View Full Version : How to Force a Daily Call after updating to www.oztivo.net?

23-07-2008, 11:40 AM
Hi guys,

Finally just pulled my TiVo back out of storage after moving house a few months ago, and have set about updating it to the new server.

While I think that went all well via Telnet, I now want to force a daily call to get the latest guide info, but can't seem to get this working.

I've tried the trickey - CLEAR,LIVETV,CLEAR But I don't get any message on screen following this, or any of the other trickey commands for that point.

Is there another option for forcing a call? And what time are they scheduled to take place automatically anyway?

I'm running V3.0 R1.6.2


Darren King
23-07-2008, 11:49 AM
If you have just finished setting the TiVo up it will have downloaded the first round of guide data but it won't show up for anything up to 24 hours while things index.

There is a way of forcing a call via TiVoWEB. Point your web browser to the IP addess of the TiVo and you will find it under the "phone" tab.

The TiVo does not have a defined time it gets it's data. It is dependent on what other system tasks are working and the like. It is generally around once every 24 hours or so.

23-07-2008, 12:13 PM
Thanks for your help Darren.

I've just logged in via TiVoWeb and it's currently downloading the latest data! Too easy...

My TiVo should only need this EPG info as all the settings from the last time I had it running should still be stored (I'm hoping) for the STB and Austar box I had hooked up.

Why I asked about 'scheduled' updates was because, I don't have a permanent Network connection for the TiVo at the moment, and manually need to plug in a CAT5 cable for updates, so I was kinda hoping this happened at a set time, like overnight, so I could just run the CAT5 to the box each night. If it doesn't detect a network connection does this stuff things up? Or will it just connect and download the latest data each time the network cable is plugged in?

23-07-2008, 01:08 PM
You can force a call at any time that suits you using the method that Darren described.

But unless you are desperate for any last minute changes, really just make a call each Friday night and you should have a weeks worth of data.


23-07-2008, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the advice too Peter.

My next question was going to be how many days data can I expect in a 'single' forced call, but it sounds like if I hooked the box up and force a call manually overnight 1-2 times a week, I should be fine.

My update has only just finished downloading a minute ago, but there are still no program details, so does the box need a reboot?


23-07-2008, 01:33 PM
As Darren said earlier, it can take up to 24 hours for the initial indexing to complete.

Hooking up a couple of times a week would be find. Just remember our biggest FTA day is Friday, so make Friday or Saturday one of the days.


23-07-2008, 04:36 PM
Ah, yes I forgot there is generally a 24 hour indexing process. Thanks again for your helpful advice.
Cheers ,