View Full Version : How to re-image disk

15-07-2008, 11:27 PM
Hi All,

I just purchased a S1 Tivo which is running ver 1.3.
I need to upgrade it to the latests version, unfortunatly I cannot find a write up, could some one please guide me in how to re image my Tivo?

I have basic computers skills, I have downloaded putty.exe and can telnet to my Tivo.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Darren King
16-07-2008, 05:47 AM
All you need to know is on the official OzTiVo website: http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Install/PrepareTiVoDisk

16-07-2008, 09:45 AM
Thank you Darren

16-07-2008, 04:34 PM
How do I remove the lid to get to the hdd?
I removed the screws at the back but the lid seems stuck, Im to scared to add pressure to it.

16-07-2008, 05:05 PM
I jam a butter knife between the cover and the case at the back, and prise it out a bit. A flathead screwdriver is stronger but tends to gouge. The cover should slide back a few cm then you can lift it off.
These days i just rest the bottom back edge of the tivo across the corner of a chair, grip the cover in both hands and shove it really hard :)

16-07-2008, 11:38 PM
Have a look here (http://www.weaknees.com/instructions/sa_s1_replace.pdf) for some pictures.


16-07-2008, 11:45 PM
Thanks Skolink,
I did as you said and it came out nice and clean, I am so impressed with the build quality of the unit.

16-07-2008, 11:47 PM
Have a look here (http://www.weaknees.com/instructions/sa_s1_replace.pdf) for some pictures.


Thanks Peter, I think there's something wrong with the link, I can't open it.

Darren King
17-07-2008, 06:42 AM
Thanks Peter, I think there's something wrong with the link, I can't open it.

Worked fine for me with Acrobat 6 and 8. I'm assuming that you do have Adobe Acrobat or a similar PDF reader installed on your computer?

17-07-2008, 07:24 AM
it now worked for me....go figure!...lol
I'm about to re-image my v1.3 to the latest v1.6 (downloaded from OZtivo) this afternoon, do you have any tips from experience?
I'm a total n00bie and any tips would be great (I am following the guide from OZtivo).

17-07-2008, 10:42 AM
Read the guide thoroughly. ;)

17-07-2008, 03:11 PM
Follow the instructions Darren gave (re-check them if you printed it, as I updated it yesterday) and do each menu item only in the order they appear.

ie start at the top and work your way down the list.


17-07-2008, 11:27 PM
Follow the instructions Darren gave (re-check them if you printed it, as I updated it yesterday) and do each menu item only in the order they appear.

ie start at the top and work your way down the list.



I re-imaged the hdd this evening, Ifollowed the prompts and completed them one by one. When I re-installed the hdd in the TiVo I got up to the network connections where it failed due to no tone available. I suspect I lost the drivers to my chachecard network card.

what could have gone wrong?

18-07-2008, 03:28 AM
Are you sure it's a cachecard in your machine?

Were there any lights on the cachecard?

When you setup networking on the setup what options did you choose?


18-07-2008, 10:01 AM
Are you sure it's a cachecard in your machine?

Were there any lights on the cachecard?

When you setup networking on the setup what options did you choose?



I'll have to double check the card and get back to you. I will redo the image this evening. I'm pretty sure i didn't give the option to choose networking in the options menu.

18-07-2008, 11:32 AM
In your case, when running the installer you will need to use the following:
First Update installer
Second Select disk
Third Install the Image
fourth setup Networking, select the correct card and follow the prompts.
Then Exit


20-07-2008, 02:26 PM
In your case, when running the installer you will need to use the following:
First Update installer
Second Select disk
Third Install the Image
fourth setup Networking, select the correct card and follow the prompts.
Then Exit


G'day Peter,

I re-imaged the drive once again, I did the update-selected disk-install image-set up network-

I hooked up the hdd back to the Tivo and got the cachecard splash screen, but it gave an error saying it could not find the drivers.

It went to the set ip guide but failed at"connecting" where it said service unavailable, last time it gave me the "no dial tone" error.

any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Ps- I cannot telnet to the Tivo

20-07-2008, 03:13 PM
Ok, you are sure you have a Cachecard?

What version number is printed on it, and what colour is it?

Please tell me exactly what error message is shown on the screen when booting. You may need to boot a couple of times (or take a photo) to catch it all.

Do you have any ram installed in the Cachecard.


