View Full Version : Daily Call?

08-02-2008, 06:48 PM

I bought my Tivo off a friend set up and working. It’s been working well until recently.

I have limited knowledge of how it all works but have been able to follow instructions on this forum to make changes as required (i.e. daylight savings). I am keen to be able to stream recorded programs off the Tivo to a PC. I read up on the recommended changes which required TivoWebPlus. I telnetted to my Tivo and had a look around and seemed TivoWebPlus was already running. But I could not get the streaming to work.

However now my daily call is not working and I no longer have any guide data.

I can force a manual call but this fails as well.

I can ping the IP address of my Tivo from my PC but can't telnet using Ethernet. I can telnet to it using a comms cable. However when I go to disconnect I get the following.

[TiVo [S3] ~]# exit
bash: no job control in this shell
[TiVo [S3] ~]#

Not sure if I've caused this or it is a totally separate problem.

Can someone give me some pointers on how to fix?

09-02-2008, 04:16 PM
Ok, what a strange set of symptoms.

First reboot, then I'd try 'ps ax' using your comms cable, and post the results here.

Also run though the tests at Configuration_and_Diagnostics (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Network/NetworkingHowto#Configuration_and_Diagnostics).

And post the results here.


12-02-2008, 05:32 PM

Thanks for the pointers. I went throught the Configuration and Diagnositcs as you suggested. My Tivo mostly working now.

My friend set up the system with DHCP off the router. Some how the Tivo IP address was reassigned to my PC so what I was pinging was the PC and not the Tivo. When I ran ifconfig on the Tivo the inet addr was which explained why Tivo wasn't working. I checked the set up using the nic_config_tivo command. To fix I rebooted the router, Tivo picked up an IP address (checked using ifconfig) and then I forced a daily call, success!

I can now Telnet via ethernet to the Tivo but when I point my browser at the address I get a pop up box asking for username and password. It didn't use to do this.

I'm still keen to get streaming working if you can help.

See following for results from ps ax.


[TiVo [S3] ~]# ps ax
1 ? SW 0:00 init
2 ? SW 0:01 (kflushd)
3 ? RW 0:09 (kswapd)
60 ? S 0:00 update (bdflush)
68 ? S 0:09 syslogd -p /var/dev/log -m 10000
70 ? SW 0:00 klogd
80 ? SW 0:00 (shondss.sh)
81 ? SW 0:00 (tnlited.sh)
83 ? SW 0:00 /sbin/tnlited 23 /bin/bash -login
84 ? S 0:00 /bin/bash -login
87 ? SW 0:22 /tvbin/switcherstart -m -F
89 ? S 3:47 /tvbin/mfsd
91 ? S 0:00
124 ? SW 0:00 (mcp)
143 ? SW 0:00 (tivoftpd)
144 ? S 0:00 cron
150 ? S 0:16 tivosh /hack/bin/endpadplus.tcl -run 0 5 -auto
151 ? R 0:18 tivosh /hack/TivoWebPlus/httpd-tt.tcl
154 ? SW 0:00 (emuProxy2)
155 ? R 0:00 trickey
159 ? SW 0:10 PipeListen
160 ? R 0:30 Mcp event
164 ? SW 0:00 (tcphonehome)
166 ? SW 0:00 FsMpStream
167 ? SW 0:08 PipeListener
170 ? S 0:00 PhoneHome event hd
175 ? S 0:01 /sbin/dhclient -q eth0
175 ? S 0:01 /sbin/dhclient -q eth0
179 ? SW 0:09 PipeListener
180 ? S 0:03 /tvbin/myworld
181 ? SW 0:00 FsMpStream
182 ? SW 0:05 PipeListener
184 ? SW 0:02 TmkSinkMixAud
185 ? SW 2:41 TmkClipCache0
186 ? SW 2:06 TmkClipCache1
187 ? D 46:04 TvMomCs22Sink
188 ? SW 0:00 (myworld)
189 ? S 1:18 Mediaswitch0
190 ? S 0:07 TvVideoManager
191 ? S 0:53 TvRecorder
192 ? S 2:40 TmkTaskManager
193 ? R 29:10 Scheduler
194 ? R 10:17 Prioritizer
195 ? R 0:09 EventLog event
196 ? S 0:02 PvrMain
197 ? SW 0:00 (myworld)
198 ? S 6:36 ContextMgr eve
919 ? R 0:00 ps ax

12-02-2008, 10:50 PM
username is oztivo password blank.

Usually only needed of you are logging in from a different subnet.
