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View Full Version : Triangle Data Missing

09-06-2007, 05:48 PM
Any idea what's happened to Triangle Data. Have they changed their publication method? Shall I petition the Triangle guys again or is it a matter of changing the way we gather the data?

02-07-2007, 12:38 PM
I had a quick look on the tritv site. Previously, a representative from Triangle tv advised that the schedule is available at


I've had a look, and that address now returns a page not found error.

There is however a php page of the schedule, and what appears to be the source excel files of this data in this directory


02-07-2007, 02:52 PM
:) So which TiVo Wizard handles that piece of information?

04-07-2007, 08:45 PM

What is actually required is an xmltv feed of the data, otherwise we can't use it. There was one provided, but with triangles website changes it dried up. Channel data gone. If someone codes up a conversio, from the above excel stuff on an xmltv format, that would do the trick.

09-07-2007, 08:32 AM
This from an email to Triangle from me

Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch. We're currently working on getting and some form of XML feed up and running, hopefully sometime before October. So it's a going to take a while but will certainly happen.

I'm a regular user of the XMLTV based feeds too, so would like to get this up and running as much as you!


Ben Dobson
Technical & Production Supervisor
Triangle Television Ltd
28 Surrey Crescent
Grey Lynn