View Full Version : TiVoWebPlus 1.3.1 suggestions
27-03-2007, 05:34 PM
Use this thread for suggestions to improve TWP modules.
At this point Thomson is the only one actively working on providing improvements locally, but can only do so as time and inclination allows.
If you feel you can help, please speak up.
27-03-2007, 05:34 PM
I find the Channel Grid module very useful. But one feature missing is that
it only uses 2 colours. Scheduled recordings and suggestions both share the
same colour. Red for on that channel and Yellow for on another channel. It
would be more useful if scheduled recording and suggestions could be split
into 2 separate colours. Then you could see at a glance that recording
shown on another channel are just suggestions, the same for recordings on
the same channel.
Let me know what you think,
27-03-2007, 05:38 PM
Originally this suggestion was posted privately, so I'll include the reply below.
I am a little busy at the moment, but will add this to the list of things to look at when I next get bored. Might be able to do something with the pattern (I know it's possible to do a double outline). I will have a play with colours and see if I can find one that stands out enough to be used. Currently timeslots that are going to be recorded are marked with a
(dashed) red border. Timeslots that contain recordings on other channels are marked with a (dashed) yellow border, and timeslots that contain two recordings (via a dual tuner) on different channels with a solid yellow border.
Thanks, any differentiation would be great.
27-03-2007, 06:02 PM
My whole house IR repeater system died the other day. So I now use the WebRemote feature of TWP a lot to control the TiVo's from a different room.
I'm not a huge fan of the 30 sec skip feature, so I use just use 3 x FFW. But doing so using the Web Remote can be a pain.
Would it be possible to add a single click field which sends 3 FFW commands?
28-03-2007, 05:41 PM
One thing that would be great to see in TWP is the ability to select a show and have it copy to/play on another TiVo.
I've got multiple TiVo's and it's a hassle going through each one seeing what I haven't watched, and then watching it. If I could just copy the file when I found it, it would be waiting on the main TiVo for whenever I got around to watching it.
28-03-2007, 06:07 PM
This already exists in Sync Now Playing ( where you can start transfers from one TiVo to the other using the TiVo GUI.
If you did the same with TWP it would make TWP non responsive during the transfer. The same as the existing extract module does.
29-03-2007, 08:16 PM
Would it be possible to add a single click field which sends 3 FFW commands?
As an interim fix the latest distribution has support for a fastfwd (f) and fastrwd (r) keypress within the webremote module.
30-03-2007, 12:44 AM
Just tried the 29th of March Distribution via the update command and it gives the following error loading the homepage.
--cut here--
action_ '' ''
can't read "::conf(Prefix)": no such variable
while executing
"return "
(procedure "IE_alpha_support" line 4)
invoked from within
(procedure "html_start" line 34)
invoked from within
"html_start """
(procedure "::action_" line 2)
invoked from within
"::action_$action $chan $part $env"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval {::action_$action $chan $part $env}"
--cut here--
tivoweb.log shows the following. The config option not recognised error is new. didn't come up in 070111 which I had previously.
[TiVo [p0] /var/log]# cat tivoweb.log
TivoWebPlus - v1.3.1 (1.3.1 (oztivo-070329))
The program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This program is licensed under the GPL.
See the 'docs/copyright' and 'docs/index.html' files
for copyright and credit information.
Config option not recognized: 'TyShowLinks = 0'
TimeZone: GMT
Loading modules...
-initializing logo index
-initializing channel table
--caching 12 channels for source of type=3 (DBS)
--fully processed 12 of 12 channels for source of type=3 (DBS)
-initializing genre table
-initializing now showing cache
-initializing season pass cache
Loaded 89 resource definitions
Accepting Connections - - [29/Mar/2007:23:16:04] "/"
[TiVo [p0] /var/log]# cat tivoweb.log
TivoWebPlus - v1.3.1 (1.3.1 (oztivo-070329))
The program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This program is licensed under the GPL.
See the 'docs/copyright' and 'docs/index.html' files
for copyright and credit information.
Config option not recognized: 'TyShowLinks = 0'
TimeZone: GMT
Loading modules...
-initializing logo index
-initializing channel table
--caching 12 channels for source of type=3 (DBS)
--fully processed 12 of 12 channels for source of type=3 (DBS)
-initializing genre table
-initializing now showing cache
-initializing season pass cache
Loaded 89 resource definitions
Accepting Connections - - [29/Mar/2007:23:16:04] "/"
I have double checked the size of the download and it's 518k, so shouldn't be the googlepages issue.
