View Full Version : Set up - Help

08-04-2007, 01:56 PM
Wondering if there is anyone in the Southland area who is willing to setup my Tivo for me ??

08-04-2007, 05:29 PM
Ok i have networked the drive but when i try to use the modem it wont connect

08-04-2007, 09:09 PM
After trying to use the modem, use a telnet session to have a look at the file
to see what's going wrong. The [comm] entries should give some clue...

Also, have a look at the following threads for related info:

11-04-2007, 10:45 AM
I think my main problem is i am unable to network.Got a serial cable made up but when it connects it is text which i cannot read !.
I used puTTy to connect.

11-04-2007, 03:35 PM
Try Hyperterm instead of Putty.
Do not try to connect at too fast a speed e.g. start at 9600 bps, then increase to see when it stops working (I read somewhere that 57600 was the max, although I've never had better than 9600...).

11-04-2007, 06:12 PM
it is text which i cannot read !.
I used puTTy to connect.

Hyperterminal with 9600 8-N-1 worked for me.

12-04-2007, 08:35 AM
That connected better but the message that came up was

bash: no job control in this shell
[TiVo [S3] ~]#

I also could not type in anything.

Getting closer i guess

Darren King
12-04-2007, 09:23 AM
That looks good.

bash: no job control in this shell
That's what you see when the TiVo initially starts a serial session.

[TiVo [S3] ~]#
That's what a normal "bash prompt" looks like. You type your commands at this prompt.

I also could not type in anything
Ensure you have the flow control settings in Hyperterm set correctly. More info here: http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Hintsortips/UsingHypertermWithTiVo

12-04-2007, 09:45 AM
Ok have got all that , What now ?

Darren King
12-04-2007, 10:32 AM
What do you mean "what now"? What are you trying to accomplish? If your goal is setting up the TiVo to do Guided Setup then accessing the serial bash prompt is not going to do it.

When you imaged the hard disk you had the menu option choices to either network via a network card, dialup modem or serial-over-PPP via a PC (and a few others). What did you choose based on what method you want to connect the TiVo up to do the Guided Setup?

12-04-2007, 12:01 PM
I am unable to get into the Tivo by networking to change the dialing options to hook up to my internet provider .....
When i use Hyperterminal to adjust telenet i get reply `No such file or directory`.
I think i am just having the problem as in thread


12-04-2007, 04:56 PM
I am unable to get into the Tivo by networking to change the dialing options to hook up to my internet provider .....

As Darren mentioned, you have got the bash prompt - so you are in! A concern that you cannot type anything - recheck the hyperterm settings as per the twiki page in earlier post. Is it a null-modem cable, etc? Try typing the enter key after opening hyperterm - if you get a second bash prompt then all is good.

When i use Hyperterminal to adjust telenet i get reply `No such file or directory`.

The first part of this sentence does not make sense to me. More detail?

I think i am just having the problem as in thread


You will need to get hold of a hex editor - I used Cygnus Hex Editor (google it). There are many others. But you need to sort out the serial connection first, as you need to transfer files to/from TiVo for this fix.

If hyperterm really doesn't work for you (it should!), try teraterm:
(referred to in thread above).

12-04-2007, 05:04 PM
Yes i can get the bash prompt thanks to Darrens help but when i try any of the prompts i get the message `No such file or directory`.
I believe it is not connecting to my internet provider (Xtra) as in the thread http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213

12-04-2007, 07:06 PM
Yes i can get the bash prompt thanks to Darrens help but when i try any of the prompts i get the message `No such file or directory`.

I'm not sure what you mean by "try any of the prompts".

Are you familiar with linux commands?
eg. after starting hyperterm press the enter key, then type the following command:


(which will appear after the bash prompt) then press the enter key. What do you get? A list of file names? If so all is working fine.

I believe it is not connecting to my internet provider (Xtra) as in the thread http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213

Sounds likely. I had that problem with xtra over a modem, and the mod in that thread fixed it for me.

You'll need to work out how to transfer files to and from the tivo. transferring /tvbin/tivoapp took me 2 hours each way using 9600 bps over hyperterm. 57600 bps over teraterm would be about 20 mins (however I couldn't get it going any faster over hyperterm).

