View Full Version : Setting the clock on a Thomson

27-04-2008, 06:12 AM
Ok i've had a read through the forums and i can't seem to find yet a help for this one, bit of a common one i think.

My Tivo clock is set to the correct time, so the listings come up all good. Only problem is the time on the screen in the listings is +1 hour ahead. The listings are bang on and when i telnet to tivo:

[TiVo [p0] ~]# date
Sun Apr 27 09:11:07 localtime 2008

This is correct.

Any ideas how to get both clocks to match? Thanks.

27-04-2008, 06:29 AM
It sounds like a warped clock. If you search the forums or http://minnie.tuhs.org for 'warped' you will find a solution.

27-04-2008, 10:57 AM
hmm, i had a look through and could not find anything particular.

The Tivo is running fine, the guides and season passes are perfect - just need to find a way of getting the clock on screen to go back an hour. Any more ideas?

27-04-2008, 02:56 PM
there's 2 things that might cause the Clock Warp issue on a Thomson I know of.

1. You haven't updated the Auckland timezone file to take into account the new dates for the switch over. I don't think this is it as by now I think even the old dates should've switched over. This thread should help you with that:

Also try:
dbget /Setup TimeZone
dbget /Setup DaylightSavingsPolicy

Both should return "0". If they don't exist, you can create them:
dbsetx /Setup TimeZone 0
dbsetx /Setup DaylightSavingsPolicy 0

2. What postocde are you running off? I also got the clock warp issue on a Thomson because I was using a postcode that isn't in the /etc/postcodezones file as standard. open up that /etc/postcodezones file and add a line for your postcode. For me it was 02127

joe /etc/postcodezones

added this line to the end:

02127 Pacific/Auckland

making sure that the whitespace between 02127 and "Pacific/Auckland" is a tab and that you press return at the end of the line as well.

Hopefully one of them is your problem!

27-04-2008, 04:12 PM
OK! I did this:

dbsetx /Setup TimeZone 0
dbsetx /Setup DaylightSavingsPolicy 0

And it's now working a treat. Many thanks for your help.