View Full Version : Fresh Off the Boat Tivo - what to do?

17-04-2007, 02:45 PM
Hey guys,

I've been wanting to get a Tivo for a while, and just bought one on a recent trip to the US. It's new Philips 212, and it hasn't been touched yet (other than putting a TurboNet 2.2 on it...not sure if there's anything I need to do to the Tivo to get that working).

I'm pretty sure I have all the necessary connections (network card, serial cables, etc), and was wondering what my next step is?

I'm assuming it's connecting it to my computer and loading a nzTivo-Philips image.

Does anyone have a link for how to do that? I've seen some talk of telnet, but it's been a few years since I've used it (back when dial up was used at my Uni). And I've used Unix, which I'm guessing has similar commands to Linux, but that's been a few years (7 or 8) as well. And I can ftp, but that's usually with a graphical interface, rather than via text commands (I'm starting to feel a little technically inadequate ;-)

Any help, and any other tips on how to get up and running...would be much appreciated :-)


P.S. Other info that may be relevant: I'm in Wellington, have Sky, broadband and a router (and a crossover cable if I wanted to connect directly from PC to Tivo).

17-04-2007, 05:38 PM

Welcome to the world of Tivo. Check out this link

It sounds like you're at the stage of imaging the hard drive with the oztivo/nztivo image. Download the oztivo 1.6.2 image, it works sweet as for Wellington and the guided setup has been fool-proofed thanks to the guru's in these forums.

17-04-2007, 07:16 PM
Just one other thing, you say you have a Turbonet version 2.2. I haven't seen a turbonet with V2.2 on it. Are you sure it's not a cachecard v2.2?

See pictures below. The red one is the cachecard. It is important to know exactly which card you have as they use different dirvers. Which are installed when you run the installer.


18-04-2007, 10:16 AM
Thanks guys! Will look it over soon.

It's definitely TurboNet, but I probably remembered the wrong version #. I've got two of them, and at the non jack end they both had some very light numbers. I put in the newer one (it wasn't much of a change in version numbers. Maybe like .08).

(I ended up with 2 b/c I got a DirecTV Tivo for like $140NZ with a TurboNet and 120 GB hard drive....figured that was two good a deal, even if the DirecTV one is collecting dust now. And then it turned out that the 2nd Tivo I bought (this 212) already had TurboNet with it...and a 80GB hard drive, for $100NZ).