12-04-2007, 07:09 PM
If you happen to be coming up to Christchurch sometime soon, bring your TiVo and I will show you how.

13-04-2007, 06:21 AM
Tried what you have explained here and the reply i get is almostCompleteCodeList.txt ppp-server_settings.txt

Darren King
13-04-2007, 06:35 AM
the reply i get is:

almostCompleteCodeList.txt ppp-server_settings.txt

That is correct. Simply typing ls at the bash prompt will list the root directory of the TiVo which has the two files you have listed. You can now move about the file system with other commands like cd and so on.

Your serial link to access the bash prompt is working properly and you can go ahead to try the suggested above in http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213

13-04-2007, 06:45 AM
I cannot acess the file system still with any other commands..

Darren King
13-04-2007, 06:55 AM
What commands are you trying?

13-04-2007, 07:07 AM
i have tried such as cd and no responce, the only ones that seem to work are the rw and ro commands.
Hyperterm isvery slow it works alot faster with PuTTy but makes no difference..I think if i could access that directory i would be right very frustrateing.

Darren King
13-04-2007, 07:35 AM
If you are just trying cd with nothing else then that is correct because you are not specifying what directory you want to change into.

Sounds like you need a quick primer in basic navigating. Try here: http://www.ss64.com/bash/

Click on the command "cd" to see the syntax of how to use it.

Not all the stuff listed applies to TiVo but you will get the idea.

13-04-2007, 07:51 PM
Yes, if you are new to the world of linux commands, then be *very* careful when trying to apply catdog's tivoapp patch. If you somehow corrupt/delete or get the wrong permissions for the tivoapp binary in your filesystem, then I have a feeling that that TiVo will not boot up at all, which means you will be forced to do a complete re-image of the hard disk...

14-04-2007, 07:08 AM
Have a TurboNet card coming so hopefully it will be easier to configure with it ?.
I have tried many of the detailed instructions ( setup) from the NZTivo and OZtivo sites without any great results as yet.
Bit of a challenge so far but i am sure i will get there..
Thanks for your help so far guys..

Darren King
14-04-2007, 12:07 PM
Have a TurboNet card coming so hopefully it will be easier to configure with it ?

For issuing bash prompt commands? No. This is the same as you already have via serial.

For connecting up via a home network to do Guided Setup and aily Guide Data downloads? Yes it should make things much easier.

15-04-2007, 03:52 PM
I have tried the instructions as in the following setup guide http://www.nztivo.net/index.php/ImageWithScreenShots1.4
But i still have not been able to access the menu in hyperterminal as in the screen shots in the guide.

Darren King
15-04-2007, 06:00 PM
The only screenshots I see on that instructions page to do with Hyperterminal are about three quarters down that page and only relate to editing a configuration file. No menus there that I can see....

Can you be a bit more descriptive?

15-04-2007, 10:49 PM
I've been away from the forums for a few days, but just wanted to confirm that first you have actually installed the NZ TiVo software on your hard drive.


16-04-2007, 12:39 PM
Yes i have loaded the NZ Tivo software and set the modem with my user name password and dial up number. As i said in an ealier post the main problem i have found is not being able to connect to the internet i believe the problem is as stated in http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213

16-04-2007, 12:58 PM
After installing the NZ Tivo software should i be following the information here http://www.nztivo.net/index.php/Modem or do i need to follow the instructions as here http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213.
I have installed the software then turned the Tivo on and got the maintainence screen followed the instructions as in the NZ Tivo site but The Tivo would dial up and kept saying something like provider not answering.

Darren King
16-04-2007, 03:48 PM
If you are using the internal TiVo modem are you sure it is not crook? A lot of TiVo's get sold in the USA because the modem has copped a lightning strike.

Best thing to do is listen on another phone extension. If you can hear the TiVo "pick up" the line and hear the touch tones of the TiVo attempting to dial out then the modem is usually OK. If not then you just might have a faulty one.

