View Full Version : Just bought a Thomson Tivo from the UK

19-06-2007, 07:42 PM
Hi all, here's my first post.

Following months of looking in to MySky and DVD recorders with HDD, I decided to go for a Tivo. A good friend of mine has one and raves about it. So I managed to get my hands on a Thomson Tivo series 1. Arrived today. It has a standard 40GB HD, remote and all leads. So far, so good.

Now i'd like to get a bigger drive for it, something around the 750GB range. Can anyone give me an exact model HD to get?

I've downloaded this software:

Another mate has an old 266mhz PC, if I burn this to CD, do I just replace the HD in the PC with the new one, and boot the PC from the CD? Then just install the software?

Finally does anyone know if my Tivo has a cachecard already? I think it's called a PVR-10.



20-06-2007, 05:26 AM
Now i'd like to get a bigger drive for it, something around the 750GB range. Can anyone give me an exact model HD to get?

Any harddrive will work fine so long as it is not SATA. I personally go for seagate drives as they have a 5 year warranty, but there are issues if you try to install 2 seagate drives together http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Hardware/ModifyingDiskConfiguration

I've downloaded this software:

Another mate has an old 266mhz PC, if I burn this to CD, do I just replace the HD in the PC with the new one, and boot the PC from the CD? Then just install the software?
Yep :)

Finally does anyone know if my Tivo has a cachecard already? I think it's called a PVR-10.

The cachecard is an extra add-on, so it is unlikely that your tivo came with one unless the seller explicitly advertised it with the tivo. If it did, I think the cachecard drivers on the iso are out of date so it will show an error screen but the network should still function ok (you'll need to update the driver to use the cache function).

If needed you can get a network card locally http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1547

20-06-2007, 06:22 AM
Thanks very much for your reply!

Hard drives:
Would this work OK?
I am thinking of buying 2 to install.

I have just bought myself one of these, all I now need is the RAM for it.

IR Blaster
My Tivo didn't have one :(
Do you know anywhere in Auckland that sells them? I've had a look at Jaycar and Dick Smith, does this mean I'll have to make one up?

Thanks, Ian

20-06-2007, 01:14 PM
Hard drives:
Would this work OK?
I am thinking of buying 2 to install.

It will work ok if you buy one, it is likely that IT WILL NOT WORK properly if you buy two in a master/slave configuration - read the comment and link in my post above. Chances are that you are better off getting one 750gig drive than two 400gig drives anyway (similar price, less power consumption, less likely to fail etc).

I have just bought myself one of these, all I now need is the RAM for it.

Cool. You can just use the network feature in the mean time without the RAM. Make sure when you image the harddrive (on PC) that you configure it for the cachecard as it is not the default setting.

IR Blaster
My Tivo didn't have one :(
Do you know anywhere in Auckland that sells them? I've had a look at Jaycar and Dick Smith, does this mean I'll have to make one up?The easiest would have been to add one to your 9th tee order ;) I don't know anywhere which sells them as a seperate item in NZ (they are usually bundled with a device). I guess you could easily make your own or just buy one off ebay. (Assuming sky) which make/model decoder do you have? There are issues with one of the motorola boxes (search the forums for more details).

Darren King
20-06-2007, 05:27 PM
Chances are that you are better off getting one 750gig drive than two 400gig drives anyway (similar price, less power consumption, less likely to fail etc).

Plus unless he is lucky there will be no second hard disk bracket in the TiVo meaning one of those would need purchasing.

Also I would be very weary about running a cachecard loaded with 512MB of RAM with two hard disks. The poor power supply was not designed to run a cachecard loaded with RAM as it is without having long term problems - let alone a cachecard loaded with RAM and TWO hard drives!

20-06-2007, 07:15 PM
Thanks for your response.

So I should just go for a 750GB then and not 2 x 400GB. Would this one be OK?


Also, I have been in touch with 9th tee and placed the order for the IR Blaster! Thanks for the tip, was wondering what the best way to get one would be!

Regards, Ian

21-06-2007, 05:48 AM
If you are planning on using your TiVo with Sky and have a Motorola DTH335 you will need get it swapped for a DTH325 or Pace decoder. Noone has got the IR control to work with the DTH335 yet.

