View Full Version : Copy PC Files to TiVo

04-10-2008, 11:55 AM
Trying to get video files from my TiVo to PC and following setup using TyTool but stuck on how to transfer files from my PC to tivo. Seen comments about ftp'ing and using Telnet but can't find out exactly how. Simple, straightforward advice required please.

Also - is it just me or are the minnie www pages locked out? I get 'forbidden' whenever I follow a link there.

04-10-2008, 05:15 PM
Trying to get video files from my TiVo to PC and following setup using TyTool but stuck on how to transfer files from my PC to tivo. Seen comments about ftp'ing and using Telnet but can't find out exactly how. Simple, straightforward advice required please.

Also - is it just me or are the minnie www pages locked out? I get 'forbidden' whenever I follow a link there.

Hi Ray,
I recommend downloading and installing Filezilla; a great FTP programme.
When you run it, enter the IP address of your TiVo in the "Host" box, and click "Qickconnect". You'll see a whole lot of messages in the pane underneath.
The next parts of the screen are divided between your PC/laptop (Local site) and the TiVo (Remote site) directories. Select the directories that you want to copy from/to, and then drag 'n drop the file into the bottom pane.
You will be shown the file and the direction it will be FTP'ed.

Right click the item and choose "Process Queue", and watch it all happen.


04-10-2008, 05:29 PM
The links are working fine for me, but there does appear to be a DNS issue with some servers.

The tytool wiki is here ( This link should work regardless of DNS issues.


05-10-2008, 06:23 AM
Thanks again Ty.

I'm finding discrepancies in setup instructions on chmod. Which is correct?

I have copied tserver and NowShowing.tcl into /var/hack from TSERVER_Series1

In Putty then : -
cd /var/hack
chmod 777 tserver (note also suggested chmod 744?)
chmod 777 NowShowing.tcl

comes up with error Bug in Dynamic linker ld.so: dynamic-link.h 46: elf_get_dynamic_info: Assertion ! "bad dynamic tag"' failed!

Used TyTools also to run it and got connected ok but same error.

06-10-2008, 07:02 PM
Thanks again Ty.
comes up with error Bug in Dynamic linker ld.so: dynamic-link.h 46: elf_get_dynamic_info: Assertion ! "bad dynamic tag"' failed!

That's not a chmod issue, sounds more like a corrupted file issue.
If you copied the files using ftp and it did it in ascii that will corrupt the files.
Are the size in bytes the same on the tivo and on your PC?

TyTool Basically telnet's into the tivo and run's the script, if you it doesn't work from the command line it won't work from TyTools.

11-10-2008, 05:13 AM
Thanks - It was set to ascii not binary. Don't recall seeing a hint about that anywhere! Sorry don't understand your last sentence, 'if you it doesn't'?

Also found that I need to run \var\hack\tserver from telnet as in tserver I get ./NowShowing.tcl: No such file or directory error and nothing from refresh. Guess as it is in root not /var/hack directory. Do I need the equivalent of a path command somewhere? When I do this how do I stop tserver in telnet?

Associated question - how do I get rid of a green stripe to the right of my downloaded mpg file?

14-10-2008, 06:11 PM
Thanks - It was set to ascii not binary. Don't recall seeing a hint about that anywhere! Sorry don't understand your last sentence, 'if you it doesn't'?

Delete "you" ("if it doesn't...")

Also found that I need to run \var\hack\tserver from telnet as in tserver I get ./NowShowing.tcl: No such file or directory error and nothing from refresh. Guess as it is in root not /var/hack directory. Do I need the equivalent of a path command somewhere?

In TyTool, Options -> Preferences -> Server you need to include the full path to tserver, ie. /var/hack/tserver (from above it seems to me that is where it is located).

Note: in telnet (unix), always use "/" (not "\") for directory paths.

When I do this how do I stop tserver in telnet?

Simultaneously press Ctrl-C in the telnet window.

18-10-2008, 07:53 AM
Thanks again - Didn't get my / and \'s confused, only in my post here!

Didn't have the Options-Preferences tab and couldn't find the equivalent. Was using version 9r18 so found 10r4 and set that up, works fine now.