20-07-2008, 03:35 PM
Ok, you are sure you have a Cachecard?

What version number is printed on it, and what colour is it?

Please tell me exactly what error message is shown on the screen when booting. You may need to boot a couple of times (or take a photo) to catch it all.

Do you have any ram installed in the Cachecard.


The card says cachecard Rev 2.2 and its red, and yes it has ram attached
I will try to photo the error message.

20-07-2008, 04:57 PM
Ok, well at least we know you are selecting the right card. ;)

Do you have a serial cable that you can connect between a pc and the TiVo?


20-07-2008, 07:32 PM
Ok, well at least we know you are selecting the right card. ;)

Do you have a serial cable that you can connect between a pc and the TiVo?


Hi Peter, I took a photo but I don't know how to upload, I don't have a serial cable should I get one?

20-07-2008, 09:20 PM
Just write down the details of the error message and post it here.

Would be better than posting a reduced image which is hard to read.


21-07-2008, 07:23 AM
Just write down the details of the error message and post it here.

Would be better than posting a reduced image which is hard to read.


Hi Peter,

the error on the splash screen reads exactly like this:


driver version:xxxxxxxx/20050218
ERROR: Driver failed to load:
cachecard:000070000 00007000 00007300 00007300
cachecard:00f27400 00f27400 00007700 00007700
cachecard:000078000 000078000 00007b00 00007b00
cachecard:d0f0cc03 d0f0cc03 00007f00 00007f00
cachecard:error:cachecard/sram not found!

21-07-2008, 12:52 PM
ok, That error relates to an issue with the ram, but the card should still work for networking.

Can you remove the cachecard, then remove the ram from the card, then reinstall the card (without ram) making sure that the card is fully seated (no contacts showing).


21-07-2008, 01:43 PM
No probs Peter, I'll do that when I get home later this evening.
many thanks for your help and interest!

22-07-2008, 07:15 AM
I removed the ram but it still gave me an error, its looking for the cachecard drivers (which are not there).
I proceeded to redo the image and network setting, on the network menu I chose DHCP, the suggested MAC address, and chose the relevant card (cachecard with ram). at this point I expected drivers to be loaded but it just took me to a the warning screen and then back to the main menu.

pls help!

Darren King
22-07-2008, 07:38 AM
You say you removed the ram, but did you also remove and reinsert the card to the TiVo motherboard as Peter asked, and ensured that the card did slot fully onto the motherboard?

There are also two locking tabs holding the motherboard down to the case either side of the card slot that you may want to straighten so the motherboard can lift a little. The reason for doing that is that very few people trim down the top side of the rubber foot which is located directly under the card slot and this can sometimes prevent the network card from being fully seated onto the motherboard. Untwisting the tabs allow enough clearance.

22-07-2008, 08:27 AM
You say you removed the ram, but did you also remove and reinsert the card to the TiVo motherboard as Peter asked, and ensured that the card did slot fully onto the motherboard?

There are also two locking tabs holding the motherboard down to the case either side of the card slot that you may want to straighten so the motherboard can lift a little. The reason for doing that is that very few people trim down the top side of the rubber foot which is located directly under the card slot and this can sometimes prevent the network card from being fully seated onto the motherboard. Untwisting the tabs allow enough clearance.

Hi Darren,

I did as Peter asked, I removed the card from the slot, then removed the ram, then replaced the card back in (making sure it was fully in). The card was operational in that the green light on its side was on (is this correct?) during the guided set up.
You see when I first bought the TiVo (running ver 1.3) I powered it up, the cachecard splash screen appeared, it loaded all drivers then it sent me to TiVo central. then I tried to run the guided set up so I could hook up my foxtel (original the person I bought from had set up for FTA only) to it, it always failed on connecting to server, no matter how hard i tried to make it connect to the new server (telnetting to it), it wouldn't do it.

So I decided to reimage the drive to the newer version to bring it up to date.

22-07-2008, 11:14 AM
There will be a driver error on boot because it cannot load the cachecard drivers, but should still load the networking.

Have you checked the TiVo messages to see if your TiVo has been allocated an IP by your router, (you do have a DHCP server turned on) ?

The warning screen is correct on the installer, and there is no confirmation that the settings have been made.

On the installer there is an option to view the settings. can you have a look this and write down what is shown.

