View Full Version : Sluggish response from remote control

13-08-2008, 07:21 PM
One for the Tivo Wizs,

I've recently started experiencing sluggish response from both my STB and PayTV box when using the Tivo remote (and yes, I've changes the batteries several times). Up until now this hasn't been an issue. Sometimes it behaves normally, while other times there can be up to 30 seconds delay between channel changes? I also run an wireless AV receiver, could this maybe where the problem lies?

Any ideas?


14-08-2008, 08:39 PM
30 Seconds is not normal. It may happen occasionally if the TiVo is busy with heavy processing. But A/v Senders are a know source of trouble.

When it is happening, just unplug the IR reciever and see if it goes away.


15-08-2008, 10:13 PM
I just wonder whether the tivo is running 30 seconds or so behind "live" tv.

If you've not tried it, have a go pressing the fast forward button on the Tivo remote to make sure you're not watching the tivo output 30 seconds behind live tv..

Also, watch the numbers on the STB and see if they're changing as soon as you press the tivo remote.


16-08-2008, 03:40 PM
When the TiVo changes channels it starts the buffer from 0, so even if you were 10 minutes behind, the channel will change and you will see the new channel straight away.


17-08-2008, 07:42 AM
I agree with petestrash but I would still try this to be sure. It's a useful diagnostic anyway.

Also, watch the numbers on the STB and see if they're changing as soon as you press the tivo remote.


By this I mean get someone in the room where the STB is, to look at the front of your STB to see if it's changing as soon as you press the digits on the tivo remote. I presume you're using an IR extender to transmit the a/v to another room?

19-08-2008, 10:53 PM
Hi guys,

thanks for the suggestions and comments so far.

I've did check/try a few things you suggested, but they weren't the problem.

Just to give you a rundown/history on my set up (which might help) - I have Series 1 Tivo modded with a second AV input, and use a SD STB on the composite input and an Austar box plugged into the S-Video input. So naturally I'm using an IR blaster that points at both boxes.

This set up has been working seamlessly since I got it up and running early last year.

Keen to send the Austar signal to the bedroom, I bought a 2.4Ghz wireless AV sender mid last year, and split the AV signal of just Austar so a feed went to the TiVo and also to the new AV sender, which didn't cause any dramas at all. Except for the occasional fight over which room got the watch Austar. But essentially, the Austar box could be controlled via the TiVo remote in the same physical room as well as being watched and controlled in another room over the AV Sender (not simultaneously obviously).

Due to some renovations, I've had the whole kit and kaboodle packed up for most of this year, until just recently. Due to the newly rebuilt living area (not near the room with Austar), this time when I set my system up I decided to try running the TiVo (with STB & Austar plugged into it) via the same 2.4Ghz wireless receiver I used before, the ideal being instead of just getting Austar in another room, I could leave all the hardware set up in the old room of the house, but watch and control it in the new living room.

And this is where I've run into trouble....

Basically I have no problems at all operating any of the menus, navigating the guide information, even playing back stored programs. Everything works as quickly and seamlessly as if the TiVo was in the same room. That is, I'm in another room to all the hardware, watching a TV with only the AV sender plugged in, and I'm able to use the TiVo remote, err remotely to access the TiVo!

But as soon I try and change channels either via the TiVo guide or using the channel buttons on the remote, there is a lengthy delay (10-30 seconds) before the channel eventually changes, IF it does at all. This is particularly bad when going from a STB channel to an Austar channel.

I've watched the front of the STB and Austar and they are definitely not changing when I've given the command via the TiVo remote, so the delay would appear to be taking place inside the TiVo for some reason.

As a test, I've had someone stand in the same room as the 'hardware' with the TiVo remote while I've watched in the other room with the TV, and there is no delay when not using the remote control over the AV Sender. So is the problem that the TiVo simply doesn't like being controlled over a wireless AV connection?

Sorry for the long rant guys, but I thought some background info might shine a light on some ideas for this issue.


19-08-2008, 11:10 PM
Ok, with the background I have a couple of suggestions.

We need to know where the delay is occurring.

You need to try again with someone in both rooms. The person in the equipment room needs to look at the sender using a digital camera/phone/camcorder.

Watch the sender and see when the channel change command comes through, then also watch when the TiVo's emitter send the channel change signal. and let us know the times for both.

While you're at it, what happens if you use the STB or Austar remote in the other room?