21-06-2007, 10:38 AM
Great timing :)

We have had problems with our motorola box over the last 2 weeks. Remote control has problems working with it. Appears Sky in NZ has a software update which has caused problems on the box. Have got them coming next week to swap it for a Pace box.

Now all I need is teh right HD, the cachecard and IR blaster to come from the States and I'm away! Yippee! Good bye video.

28-06-2007, 07:16 AM
Update on my Tivo.

I have had Sky replace the Motorola with a Pace box, so that's all good and ready.

Next I have all the elements needed to make it work:
1. Thomson PVR10 Tivo Box
2. Seagate IDE 750GB HD
3. Cachecard
4. Additional 512MB RAM PC133 for cachecard
5. IR Blaster

So my question is, where do I start?

Do I start by installing the Thomson image on to the Seagate drive? If so, which is the correct image I need? Also, at what point do I need to install the drivers for the cachecard?

I don't have a PC, but a friend has an old 266 PC from back in the day, will this work?
Any help much appreciated! Ian

28-06-2007, 06:44 PM
So my question is, where do I start?
Probably the best place to start is reading the guides on nztivo.net and oztivo.net ;)

Do I start by installing the Thomson image on to the Seagate drive?

If so, which is the correct image I need?

I've downloaded this software:

That is the latest NZ image.

Also, at what point do I need to install the drivers for the cachecard?
Make sure you select cachecard and configure IP address etc when you image the harddrive in the PC. As I previously said, I think the drivers are out of date, but the network should still work ok allowing you to configure everything. I suggest you take it one step at a time - get the tivo harddrive imaged, and through guided setup, and then worry about getting the "cache" feature working.

I don't have a PC, but a friend has an old 266 PC from back in the day, will this work?Sorry, I didn't notice the "266 MHz" detail last time I answered this - chances are that a PC of that age will hang at the bios screen and refuse to boot with a 750gig harddrive attached, but no harm in trying it! (I had a PC around that age with a harddrive limit of ~80gig, which I found out the hard way after buying a 120gig drive).

29-06-2007, 05:56 PM
Thanks for the help so far.

Tonight I have:
1. Downloaded the image on to the HD - a friend of mine had an old Pentium3 which worked fine!
2. Placed this in to my Tivo.
3. Installed the cachecard with the 512MB RAM.
4. Plugged the Tivo in to my TV.
5. Started up, went through the on screen instructions, and it works!

I am having a couple of problems though:
I have a Pace Sky decoder which is plugged in to my AUX socket on the back of the Tivo - but for some reason Tivo doesn't see the Sky signal. I tested the signal to the TV, and it is OK. So I have had to revert to using the RF cable for now.

IR Blaster - When I test this, I change the channel and lose the picture, therefore having to go back to the RF section and manually changing the channel back to 38 to pic up the sky. Any ideas?

The Tivo tells me I have up to 900 hours of recording, yippee!


Darren King
29-06-2007, 06:33 PM
I have a Pace Sky decoder which is plugged in to my AUX socket on the back of the Tivo - but for some reason Tivo doesn't see the Sky signal. I tested the signal to the TV, and it is OK. So I have had to revert to using the RF cable for now.

I would suspect you have a cabling issue here most likely. Maybe you are using a SCART output cable and not a SCART input cable or something equally as simple.

IR Blaster - When I test this, I change the channel and lose the picture, therefore having to go back to the RF section and manually changing the channel back to 38 to pic up the sky. Any ideas?

That would be correct, and it is not the fault of the IR Blaster. The TiVo thinks you have the STB on the SCART input (as this is the correct way of hooking it up) so it changes to that input every time you select a channel corresponding to the STB. Sort out your SCART input problem and you will also solve this issue.

The Tivo tells me I have up to 900 hours of recording, yippee!

Only if you like a relatively unwatchable blocky picture that the "basic" recording quality mode offers. 750GB hard disk will give you 375 hours in "high" quality and 300 hours in "best" quality. These will be about the only two acceptable recording modes you will probably use to get a reasonable picture.

29-06-2007, 08:57 PM
Thanks Darren,

I've had a further play with it tonight and I suspect I have a SCART cabling issue. One end has a SCART, with Video and Ausio left and right on the other end. This then goes in to a RCA to SCART adaptor which has a control switch for input and output. I'm thinking this is missing a signal or two on the way, and the Tivo cannot read it.