Also perhap give the TiVo a fixed IP using the installer that is not part of your DHCP range, but on the same subnet.


22-07-2008, 12:06 PM
There will be a driver error on boot because it cannot load the cachecard drivers, but should still load the networking.

Have you checked the TiVo messages to see if your TiVo has been allocated an IP by your router, (you do have a DHCP server turned on) ?

The warning screen is correct on the installer, and there is no confirmation that the settings have been made.

On the installer there is an option to view the settings. can you have a look this and write down what is shown.

Also perhap give the TiVo a fixed IP using the installer that is not part of your DHCP range, but on the same subnet.


Hi Peter,

Upon booting the TiVo, it starts up in maintenance mode, where it takes me directly to the set up guide, from this point it goes through everything until the networking where it tries to connect. This is where it falls down. Does the image allow for connection to the moved server?

DHCP is running on my router where I can see IP addresses for my computer and PS3. Once upon a time (before the initial re-image) I used to see the TiVo aswell (called oztivo).

I will give it an IP when i redo it tonight.
Many thanks for your help.

22-07-2008, 12:13 PM
Yes the image allows for the new server, but does not allow for TPG.

Are you with TPG for Internet?

Either way you should see it on your router, if it's not there it won't make a call.

Let us know how you go with a fixed IP.

If it works, at least we will have some access to your box to see what's happening.


22-07-2008, 12:40 PM
Yes the image allows for the new server, but does not allow for TPG.

Are you with TPG for Internet?

Either way you should see it on your router, if it's not there it won't make a call.

Let us know how you go with a fixed IP.

If it works, at least we will have some access to your box to see what's happening.


ahh TPG that brings back bad memories.... no thankfully I'm not with TPG (i'm with Telstra).
I will fix the IP and let you know how it all goes.

23-07-2008, 07:04 AM
Peter & Darren,

I managed to get somewhere last night, I decided to hook up the hdd as it was with the cachecard + ram but disconnected to the ethernet, well this did the trick, the splash screen came up and it wrote and verifyied drivers, It took me to the set up guide where it failed again. Ok, I hooked up the ethernet cable rebooted and voila it connected to the network and it downloaded and indexed guide data!.

OK, the issue I have is that I did get to see foxtel through a single channel on the Tivo and had to manually change channels with the fox remote (I forgot to do the IR in my excitement) and the other issue is that all my FTA channels were not displayed, except for a single channel that shows foxtel. Do I have an issue with my pal tuner? at the original set up I chose the "phillips tuner" should I have gone with the "samsung"
Oh and my telnet is not working, even though my router sees "oztivo" in the network.

Darren King
23-07-2008, 07:14 AM
Sounds like a flakey network cable or the cachecard is still not making reliable contact with the motherboard if you had to do that.

Yes you should have gone with "Samsung" tuner.

Did you use the IP address the router is reporting for the TiVo in your telnet program? IT will now be different to what you may have saved in your telnet program.

23-07-2008, 09:33 AM
Sounds like a flakey network cable or the cachecard is still not making reliable contact with the motherboard if you had to do that.

Yes you should have gone with "Samsung" tuner.

Did you use the IP address the router is reporting for the TiVo in your telnet program? IT will now be different to what you may have saved in your telnet program.

I will have a look at the connections again, just in case.
Something told me to go with samsung but I opted with phillips instead, will this solve my FTA issue?

yes I used the new IP address which i found in the messages, whats strange is that it manages to connect to the server but when I try to connect to it directly via a web browser it does not let me.

Darren King
23-07-2008, 11:23 AM
Something told me to go with samsung but I opted with phillips instead, will this solve my FTA issue?


whats strange is that it manages to connect to the server but when I try to connect to it directly via a web browser it does not let me.

Hang on, I thought you said Telnet? You are now talking about TiVoWEB. The problem you describe is most likely caused by something known as "crashcount" not being zero. There's plenty of info on how to fix this already if you do a search for the word crashcount but to make the fix you will need to gain telnet access which is definitely NOT the same as TiVoWEB.

23-07-2008, 12:21 PM

Hang on, I thought you said Telnet? You are now talking about TiVoWEB. The problem you describe is most likely caused by something known as "crashcount" not being zero. There's plenty of info on how to fix this already if you do a search for the word crashcount but to make the fix you will need to gain telnet access which is definitely NOT the same as TiVoWEB.

