View Full Version : GS Failing at Indexing.

19-07-2007, 08:56 PM
Greetings. I have thoroughly enjoyed trolling through the various forums for the last couple of evenings. What a wealth of knowledge to draw upon.

My Thomson PVR10UK, it would seem, is experiencing a unique quirk.
After imaging the off the shelf 40G HD with Dec06RC1.iso, telnetting and
updating to 8000 emulator, the Guided Setup fails on Indexing.

The Thomson will complete its download sequence then at 9-10% of Indexing will display an error message.

My immediate plan is to prove the HD with a friends unused 80G HD.

If that fails, try imaging with NZ1.5.iso.

If anybody has experienced this problem before, or knows of a solution, I would much appreciate your help.

Regards G.

20-07-2007, 03:33 AM
Have you tried a second time with your current drive ?


20-07-2007, 06:48 AM
The Thomson will complete its download sequence then at 9-10% of Indexing will display an error message.
Regards G.

That usually happens when you try doing the Guided Setup with different a zip code without reimaging the drive, even if you didn't complete the GS with the first zip code you tried. I think doing a 'clear and delete all' works too, but that won't be available if you haven't completed a guided setup.

29-07-2007, 09:02 PM
Firstly, thanks pete + skolink for your rapid reply.

Pete, I tried to re-imaged the original HD only for it to fail to boot.

So I borrowed a reformated HD which my Win98 os wouldn`t recognise as a primary drive.

But then, mysteriously the original HD booted and was re-imaged.

Again it errored at the same point of indexing.

So, skolink, I re-imaged orginal HD, this time sticking with existing zip code 2112. Same result; with that and zip code 2123.

I`m stumped, at least until I can prove the HD with a correctly formated backup (delivered hopefully Monday). Open to any suggestions please.

Also Skolink, would it be bold of me to ask a fellow Cantab for some direct assistance?

Regards G.

30-07-2007, 01:04 AM
It does sound like a drive issue. Looks like you are awaiting a new drive to test.

I do not recommend installing a used drive in a TiVo, as it does not handle drive errors well.


02-08-2007, 05:47 AM
Sure, I'll be around this weekend. Just give me a call 0211145768 or 9804591 or email me john.mckirdy at paradise dot net dot nz to arrange a time to bring your TiVo over.

15-08-2007, 09:19 PM
Skolink, you da MAN.

I took up skolinks offer. He informed me that the original 40g HD was locked by maufacturer and wouldn`t accept any new images.

A new HD did the trick. 250g for $95.00!! Uprade now!!

John imaged HD with 2.5.5, post code 02123, FTA and...............

Viva La Revolution.

Bring on the World Cup. G.

p.s. If John is representative of the TiVo community at large then we are in
good hands my friends. Top bloke.

16-08-2007, 06:23 AM
Skolink, you da MAN.

I took up skolinks offer. He informed me that the original 40g HD was locked by maufacturer and wouldn`t accept any new images.

Note - there is a utility around somewhere that will unlock the drives...

My origional tivo came with a 30gig drive that was locked, however, I found the utility and unlocked it. It' now working in my 5th computer that's hooked up to the TV running windows....

Not sure where exactly it is (at work so can't search for it), but doing a search for tivo unlock drive in google will probably uncover it...

Obviously with the prices of drives now, it's better to get a new large drive for the tivo, but you could still use the drive in another device.

Good to hear it's all working now.

17-08-2007, 08:36 PM
The utilities are called qunlock and diskutil.

If anyone wants more info check our wiki (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Hardware/UnlockATiVoDrive).
