View Full Version : IR Test in setup not working

20-05-2007, 09:10 AM
I've selected PACE per the instructions (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=959), but the STB (Motorola/Sky) isn't receiving any of them (Code 20000-Fast, Code 20000-Medium, etc).

Everything looks to be plugged in correctly (most notably the IR blaster), but the STB isn't receiving anything when I'm doing the channel test.

I also tried MOTOROLA and none of the codes worked there either.

In the instructions it gives a link to how to capture IR codes with the Tivo, but the link doesn't work (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Howtoir/IRCapturingCodesWithTivo).

Everything seems like it should be working ok. The IR blaster is plugged in and I've tried putting it at different places in front of the STB (between 1cm and 5cm away), but the STB is not getting any of them. And the IR blaster itself was new with the Tivo.
Any suggestions?

20-05-2007, 04:17 PM
I tried to run it on 2000-Med, just to see what would happen (I got bored), and came back a few hours later, and Tivo was working. I was so ecstatic I threw my arms up as though I had just gotten a wicket (and I hate cricket).

The bad news is that I'm stuck on the same channel that I started with, unless I use the sky remote.

I went into setup again, and the IR receiving light on the Sky said it was receiving ONLY when I pressed Channel Down.

I tried 2000-Slow....but am getting the same thing. On Sky I'm on TV2, but I change the channel up, but I'm still on TV2, though it says TV3 on Tivo. Channel down still registers with Sky, but it doesn't actually change anything.

And the time is off by 5 hours. Tivo says 2:14pm where as it's really 7:14. I tried guided setup (when trying to get the IR blaster to work with Sky), but no luck with the time. (daylight savings: off....time zone: eastern).

21-05-2007, 12:20 AM
Which model Motorola box do you have?

Last I read (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1239&highlight=motorola+stb) the 335-4 does not have any working codes, only the 325-4.

Certainly we do not have any codes for it in the current OzTiVo slice.


21-05-2007, 06:30 AM
And the time is off by 5 hours. Tivo says 2:14pm where as it's really 7:14. I tried guided setup (when trying to get the IR blaster to work with Sky), but no luck with the time. (daylight savings: off....time zone: eastern).
This is normal at this early stage, once you complete guided setup and tivo has finished indexing the tv guide data, you should be able to reboot and get out of "maintainence mode" and the time will be corrected. Sometimes it will take 2-3 reboots, just watch the splash screen on startup to see if it says maintainence mode or not.

22-05-2007, 09:45 AM
Thanks for the helpful responses guys....

Good news: the time is correct now.

Bad news: It is indeed the 335-4. I'll call Sky to see if I can swap it for something else. Should I take the approach of asking them for a different one because I have a 'universal remote' that works with any other Sky STB's, but not that one?

For now I have to set Sky to go to a specific channel at a specific time....a little bit of a pain, but my Tivo is running now, so I'm still pretty happy :D

I'll definitely be updating the Wiki when I get some time soon.