View Full Version : Getting nzTivo Thomson Dec06 RC1 image & Turbonet Card working

21-05-2007, 05:22 PM
Hi, I'll move this question to a new thread as it's somewhat different from my original question.

Is there anybody sucessfully using the nzTivo Thomson image with a Turbonet card?
What process did you follow to get the networking working?

When imaging the drive I was unable to select a networking option but I understand from jaidev Turbonet is the default and should be active. I have the Tivo connected to my D-Link 4-port Wireless/Router/Modem. I assume it is the correct cable (straight-through/crossover), and the connection is active, as I get link lights at both ends (Turbonet card and router).

However, the Tivo doesn't show in the DHCP Client list on the router, which leads me to think it's not actively requesting an IP or is having trouble with my LAN.

I'm thinking that perhaps I should try re-imaging the drive using the nzTivo Philips or Sony image, although I can see fiddling necessary to get the PAL Tuner working which I assume is already integrated within the Thomson image.

Does anybody think this may resolve the Turbonet networking issue?
Is it possible to select a specific networking option in the install process for the nzTivo Philips & Sony images?
Maybe my copy of the Thomson image has become corrupted in the downloading or imaging process?

Any help is much appreciated...

21-05-2007, 06:09 PM
When imaging the drive I was unable to select a networking option
What do you mean by this? I recently used the DEC06 image, and although I have a cachecard, not a turbonet, I was able to configure its ip address etc from the installer and connect to it across the network (on a side note, the cachecard drivers on the image are out of date).

21-05-2007, 06:27 PM
ok this may indicate I have a dud image, but to answer your question:

I followed the imaging process identified here: http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Install/PrepareTiVoDisk

I burnt the image on a CD and from the booted menu I could confirm some details but not others. I could SELECT the appropriate drive to install the image on; I could set the swap partition. However I couldn't select a NETWORK method, or appropriate card (in my case Turbonet). There was one other thing I couldn't do but can't remember what it was - perhaps selecting the EMULATOR. Some error was given that I also can't remember, but I was able to proceed and image the disk. Assuming all was correct I installed the drive in the Tivo, booted into Guided Setup and was able to navigate through the first couple of screens. But without the networking operational I didn't proceed.

It would appear I was unable to configure an IP address for the Tivo directly within the installer, and prior to imaging the drive? My assumption is this is where the problem lies?

21-05-2007, 07:44 PM
I think your assumptions are correct.


21-05-2007, 08:00 PM
Have you drilled down through http://www.silicondust.com/forum/ ?

21-05-2007, 08:27 PM
There are no issues with the Cachecard drivers used in either NZ or Oz.


22-05-2007, 08:35 PM
Are you sure it wrote the image correctly? Did it take about 30sec-1min to write the image to the disk? If it happened in 1 or 2 secs then it didn't work. Your drive may be locked or you are using a new PC motherboard not compatible.

22-05-2007, 09:10 PM
Yes, I am quite sure the drive is imaged correctly... well, now.

I downloaded the RC1 Thomson image again. Tested the md5sums which checked out. Burnt image to CD with Nero. Booted with drive in PC & was able to execute the NETWORK setup properly - set DHCP and left 'oztivo' as the domain name. Selected the correct drive to image to (only one) and left the SWAP size at the default (127). Probably took longer than a minute to image the drive but certainly not 1-2 seconds.

I still get nothing showing on my network though. Not listed as a DHCP client on my router. I've tried sharing the network connection via OSX (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Network/NetworkingWithOSX) with no luck. I've also tried re-imaging the drive with a static IP address on the TIVO but nothing doing there either. I've tried 'ping oztivo', guessing the next sequential DHCP address.

I'm beginning to run out of ideas, and starting to think that perhaps the Turbonet card isn't working.

Is there anybody in the Auckland area who can afford some time to help me out...?

Darren King
22-05-2007, 10:41 PM
I'm beginning to run out of ideas, and starting to think that perhaps the Turbonet card isn't working.

As said in an email the other day I test EVERY card before sending to ensure they are working. Of course not withstanding the very slight possibility of something going wrong after it has left my hands I can guarantee that it is not the card.

Having said all that I am not one to do anyone out of anything. If there is found to be a problem with the card I am more than happy to exchange or refund, no questions asked.

23-05-2007, 01:53 AM
Do you have a serial cable for the TiVo? we can check to see what is running and what you have configured.

As an option, you could try installing the current oztivo 1.6.2 Philips image. It works fine on UK TiVo's and can be set for NZ through the menus. To see if you get any difference.


23-05-2007, 05:32 AM
Booted with drive in PC & was able to execute the NETWORK setup properly - set DHCP and left 'oztivo' as the domain name. Selected the correct drive to image to (only one) and left the SWAP size at the default (127).
I'm not entirely sure if it makes a difference, but I believe you need to image the drive THEN configure the network. At least that is the order I have always done it.

23-05-2007, 07:06 PM
Thanks catdog... i believe that did it.

My assumption was the process of imaging the drive required 'configuring the image' and then 'imaging the drive'. But what I didn't realise is the network configuration writes directly to the drive, overwriting the imaged configuration.

Of course, from there it was all straightforward. The Tivo IP showed up in the DHCP Client list and I was able to telnet and setup a static IP.

Not sure if I can edit the oztivo wiki but this section http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Install/PrepareTiVoDisk#Booting_from_the_Install_CD could perhaps reflect the order of configuration is important?

big thank you to all ;)

24-05-2007, 05:40 AM
Glad to see that it sorted it :) The installer is designed so that you start at the top and work your way down the menu, but yes I agree that it might not be that obvious the first time you use it.

24-05-2007, 05:48 AM
ok, the guided setup is giving me hassles. I've tried a number of combinations and in most cases I get 'No Channel Data' after the initial call, sometimes 'No Service Provider'. The 'No Channel Data' screen offers 'Press SELECT to continue' but upon doing so appears to lockup with a blank blue background (no text / tivo logo). Pressing SELECT again gives me the 'No Channel Data' screen.

Or is this normal? Should I just be patient :)

I've been through most relevant things on this thread:


- with & without emu proxy IPs ( 127:: / 127:: )
- aerial only, aerial + digital satellite, aerial + digital/digital terrestrial
- 02112, 02121 postcodes (both in postcodezones file)
- ,#401 Dial Prefix, Call Waiting Prefix (none), Tone, 'Phone Avail' Detection (none), Dial Tone Detection (none)

WAN connection appears to be fine - a PING to Google from Tivo returns OK

24-05-2007, 10:56 AM
The 'No Channel Data' screen offers 'Press SELECT to continue' but upon doing so appears to lockup with a blank blue background (no text / tivo logo). Pressing SELECT again gives me the 'No Channel Data' screen.

Or is this normal? Should I just be patient :)
I have also found this on the UK image - it is a bug since it should take you back to an earlier screen to change your postcode. The only way I found to get out of it is to reboot the tivo (and remember the option I tried so that I don't do it again!).

I believe the line in tclientUK.conf

127:: is incorrect, and you should be on port 8000 not 8888 to use the standard emulator. Since it sounds like you are connecting through emuproxy ok, I'd just stick with that.

I'm pretty sure 'Aerial + Digital Satellite' on 02112 should work - I have not tried 02121.