Given you say that you have a Turbonet on order maybe it best you wait until it arrives and use it to connect to the internet through your home network. It's much easier :)

16-04-2007, 09:14 PM
After installing the NZ Tivo software should i be following the information here http://www.nztivo.net/index.php/Modem or do i need to follow the instructions as here http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213.
I have installed the software then turned the Tivo on and got the maintainence screen followed the instructions as in the NZ Tivo site but The Tivo would dial up and kept saying something like provider not answering.

Darren's suggestions about 'manually checking' that the modem is working are of course worthwhile (I guess I was lucky to get two US TiVo's with working modems!).

However, I am picking that your real problem is that you need to apply the tivoapp mod (in the forums.oztivo.net thread above) for your modem to establish a PPP connection to Xtra NZ (as I mentioned in my earlier post #14 in this thread).

For the relevant symptoms, have another read through the above forum thread as well as these ones:

In particular, after a dialup attempt, the place to look for problem is in the file /var/log/tclient for lines that contain "[comm]".

The problem I got when first trying to use Xtra dialup (2 weeks ago) was indicated by lines like the following:
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd:Start: enter
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: fork()ed (pid = 289)
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: storing child pid as 289
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 1
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[289]: Pppd::Start: fork()ed (pid = 0)
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[289]: Pppd::Start: spawning pppd
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd child handler invoked
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 2
Mar 18 23:13:10 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 3
Mar 18 23:13:13 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 4
Mar 18 23:13:16 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 5
Mar 18 23:13:19 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 6
Mar 18 23:13:22 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 7
Mar 18 23:13:25 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 8
Mar 18 23:13:28 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 9
Mar 18 23:13:31 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 10
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Stop: enter
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Stop: killed (pid = 289, status = -1)
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Stop: waited (pid = 289, status = -1)
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Stop: exit
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: exit (failure)

The lines with the "waiting" tag indicates that it cannot establish the PPP connection. The tivoapp mod fixed this for me (ie. I can now use Xtra dialup - beforehand I was getting 'Service not answering' on screen).

Here's what I needed to do to get dialup working with Xtra NZ:

(1) apply the tivoapp mod at: http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213
Be careful!!

(2) check the file /etc/tclient.conf contained the line:

(Note: you may need to change to above to get around any proxy issues???)

(3) check the file /etc/pap-secrets contained the line:

(where \t indicates a tab character)

(4) check the file /etc/ppp-options contained:

kdebug 1
asyncmap 0

[Note: the UPPERCASE tags in 2,3,4 above should all be replaced with your access codes.]

Hope this works for you...

17-04-2007, 06:03 AM
Hi There, yes i checked the modem to make sure it was working. can hear it dialing up from picking up another phone line.

17-04-2007, 06:08 AM
My modem is dialing out so must be the problem as you discribed and the message was 'Service not answering'. After the dial up attempt as you suggested i tried to check the file /var/log/tclient but it just said no such file or directory.
Also in the forum http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213 i followed the instructions i.e.
cd /tvbin
cp tivoapp tivoapp.bak
and the answer i get on PuTTy is permission denied..

Darren King
17-04-2007, 06:29 AM
i followed the instructions i.e.
cd /tvbin
cp tivoapp tivoapp.bak
and the answer i get on PuTTy is permission denied..

What happens if you use the command mv rather than cp as per the original instructions at the top of the thread, ie: mv tivoapp tivoapp.bak

17-04-2007, 06:53 AM
mv tivoapp tivoapp.bak is not at the top of the thread , it starts as
cd /tvbin
cp tivoapp tivoapp.bak

mv tivoapp.isp tivoapp is further down in the thread.

Darren King
17-04-2007, 07:35 AM
I must be missing something then. First reference I see in relation to this is thus:

Telnet into tivo and run the command (make the filesystem read/write)
rw FTP your tivoapp.isp file to /tvbin/tivoapp.isp
In the telnet session type:

cd /tvbin
mv tivoapp tivoapp.bak
mv tivoapp.isp tivoapp

Where do you see a reference to cp tivoapp tivoapp.bak before this in the thread you are relating to?