I've been through my huge stash of cables from over the years and don't have a true SCART to SCART cable, so first thing in the morning i'll nip out and get one.

I've got the Tivo set up to see a PACE Sky decoder, and to use the IR Blaster to change channel, but I don't get a picture. Fingers crossed the new cable will solve the issue.

30-06-2007, 09:28 AM
OK, bought a new scart cable this morning, and it works a treat! Tivo is looking very good. I just need to now sort out the IR Blaster with my Pace sky box. Any ideas? I have read 20001 works, but no luck. I have been through all my codes, but none work. Any ideas?

I also have to work out how to fix the time...

30-06-2007, 10:07 AM
I also have to work out how to fix the time...
Try rebooting. If that doesn't work, which postcode number did you use during setup?

30-06-2007, 02:50 PM
I've put on 02113 - which is Sky Digital for NZ. I have a PACE set top box, but I can't find the model number on it.

I am starting guided set up again to see if that works. It hasn't given me an option yet to change the time either.

30-06-2007, 03:33 PM
I am starting guided set up again to see if that works. It hasn't given me an option yet to change the time either.

You should not have to set the time unless something's gone wrong. There tivo gets it's time from the server at the same time as the program data. But it needs a couple of reboots after the initial setup to get it right.

30-06-2007, 03:35 PM
I see, that solves the time issue then. Just the IR Blaster. Any ideas anyone? I have two PACE options, PACE and PACE MSS. Have tried bith but they don't work :(

30-06-2007, 10:01 PM
Just the IR Blaster. Any ideas anyone? I have two PACE options, PACE and PACE MSS. Have tried bith but they don't work :(

Pace are the most common usints out there. I've had the old original black one and the new silvery white one and both worked (with no reconfiguration).

The only thing I can think off is a faulty IR blaster or a faulty IR board. It might be different on the Thompson but on the Philips, there is a separate IR board and I've know 2 to fail.

01-07-2007, 05:41 AM
Thanks for your response! Am hoping the IR Blaster isn't faulty. Could it be:

1. Faulty IR Blaster
2. Faulty IR Blaster connector on the board
3. Software failure - the Tivo is a Thomson PVR10 running the Thomson image

I do have the componants to make up another IR Blaster. The one I am using is from Mark at 9th tee.

When I change the channel up and down, the TV guide on the Tivo changes, with the channel number, logo and information. The channel tries to change, with the picture going off for a fraction of time. Then it comes back on to the same channel. I'm guessing if it actually does change it, i should see the channel numbers in yellow on the screen from the SKY unit? Thanks.

01-07-2007, 05:43 AM
The Pace unit I have is a DSR2000.

01-07-2007, 07:50 AM
Been searching these forums, am I right in thinking there is an issue withg the Pace DSR2000 and the Thomson PVR10? I have read someone who re-installed the thomson software, went through guided set up and is now fine. Do I need to do this, or do I need Sky to come out and replace box?

Which Sky boxes work with the Thomson Tivo? Any ideas?

01-07-2007, 09:56 AM
If you have a digital camera (or camera cellphone) these are able to 'see' the infrared light put out from your blaster or the front of your TiVo (there is an IR transmitter on the front).
If there is a signal transmitted when you change channel the problem will probably the wrong code set if no response them this will indicate a hardware problem in th TiVo. The camera will also be able to 'see' IR from your TiVo remote.

01-07-2007, 11:13 AM
Thanks for your line. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the camera?

I'm going to try and get the Tivo to change the channel of the Sky Pace box with the front IR. It this works, I have a faulty IR Blaster, if it doesn't then I have an issue with the right codes.

I have read up on something similar to this. Is there a solution? Any ideas please? Thank, Ian.

01-07-2007, 11:36 AM
By camera I mean any digital camera or Video camera or cellphone with a camera if you have one of any of these.

Ref also: http://forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=9883&postcount=2

01-07-2007, 11:54 AM
OK just tried this and it makes sense. I placed the digital camera in front of the Tivo remote, and I can see the blue flashes of the diode on the cameras screen.