Is there a command line update command so I can roll back to the 2nd last release without wiping my custom config files ?
PS does the keyboard ffw shortcut attempt to redraw the remote graphic?
30-03-2007, 03:05 AM
As an update I have tried 070321 on another TiVo, and it's fine.
Then re-downloaded 070329 and updated the 2nd TiVo again, now this Tivo has the same issues as reported in the last post.
30-03-2007, 05:44 AM
Thank you for asking Pete!!! I wish....
I find SmartFTP copy and pastes are unreliable as they won't always connect, so they are fiddly. Something more user friendly would be nice.
This already exists in Sync Now Playing where you can start transfers from one TiVo to the other using the TiVo GUI.
How well does this work, and does it work with the current version of mfs_ftp as it specifies a different version?
I also would love the above referenced effort to enable one TiVo to view streams from other TiVos to become seemlessly intertwined into the TiVo TV and TWP Interface, so that perhaps there was a choice of which TiVo the "Now Playing" is being displayed from and work just as seamlessly. This seems the last major challenge for the TiVos, given the competing MythTV has many advantages over the TiVo including Remote viewing of TiVo's.
I would love the TWP Header to include the TiVo status with respect to confirming the last update suceeded, Temperature and remaining disc space (or perhaps to get an email from the Tivo of these things???!) The critical issue of remaining disc space is found right at the bottom of the info page, which is tedious. It would be nice if that page were two columns, given a wide enough screen. (To minimise need to scrool up and down)
I would love the TWP Header menu to mimic the TiVo screen menu's, they are well thought out and difficult to improve on, other than the phrases are not entirely intuitive, however they are so well known I would not dare suggest they be altered from.
I would love one summary web page which gave the status of all the TiVo's on the LAN.
01-04-2007, 07:49 PM
Use this thread for suggestions to improve TWP modules.
At this point Thomson is the only one actively working on providing improvements locally, but can only do so as time and inclination allows.
If you feel you can help, please speak up.
OK two things that have occurred to me.
It would be good to have a way from within TWP to run the update_oztivo command.
The second one is a way of moving files to the TiVo and expanding them. It would need to specify where the file goes to, and where it comes from.
Both of these would be a great help to people who want to update and modify their TiVo, but are not comfortable with command line. Many of the hacks for the TiVo tell you where to put the file, but don't tell you how to copy the file to the TiVo and then expand it.
01-04-2007, 09:19 PM
OK two things that have occurred to me.
It would be good to have a way from within TWP to run the update_oztivo command.
The second one is a way of moving files to the TiVo and expanding them. It would need to specify where the file goes to, and where it comes from.
Your first request is already a feature of TWP. Under SysAdmin there is a Script feature. Just type your instructions there and it will be executed.
But even simpler for the update command, just use the existing trickey sequence, press Clear, 9, 2, Clear on your remote to update the OzTiVo software.
As for the second request, an FTP client running on your PC/MAC already does a better job than TWP would do, with a better interface and minimal load on the TIVo. For example smartFTP will allow you to extract files on remote machines.
Also, there is a school of thought that if someone is not comfortable entering commands into telnet, then they probably shouldn't be installing the files in the first place as they will not have the skills to fix any problems or provide relevent info to help track down the fault.
02-04-2007, 06:55 PM
Your first request is already a feature of TWP. Under SysAdmin there is a Script feature. Just type your instructions there and it will be executed.
But even simpler for the update command, just use the existing trickey sequence, press Clear, 9, 2, Clear on your remote to update the OzTiVo software.
As for the second request, an FTP client running on your PC/MAC already does a better job than TWP would do, with a better interface and minimal load on the TIVo. For example smartFTP will allow you to extract files on remote machines.
Also, there is a school of thought that if someone is not comfortable entering commands into telnet, then they probably shouldn't be installing the files in the first place as they will not have the skills to fix any problems or provide relevent info to help track down the fault.
OK didn't twig to the idea of using the script part.
Have never been able to get tricky to work. Only ever tried it on a couple of TiVo's that were updated from V3. Never been a problem in the past as I could just as easily do the updates in Telnet. I'm just about to image a disk with 1.6.2 from scratch, so will see if tricky works on this.