Darren my apologies..... I suffer from teh n00bie syndrome at the game of Tivo,
Yes I haven't telnetted with Putty yet, I will have a go tonight, and once again so sorry for getting my terms mixed up.

Darren King
23-07-2008, 03:51 PM
Darren my apologies..... I suffer from teh n00bie syndrome at the game of Tivo

That's perfectly OK. We were all like that once :)

When you have PuTTY connected here is the post that shows what you need to do: http://forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=9107&postcount=8

Once you have everything sorted you will be an expert like the rest of us :D

23-07-2008, 04:17 PM
That's perfectly OK. We were all like that once :)

When you have PuTTY connected here is the post that shows what you need to do: http://forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=9107&postcount=8

Once you have everything sorted you will be an expert like the rest of us :D

G'day Darren,

I managed to get through with putty and ran the code for the crashcount reset, now I am happy to announce I have access to tivoweb plus!

I ran the set up guide again, because last time i did'nt run the IR codes, i did it this time but I think I did it incorrectly, I still cant change foxtel channels with the tivo remote.

I really don't want to re-image my hdd again, is there another way to set up my tuner to "samsung" instead of the "phillips"?

Also, my livetv shows headings for foxtel shows, but no picture (just like FTA). I am currently on TV1 (101) and if I change channels with the fox remote it changes them to whatever I want but on the Tivo it stays on TV1, is this correct?

BTW my tivo is still indexing so I can't record anything for the 4 to 8 hrs.

24-07-2008, 12:06 AM
The TiVo has no idea that you have manually changed the channel using the Foxtel remote, this is why the channel ID has not changed.

When using a TiVo, take the batteries out of your fox remote and put it in the cupboard. It is dangerous to leave it active as someone may change the channel while it is recording your favourite show. If someone tries this with the TiVo remote it will give a warning and the choice if they want to continue.

From memory you can change the tuner with /sbin/palmod_config


Darren King
24-07-2008, 07:02 AM
From memory you can change the tuner with /sbin/palmod_config

Yep, or just the command palmod_config should do the trick and follow the menu items.

24-07-2008, 07:26 AM
Yep, or just the command palmod_config should do the trick and follow the menu items.

Thanks Peter & Darren,

guys, just to clarify...to run the palmod_config I would need to telnet to the tivo and type in "palmod_config" at the command prompt?

Darren King
24-07-2008, 10:17 AM
Yes that is the procedure.

24-07-2008, 10:43 AM
Thanks Darren.

24-07-2008, 03:34 PM
I fixed the tuner, but I have a problem with the IR codes, I'm currently on Foxtel satellite, I'm not sure of the box model (I looked all around but there was no info in the box) it displays the numbers on the front, any ideas?
I tried all the foxtel codes and the pace codes to no avail.
Also foxtel has triple digits for channels, the tivo displays only 2.

Darren King
24-07-2008, 03:39 PM
I don't have much experience with IR control. Pity you did not ask before reimaging as there would have been a way to note down the exact code. Too late now :(

You'll most likely find a model number on the rear or underneath the box. Just note down anything you find and post it here. Someone will know.

24-07-2008, 03:41 PM
I don't have much experience with IR control. Pity you did not ask before reimaging as there would have been a way to note down the exact code. Too late now :(

You'll most likely find a model number on the rear or underneath the box. Just note down anything you find and post it here. Someone will know.

I found the box serial number DSN 720

24-07-2008, 05:18 PM
I seemed to be locked out of the "phone & recorder settings" menu, everytime i select it, it takes me back to the same menu?

Darren King
24-07-2008, 05:28 PM
Some menus are like that as we are not running "proper" software but a hack of the USA software.

For example you cannot redo guided setup via this way. The correct procedure is outlined here: http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/Install/RedoGuidedSetup

29-07-2008, 07:31 AM
Just to bring some finality to the thread, thanks to Peter and Darren I was able to successfully re-image from 1.3 to 1.6, we sorted out the network connection problem (I believe it was at my end with my connecting hardware-just had to tighten up the connections). I managed to reconfigure my pal tuner (I used the wrong selection in the set up stage- I used the phillips instead of the samsung), and finally Darrent helped me with the IR codes (problem was incorrect selection of foxtel services - I should have used foxtel digital satellite).

Peter and Darren you guys are a real credit to this forum and the ozTiVo community, keep up the fantastic work!