17-04-2007, 07:42 AM
Yes we are looking at different places i am talking about this piece by SKOLINK


If you are using dialup you probably wont have a network card and therefor no FTP. You will need to enter the following commands in Tera Term via a serial link instead. commands are in bold. lower case is important.

cd /tvbin
cp tivoapp tivoapp.bak
stty speed 57600 then change the speed in TeraTerm; 'Setup' menu, 'Serial port...', 'Baud rate' to 57600. Otherwise it will take forever to transfer the file at 9600. You could try 115200 instead but it will probably fail during file transfer.
sz tivoapp then in Teraterm go to 'File' menu, 'Transfer', 'ZMODEM', 'Receive...'. The file will by default be copied to your TeraTerm folder.
Edit it with a hex editor, as described by catdog, then copy it back:
rz In TeraTerm 'File' menu, Transfer, ZMODEM, Send... and browse to the file you edited called tivoapp.isp. After 10min or so the file will hopefully have got to 100% and finished.
rm tivoapp
mv tivoapp.isp tivoapp
chmod 755 tivoapp otherwise gets stuck at bootup screen.
Now edit ppp-options chap-secrets pap-secrets tclient.conf with the ISP phone number, user name and password, as described here http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/vie...thBuiltinModem.

Darren King
17-04-2007, 08:17 AM
Yes we are looking at different places i am talking about this piece by SKOLINK

Ah... well... That's not the top of the thread :)

17-04-2007, 08:30 AM
Yes but as i am trying to hook up with my modem i asume i am in the right part ? :-)

17-04-2007, 08:33 AM
Ah... well... That's not the top of the thread

Yes but as i am trying to hook up with my modem i asume i am in the right part ? :confused:

17-04-2007, 02:09 PM
You'll need to work out how to transfer files to and from the tivo. transferring /tvbin/tivoapp took me 2 hours each way using 9600 bps over hyperterm. 57600 bps over teraterm would be about 20 mins (however I couldn't get it going any faster over hyperterm).
4 hours copying - ouch! It should be simple enough to edit the file on the tivo itself without having to transfer it to the PC, making the whole process easier - I'll have a look at what is required. The instructions I gave were just those that I used since the tivoapp file was already on my PC (to run the disassembler, hex editor etc) and I didn't expect that many others would need to use this hack.

17-04-2007, 02:44 PM
I am having most success hooking up with PuTTy but it dosnt seem to support file transfer ,Hyper Term does connect but is very slow !.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to a better one ?.

17-04-2007, 05:40 PM
I have added instructions to perform the modem hack without having to copy the file to a PC. Use at your own risk. Click Here (http://forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=10428&postcount=9)

17-04-2007, 07:38 PM
As a side note, you can increase the speed by the following:

[TiVo [S3] ~]# stty speed
[TiVo [S3] ~]# stty speed 115200

Then select hang up (if using hyperterm) and go into properties and change the speed to 115200, then reconnect.


17-04-2007, 09:28 PM
My modem is dialing out so must be the problem as you discribed and the message was 'Service not answering'. After the dial up attempt as you suggested i tried to check the file /var/log/tclient but it just said no such file or directory.

Strange... did you look for this file directly after doing a dialup attempt? Try the fllowing command in hyperterm (or putty) - what is the output?

ll /var/log/t*

Or I wonder if this is a unix related problem again...? Try using the command:

more /var/log/tclient

or the command:

cat /var/log/tclient | grep comm

If you see the 'waiting' errors as in my earlier post, then apply catdog's tivoapp mod. Earlier tonight he added a *far* better method of doing this (great work mate!) - see the link in his post above.

Also in the forum http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213 i followed the instructions i.e.
cd /tvbin
cp tivoapp tivoapp.bak
and the answer i get on PuTTy is permission denied..

Perhaps you could try swapping the order of commands. ie:

cd /tvbin
cp tivoapp tivoapp.bak

If that still doesn't work, then post the output from the following command (it may give us a clue as to why):

ll /tvbin/tivo*

18-04-2007, 09:16 AM
Thanks for that CATDOG applied the patch and hooked up first time...Much apreciated...

18-04-2007, 11:36 AM
Thanks for that CATDOG applied the patch and hooked up first time...Much apreciated...
No problem! :)