But when I placed the camera in front of the diodes of the front panel of the Tivo, and the IR blaster, I change up and down and I get nothing from either diode. The channel section of the TV changes, but the channel does not actually change.

What do you think? A bit odd not having the front panel and the ir blaster not working?...

01-07-2007, 12:03 PM
OK I have a faulty IR Blaster, or a faulty IR Blaster connection on the board inside the Tivo unit.

I have chanegd the settings to use the IR blaster on the front of the Tivo, have tested with the digital camera, and it does change the channel OK. I have it set to 20001 medium.

Just one thing left to sort now - the time is an hour out. Any ideas how to fix this? I have Tivowebplus, which I cannot seem to change it with. I have read through and should be able to telnet the Tivo, but I am running a Mac under OSX and can't connect to it using terminal. Any ideas? I do have a PC which runs Vista, but there is no nyperterminal :(

01-07-2007, 12:16 PM
Have you set up your TiVo to control your settop using IR or is it set for serial control.

This should be able to be checked\changed from the setup menu.
Messages & Setup | Recorder & Phone Setup | Cable/Satellite Box | Control Cable/Sat.Setup Then select the source required and set the controlled with to IR.

The menu entries are from a US image. I think the menus on a UK TiVo are the same or similar.

01-07-2007, 12:24 PM
It looks like you have found the solution whilst I was entering my last post.
Good Luck.

01-07-2007, 03:41 PM
Thanks for your help islander! Much appreciated.

Any thoughts on the time issue fixing with Mac OSX?

01-07-2007, 06:59 PM
OK, just trying to fix the time issue now. I need to be able to Telnet to the Tivo. I don't have a serial cable yet, but is there a way to do this using a the command prompt on a PC running Vista? I try:

telnet is the IP address of my Tivo on the local network. I can connect to this using a web browser, and also an ftp client, but I can't seem to telnet to it to make the changes to the time. Any ideas anyone? Thanks.

Darren King
01-07-2007, 10:30 PM
You do not need a serial cable. Windows telnet does not work properly either.

The correct procedure is outlined here: http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Howto/TelnetToYourTiVo

02-07-2007, 06:52 AM
Thanks Darren, i'll give putty a go! This is just the last thing i need to do now.

ALso managed to convince a friend to go for Tivo - he's starting to find all the bits he needs now!

02-07-2007, 10:37 AM
OK, just trying to fix the time issue now. I need to be able to Telnet to the Tivo. I don't have a serial cable yet, but is there a way to do this using a the command prompt on a PC running Vista? I try:



telnet 23

This disables the telnet negotiation which can kill the telnet server on the tivo.

03-07-2007, 02:05 PM
hmm, having a slight bit of trouble. I'm using a mac and connecting using virtual pc which shouldn't be a problem. Putty quits on me when I try to connect, when I try the command prompt I keep getting an error to do with port 23.

Do I need to set up port 23 on my router as open, or leave it?

03-07-2007, 04:16 PM
hmm, having a slight bit of trouble. I'm using a mac and connecting using virtual pc which shouldn't be a problem. Putty quits on me when I try to connect, when I try the command prompt I keep getting an error to do with port 23.

Do I need to set up port 23 on my router as open, or leave it?

I'm assuming you are telneting to you tivo from inside you lan, in which case you don't need to change anything on your router.

If you are using OSX, you don't need putty on a virtual pc, you can use

telnet 23

from a terminal session (Applications/Utilities/Terminal)

04-07-2007, 04:56 PM
Hi Wibble,

Just tried using terminal and no joy. I have also tried using my Dell PC laptop I have which runs Vista. Have tried using command line on this and still no joy. :(

It's a buggar as all I need to do is sort out the time. Apart from that Tivo really is Brilliant.

What happens when summer time comes in again? Will I have to set the time again?

Thanks for everyone's help so far, without this very useful community I don't think I would have got this far.

23-08-2007, 07:51 PM
most probably you've tried it already but perhaps try without port 23 specified. i use terminal to connect to my Thomson from OsX, simply:

telnet <ip-address>

It will take some time to connect - up to 30seconds and then a little longer to complete the connection but eventually the prompt appears.

I'm using the Thomson nzTivo image.