My problem is not with people who can't use telnet commands, it's the fact that people can't remember how to do the moving etc. This is just a way of making things easier for them.
02-04-2007, 10:38 PM
As an interim fix the latest distribution has support for a fastfwd (f) and fastrwd (r) keypress within the webremote module.
I have a very minor problem invoking these (and other) keyboard commands. When I click and load 'Web Remote' in TWP (20070329 dist) it loads the URL
(note: no trailing '/').
Then, when I type 'f', it tries to load:
which gives the 'Not Found [ha ha]' error.
If I manually add the '/' <enter> in the URL, then type 'f', I get the seemingly correct:
ie. I don't get the 'Not Found' error (but haven't looked at TV to see if it has desired effect...)
Note that Web Remote all looks good and clicking on buttons all works well. If I first click a button and then type 'f', that also seems to work. Problem only exists when 'f' (or any other keyboard key press) is typed immediately after loading Web Remote page.
Am I doing anything wrong?
03-04-2007, 06:20 PM
can't read "::conf(Prefix)": no such variable
Sorry... typo. Would have affected users of IE6. Should be fixed in 070403.
The packages can be updated from the command line using the instructions on the web site ( Basically you just need to transfer the bundle to the TiVo and then "cd /var/hack" and "tar xvzf tivowebplus-v1.3.1-070403.tgz"
03-04-2007, 06:29 PM
I have a very minor problem invoking these (and other) keyboard commands. When I click and load 'Web Remote' in TWP (20070329 dist) it loads the URL http://TIVO.IP/sendkey (note: no trailing '/').
I am not sure what would be removing the trailing '/' ? Are you able to let me know what browser you are using, and what exactly the steps are you take to replicate the issue (eg, start browser, go to TWP and click on "Web Remote")
03-04-2007, 08:16 PM
Today's release has fixed the errors encountered in the 29th of March release.
I do now have an error with any key press in web remote.
For example the new triple command 'f', does send the 3 ffwd commands, but then shows:
--cut here--
action_sendkey '/forward,forward,forward' ''
can't read "url_prefix": no such variable
while executing
"return "
(procedure "IE_alpha_support" line 4)
invoked from within
(procedure "html_start" line 34)
invoked from within
"html_start "Web Remote""
(procedure "::action_sendkey" line 33)
invoked from within
"::action_$action $chan $part $env"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval {::action_$action $chan $part $env}"
--cut here--
The same error with any keypress including the originals.
Edit. I get the same error when trying any module now. the only page that works is the home page.
03-04-2007, 09:25 PM
I am not sure what would be removing the trailing '/' ? Are you able to let me know what browser you are using, and what exactly the steps are you take to replicate the issue (eg, start browser, go to TWP and click on "Web Remote")
I use Firefox. Steps are:
1. Open New Tab
2. type TIVO.IP into URL
3. click on "Web Remote" at top menu - URL is http://TIVO.IP/sendkey (no trailing '/')
4. type 'f' - URL is http://TIVO.IP/forward,forward,forward -> haha error
Note that if I click on a web remote button, (e.g. forward >>) after step 3 above, then this works OK. After doinf this, typing 'f' then also works OK. So error only occurs when 'f' is the first thing done after the 'Web Remote' top menu item is clicked.
04-04-2007, 01:44 PM
I do now have an error with any key press in web remote.
Redownload the 070404 release which should fix this... or use IE7, Opera or FireFox :-)
04-04-2007, 01:48 PM
I use Firefox. Steps are:
1. Open New Tab
2. type TIVO.IP into URL
3. click on "Web Remote" at top menu - URL is http://TIVO.IP/sendkey (no trailing '/')
Must be some fancy firewall or proxy system doing that... because I develop the application using FireFox and have never seen that occur. Seems that whatever it is, is removing any trailing /'s. Will see if there is a simple work-around, but still be nice to figure out the root cause.
08-04-2007, 09:02 PM
Some more observations:
I tried loading the web remote from another PC (I can access my TWP externally via a no-ip address) also running latest WinXP Firefox. The same problem occurred (trailing '/' was removed after 'sendkey').
The problem also occurs on my Win2000 PC using IE6.
