worked :)

thanks for all the help!


06-10-2008, 09:54 PM
David/Forum, please ignore the below, it all seems to have worked. I think it takes a few moments to update. I went back into to Telnet, ran the ntpdate command and it reported the correct time. Tivo's guide screen also reports correct time. Thanks again, Tony.

you may have to use the rw command to make your system writeable.

Basically issue the 'rw' command at the start, and then use 'ro' when you are done.

Also, did you remember to include the dot at the end of line 3? It won't work without it.
Thanks David,
My time is still wrong. Here's what I did and what happens:
First I run the rsync as instructed...

[TiVo [p0] ~]# rsync -rv .
Welcome to the OzTiVo rsync server...

receiving file list ... done
wrote 433 bytes read 992 bytes 570.00 bytes/sec
total size is 7058 speedup is 4.95
[TiVo [p0] ~]#

Then I run the rw and ntpdate commands as follows....

[TiVo [p0] ~]#
[TiVo [p0] ~]# rw
File system is now READ/WRITE.
[TiVo [p0] ~]#
[TiVo [p0] ~]# ntpdate -b -v
[TiVo [p0] ~]#
[TiVo [p0] ~]# Time set to: Mon Oct 6 22:00:58 2008
Have a nice day.

[TiVo [p0] ~]#
[TiVo [p0] ~]# ro
File system is now READ ONLY.
[TiVo [p0] ~]#

However it is 11pm and as you can see the result above shows its still 10pm.

Appreciate any ideas. I am also running version 1.3 in Sydney.


07-10-2008, 09:30 PM
Hi All,

I'm also having problems getting my 1.3 tivo to update to the correct time.

When I enter the rsync command as described I get the following error:

# rsync -rv .

Connection Refused
unexpected EOF in read_timeout

I've tried using the --timeout option for rsync but it didn't make any difference.

Any ideas?


08-10-2008, 12:12 AM
There is a colon missing from the command you pasted.

[TiVo [p0] ~]# rsync -rv .


08-10-2008, 12:15 PM
Damn those pesky smileys! I entered a double colon and the rsync command worked.

[TiVo [p0] ~]# rsync -rv .

I then ran the ntpdate command and am now waiting for the time to update. Its still showing the old time at the moment but other posters have suggested it takes a while so I'll give it some time. Will let you know if I still have problems.

Cheers for your help.

08-10-2008, 02:10 PM
Did you reboot after the rsync?


08-10-2008, 09:09 PM
I get the same problem. The time is still an hour out.

08-10-2008, 09:27 PM
I got mine to work in the end. Seems so simple but caused me more grief than it should have.

To summarise tips from this thread and what helped me:
1. Make sure your firewall isn't blocking traffic to or (and whatever other NTP servers your tivo might be pointing to -
2. Make sure you're in the / directory before you run the rsync command.
3. Make the filesystem read/writable with the rw command
4. Make sure you use two colons '::' in the rsync command
5. Make sure you have a space and . on the end of the rsync command.
6. Run the ntpdate command a couple of times. Mine didn't update on the first go.
7. Reboot (Still not sure if this is really required but can't hurt).

[TiVo [p0] ~]# cd /
[TiVo [p0] ~]# rw
[TiVo [p0] ~]# rsync -rv .
[TiVo [p0] ~]# /bin/ntpdate -b -v
[TiVo [p0] ~]# ro


Dave Hatt
08-10-2008, 09:28 PM
I thought I would post the instructions one more time (without the smilies) to make sure its clear for those still having problems:

Telnet into your Tivo.
Change to the top-level directory by doing
cd /
Run the command:
Run the command:
rsync -rv .
Don't forget the space then dot on the end of the command! 5a. Run command:
Run the command
rs/bin/ntpdate -b -v
Reboot the tivoStep 3 is to make sure your directory structure is not read-only. Step 7 may not be necessary for most people, but it can't hurt. Running these steps again also cannot hurt.

Please take note of any error messages, or if steps 4 and 6 don't provide the expected results. (Step 4 will synchronise your timezones folder with the one on oztivo, downloading the latest timezone files. Step 6 will update the time on your tivo by contacting a web time server.)

09-10-2008, 01:29 AM
There is a typo in Dave's post. step 4 should be
rsync -rv .

Also there should be a step 5a
ro This will make the system Read Only again. It is not always safe to reboot with the system Read/Write.


Dave Hatt
09-10-2008, 05:35 PM
Thanks Peter!

I amended the post with the corrections just for clarity. Hopefully that catches everything now! :)

09-10-2008, 07:19 PM
No worries, actually after thinking about it, neither the rw or ro steps are needed in this case anyway.
