View Full Version : Problems with daily call

04-08-2008, 07:15 PM
Has anyone else had problems with there daily call? I have not had a succesfull one since July 28. I have changed my home network and this could be the problem although I cannot see why. I see the NZ website is down (maintainence) could this be the problem?:confused:

05-08-2008, 09:08 AM
Do you still have the same address for your router? If you've changed your home network you may have a new router IP address. You'll probably need to login to your TiVo and run:

route add default gw

(where is the address for your router, that's my address, yours may be different)

if it's a Thomson you'll need I think:

route.tivo add default gw

give that a go and see if it fixes it. Will check my Tivo when I get home tonight, I've not checked to see if it's made a daily call lately but if you've changed your home network I think the above is your most likely fix.

06-08-2008, 06:19 AM
Strangely enoug, I had the same problem. My last successful connection was about the same date.

Its worth noting that there seems to be an extra week of TVGuide data that only has TVOne News etc, which has the unintended consequence that by the time TiVo warns you you are running out of guide data, you have already lost a few days of all other recordings.

Anyway, after a bit of messing around, checking setting were correct, I simply reset my TiVo, and hey presto, the next connection was successful.

For the record, I connect by dialup modem, I'm running the ozTivo 1.6.2 image from late 2006, but I connect to the NZ emulator for guide data.

That makes for a very strange coincidence that we would both loose guide data at the same time, at the same time the oztivo crowd is turning off thieir old emulator. We are using broadband and dialup, and using the NZ emulator, so no obvious correlations... :confused:

06-08-2008, 06:08 PM
Sounds even more strange as I finally made a connection last night (althoug it sat on setting up for ever) and appeared to download data to the 10th Aug but all I got was one News & TV3 News on the wrong channels? I have restarted a number of times and still the same. I think my network is OK as it can make a test call without a problem.

07-08-2008, 05:33 AM
After much wailling and nashing of teath I re ran guided setup last night (didn't change anything) but now everything back to normal! Go figure? Bad download perhaps I don't know.

07-08-2008, 01:05 PM
I think my network is OK as it can make a test call without a problem.

Just for future reference, test call is really only tests if your TiVo can call out. It doesn't show up ISP issues like transparent proxies etc. It's always best to test by forcing a daily call.

Any problems during the call are logged to /var/log/tclient.log, and /var/log/Otclient.log


08-08-2008, 10:12 AM
Edited. Sorry about that.

08-08-2008, 03:43 PM
Please do not post what is basically the same issue in two different threads, it just wastes everyone's time.

Original thread (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1878)