10-04-2007, 12:01 PM
Some more observations:
I tried loading the web remote from another PC (I can access my TWP externally via a no-ip address) also running latest WinXP Firefox. The same problem occurred (trailing '/' was removed after 'sendkey').
The problem also occurs on my Win2000 PC using IE6.
Are you able to view the source of one of the pages and check what the URL of the "WebRemote" menu item is... all I can think of is that something is trying to sanitise the URLs?
I guess the simplest work-around would be to add a noop (no-operation) to the end of the /sendkey/ URL... that way it would read /sendkey/noop which should not cause any issues.
10-04-2007, 03:23 PM
Are you able to view the source of one of the pages and check what the URL of the "WebRemote" menu item is... all I can think of is that something is trying to sanitise the URLs?
The Web Remote link in the sourse of TIVO.IP/folder/0 is:
<A HREF="/sendkey">Web Remote</A>
so the trailing '/' is missing. In fact it is missing from the others aswell (although maybe they shouldn't have it?),
<A HREF="/folder/1"><b><i>More</i></b></A>
<A HREF="/folder/2"><b><i>System</i></b></A>
<A HREF="/folder/0"><b><i>UI</i></b></A>
<A HREF="/channelgrid">Channel Grid</A>
<A HREF="/listchan">ChannelMap</A>
<A HREF="/folders">Folders</A>
Hope this helps,
10-04-2007, 07:52 PM
<A HREF="/sendkey">Web Remote</A>
I had not realised you were running the v2.0.0 codebase. I just had a look at it and it was missing the trailing '/'. If you update to the latest distribution (070410) then this will hopefully be fixed.
10-04-2007, 09:46 PM
I had not realised you were running the v2.0.0 codebase. I just had a look at it and it was missing the trailing '/'. If you update to the latest distribution (070410) then this will hopefully be fixed.
Ah hah, that explains things! (sorry, I didn't think to mention this).
All now good - top work mate! Many thanks!
29-04-2007, 04:52 AM
I have changed the name of this thread to represent v1.3.1, to avoid any confusion with 2.0.0 in the future.
Triple ffw and rew works fine now.
I do have another suggestion relating to the orphaned SP's module (/gdchecker/orphansps).
There is no way of deleting orphaned SP's easily from this screen. For an orphaned SP, all you can do is click on the series title. This takes you to the Series screen showing now playing and upcomming showings. But since there are no upcomming showings, you can't click on the episode title to make your way to the SP screen. Also on the series screen the series title is not clickable, so you cannot access the SP info from there either.
I would like to suggest either a check box for mass SP deletions, similar to what the TODO list and Now Playing currently have. Or alternatively a means of clicking from the orphans list to the SP screen (perhaps hyperlinking the SP number in the left column). If the multiple option is used, I would suggest a delay between each actual deletion occuring due the stress SP deletion puts on the TiVo.
29-04-2007, 03:57 PM
I have found the new Orange dashed lines in channel grid representing suggestions. Thanks.
Sugestions on other channels are still shown with the solid yellow border, this should also be orange.
Also this new feature does not show on whichChannel=0 (TODO list), so there is no distinction between suggestions and regular recordings.
I do like the humour in the new 404 messages
30-04-2007, 07:41 PM
I have found the new Orange dashed lines in channel grid representing suggestions. Thanks. Sugestions on other channels are still shown with the solid yellow border, this should also be orange.
A solid yellow border is not being used by the module... it uses a dashed yellow border, and a dotted yellow border. I am guessing you are using IE which seems to have some issues with the CSS and styles. A reload may help, otherwise all I can suggest is that you try the latest bundle of 1.3.1 (which has a small fix that may help) or use FireFox, although IE7 is probably okay also.
Also this new feature does not show on whichChannel=0 (TODO list), so there is no distinction between suggestions and regular recordings.
Done... will slow down the creation of the page slightly.
01-05-2007, 12:59 AM
Using the 20070430 version now.
The channelgrid todo list works fine.
FYI current differences btw IE6 & IE7 for the other channels:
In IE7 all suggestions are shown with a dotted border. Orange for on that channel, and Yellow for on a different channel. Other recordings have a dashed border. Red for on that channel and Yellow for on another channel.
In IE6 both suggestions and regular recordings are shown with only a dashed border (neither dotted). Yellow for anything on a different channel (both suggestions and regular recordings). For on that channel, