View Full Version : Can't connect to Oztivo to get guide data

07-04-2008, 02:02 PM
We moved on 20 Jan to a new address, and it hasn't connected since then (the last daily call we had was on 15 Jan). We made sure all the ports from (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Network/NetworkingHowto) were opened. We even completely took down the firewall on the router and it still didn't work.

We were on cable (TelstraClear), and I've had it work on Telecom's DSL service before at another address. We are now on DSL with Voice over IP (Xnet.co.nz).

We have been able to access it via TivoWeb, from within our home, so it's definitely connecting to the router. And my flatmate took it to his work (we changed the IP settings to be what he has there) and it still wouldn't connect during guided setup. However he was able to download the new daylight savings file, so the Tivo can connect to the outside world, and not just our network.

It's just not able to get out and get guide data for some reason. Any thoughts?

Another idea is could just manually download the slice. That way we won't have a long cord going around the house to the router.

I saw a page where I can manually download it, but can't find which one should be used for NZ (Wellington)? From what I can make out they seem to all be for Oz. (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Howto/ManualyLoadSliceFile)

The link for postcodes on that page is broken (and 02113 isn't on there): http://minnie.tuhs.org/TiVo/files/slices/Stations

I've also tried doing a whole new image and starting from scratch on a bigger hard drive (to be used without another hard drive), but it too gets hung up on guided setup during the connection. I don't think manually downloading the slice will work for that one since it seems to need to download some other stuff to start off with....so we really need to figure how to get connected again.


07-04-2008, 06:55 PM
Well I doubt it's your new ISP. My friend is with Xnet and his TiVo downloads the guide data just fine.
Are you are looking for the current NZ postcodes? They are here http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=912
You must have a new modem/router since you have gone from cable to dsl, but it sounds like you've set that up correctly. Have you tried DHCP instead of the manual settings?
I can't think of anything to suggest trying at this stage

08-04-2008, 05:23 AM
Thanks for the reply!

Yeah, we've tried DHCP as well, but no luck.

Postcodes aren't the issue, got the correct one. Just couldn't find the corresponding one to page that has the manual downloads for the slice (could be they are just available for Oz?). But even if NZ stuff was on there it wouldn't help since we can't connect during the guided setup.

We do have a new modem. We kept all the settings the same, so it seems like it should have worked. We've got a few old ones lying around so we'll try using them.


08-04-2008, 05:54 AM
Maybe double check your gateway is correct. I have my tivo connected to my laptop which uses wifi to get to my router (other end of the house) that has the modem on it. I bridged the wireless adapter and the ethernet and enabled IP Routing in the registry. I could see the internet and the tivo fine but daily calls failed until I noticed the gateway was set to the PC's IP not the router. Long shot I know but the symptoms rang a bell.

08-04-2008, 10:22 AM
Thanks for the idea Wanted :-) Unfortunately it's definitely on a different IP address. I've tried DHCP, x.x.x.50, and x.x.x.150, but to no avail.

I've also tried pinging google.com from the Tivo, after it pinged ok from my computer, but no luck. But I can ping the Tivo ok.

08-04-2008, 02:39 PM
But the gateway is right too? If you type "route" on the tivo telnet session is the default gateway the same as if you type "route print" in a dos shell on your PC (assuming you are running XP). Also the tivo will need to ping as I don't think google.com will resolve.

08-04-2008, 07:36 PM
Can you post the output of the following commands as well as the address of your gateway/dsl router:




traceroute -n