View Full Version : Uploading Data

18-11-2007, 04:22 AM
Hi thought I might help a bit (if i can)

did this file by hand and uploaded it, only 1 program worked...

tryied that program SDE but did not have the channel I was doing ([v]2), spent some time creating it with an existing channel thinking I would just rename the channel name (which did not work)... even was going to re-compile the src... but better find out why this file is invalid....


21-11-2007, 12:58 AM
This is what a correct SDE file should look like:

StationdayVersion: 2.0
Station: V2
Daynum: 13838

Time: 3600
Title: Now Playing
Duration: 25200
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0

Time: 28800
Title: VH1 Classic
Duration: 7200
Description: All your favourite videos from the '70s, '80s and '90s!
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: G

Time: 36000
Title: The Greatest
Duration: 3600
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Reality,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 39600
Title: Flavor of Love 2
Duration: 3600
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 43200
Title: All Access
Duration: 1800
Description: VH1's series of original specials that offer an insider's look into the world of rock & roll, from money to fashion to feuds and more.
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living,Documentary,Documentaries
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 45000
Title: Top 20 Count Em Down
Duration: 5400
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 50400
Title: Front Row
Duration: 3600
Advisory: L
Description: An insider's look at the world of fashion's bad boy Wayne Cooper as he geared up for Mercedes Australian Fashion Week 2002.
Genres: Fashion,Biography,Arts and Living,Documentaries
Season: 0
TvRating: MA

Time: 54000
Title: Motormouth
Duration: 1800
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0

Time: 55800
Title: VH1 Salutes
Duration: 1800
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 57600
Title: Home James
Duration: 1800
Episodic: 1
Season: 0

Time: 59400
Title: Home James
Duration: 1800
Episodic: 1
Season: 0

Time: 61200
Title: Fablife
Duration: 3600
Episodic: 1
Genres: Gossip,Home and Garden
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 64800
Title: Flavor of Love 2
Duration: 3600
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 68400
Title: Flavor of Love 2
Duration: 3600
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 72000
Title: Top 20 Count Em Down
Duration: 5400
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 77400
Title: Home James
Duration: 1800
Episodic: 1
Season: 0

Time: 79200
Title: Home James
Duration: 1800
Episodic: 1
Season: 0

Time: 81000
Title: Pop Up Video
Duration: 1800
Description: Featuring five of VH1's most popular music videos per episode, a graphical factoid pops onto the screen with amusing facts about the video it springs onto, including behind-the-scenes stories from the actual video shoot and biographical information on the individual artist.
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 82800
Title: Pop Up Video
Duration: 1800
Description: Featuring five of VH1's most popular music videos per episode, a graphical factoid pops onto the screen with amusing facts about the video it springs onto, including behind-the-scenes stories from the actual video shoot and biographical information on the individual artist.
Episodic: 1
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: PG

Time: 84600
Title: VH1 Classic
Duration: 5400
Description: All your favourite videos from the '70s, '80s and '90s!
Genres: Music,Arts and Living
Season: 0
TvRating: G

This is not actual V2 data, just an example of the format required.


23-11-2007, 04:39 AM
Thanks for that I just read the v1 info file.... and thought I followed what was required, which when submitted was wrong but I don't recall it explaining the space between programs maybe I missed it as it was late when i did it..

here is what i thought i had to do

In the intermediate file format, each program record consists of these lines.
Each line starts with a keyword then a colon then exactly one space character
and then the actual value. Some lines are optional and are shown with asterisks
below. For the comma-separated lists, there is no whitespace on either side
of the commas.

A single file should only contain data for a specific daynum. The two
fetchers in version 3 of Wktivoguide will only put out data for a specific
daynum. If there is data for another day, then it will be ignored.

The data in a single file ____MUST____ be in ascending time order!!!

The intermediate file format can now contain Latin-x characters, as these
will be remapped and/or stripped by SliceBuilder.pm.

Title: Textual title of the program
Daynum: Date of the program as the number of days since 1970.
Time: Time when the program starts, seconds since 00:00 on the date
Both the Time and Daynum fields are local time in
the timezone from where the data came from.
Duration: Duration in seconds
*Episode: Textual episode name, arbirarily long, single line
*Description: Textual description of the program, arbirarily long, single line
*Year: Year of the movie, four digits
*Genres: Comma separated list of textual genre or genre groups. See
genretypes for the list.
*Episodic: 1 or 0, indicating if program is episodic or is not episodic.
*Advisory: Comma separated list of numbers between 1 to 10, representing:
Language, GraphicLanguage, Nudity, BriefNudity,
GraphicViolence, Violence, MildViolence, StrongSexual,
Rape, AdultSituations.
*Actor: Comma separated list of actor names
*Director: Director's name
*Premiere: Either the word "Premiere" or the word "Final". Indicates
of this is the first or last showing of the program. Premiere
can be used for series programs or one-off programs.
*Live: Set to "True" if the program is a live program
*Bits: Decimal integer representing these bits:
CloseCaption: 0x1
Stereo: 0x2
Subtitle: 0x4
JoinedInProgress: 0x8
CableInTheClassroom: 0x10
Sap: 0x20
Blackout: 0x40
Intercast: 0x80
ThreeD: 0x100
Repeat: 0x200
Letterbox: 0x400
SexRating: 0x10000
ViolenceRating: 0x20000
LanguageRating: 0x40000
DialogRating: 0x80000
FvRating: 0x100000
*TvRating: Number between 1 to 6, representing: Y7, Y, G, PG, 14, M

Each program record ends with a blank line.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^- this be what i missed "homer doh!"
to be honest I thought that was a blank line @ end of page.....

will use http://minnie.tuhs.org/tivo-bin/tvguide.pl?page=formfor&type=sdefile
from now on

much appreciate your example and will follow that...
