View Full Version : Can't Telnet to my Tivo

15-04-2007, 12:17 PM
I use Hyper Terminal to telnet to my Philips Tivo and haven't had any problem with it since day 1 about 18 months ago. Suddenly it won't connect to the the Tivo. It just sits there saying it is connecting and stays like that till I close it down. Tivoweb is working OK and I can connect to that fine.
I now have a warped clock which I need to fix.

Any ideas please?

15-04-2007, 10:52 PM
What settings are you using in hyperterminal?

Have you tried rebooting?

Which version of TiVoWeb are you using TiVoWeb or TiVoWebPlus.

How do you connect when using TW(P)?


17-04-2007, 04:00 PM
Let me know if these settings aren't the important ones but they are:
Emulation is ANSIW
Telnet terminal ID =VT100
Port number is 23, and
Connect using TCP/IP (Winsock)
I have tried rebooting the Tivo a few times but that didn't appear to make any difference
I am using Tivoweb and I connect via my ADSL wireless router to the Tivo.

I would have been happier if both didn't work and then I could have traced it physically!

Thanks for your efforts. I know how much time you and some others spend on other people's problems so I spent quite a bit of time trying to find a solution in the forums and mailing list but couldn't find any hints.

17-04-2007, 07:46 PM
Emulation is ANSIW
Telnet terminal ID =VT100
Port number is 23, and
Connect using TCP/IP (Winsock)

Try from the command prompt using:

telnet TIVOIP 23

17-04-2007, 07:58 PM
Your settings are fine, asuming you are entering the correct IP address.

If you had the latest TWP instead of TW we could do fault finding, but TW doesn't support this.

Do you have a serial cable so we can fault find?


23-04-2007, 03:13 PM
Hi Wibble

Been out of town and contact for a while so just picked up you and Pete's responses.
Tried your Command prompy and got "Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: connect failed.

We are in moving house mode and first to be boxed up in my absence was unimportant stuff like spare cables and stuff! If this is the only way to continue testing then I might wait till after the shift and ensure I can put all of the electronics together again properly first!

Cheers - Brent

07-05-2007, 04:30 PM
Back on deck again. I've run out of guide data now so have a temp cable running through the house to get to the ADSL router. Dealing with "Failed while preparing data" errors on forced daily call at the moment but I'm sure I've dealt with that before with repeated calls interspersed with occasional reboots. Any other suggestions very welcome.

I was hoping for a silver bullet fix during the shift which meant that when I got everything back together again it would be just as simple as it has been for a year or so - but it wasn't to be. Still can't Telnet to Tivo, it just sits there in connecting mode. Still got a warped clock but can't fix it!

Pete - at the risk of sounding stupid what can we do with a serial cable? I don't appear to have a serial port on the back of my Tivo?


Darren King
07-05-2007, 06:19 PM
Pete - at the risk of sounding stupid what can we do with a serial cable? I don't appear to have a serial port on the back of my Tivo?

You should. In the general area of the centre of the rear panel next to the fan grille should be the modem phone jack, and just to the right of that is the the IR Blaster port and the Serial port. You need to either make or buy a 3.5mm "null modem" cable or make one as per here: http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Hardware/MakingSerialCable

You can use the serial method of getting a bash prompt with a terminal program (ie Hyperterm or similar) to do pretty much everything you can do via a Telnet session.

07-05-2007, 06:46 PM
Woops - got the torch out for a closer inspection at the back of the TV unit and what do you know there it is! Off for a serial cable tomorrow. As you came in with your post I also found this one http://www.nztivo.net/index.php/Serial which looks quite handy. I'll get connected and see what I can do myself before coming back here. It would appear from Pete's previous post that there is some analysis that can be done to identify what may have gone wrong.

Thanks for the steer.

07-05-2007, 09:54 PM
As Darren has said, getting the serial connection going will give you access to bash, which in effect is the same as what you get using telnet.

From memory set it for 9600 baud 8n1 and no flow control.

Once you have it going, check back here for some advise on what to test for.


11-06-2007, 02:03 PM
The world is once again a happy place. My Tivo mentor arrived back in the country after 1 year overseas and kindly re-imaged for me. We also discovered the router firewall blocking telnet all of a sudden which was a bit strange. So now we have the nice new NZ image with Tivo WebPlus and no warped clock. Thanks to the Hepster and you forum maestros who keep newbies like me informed and assisted.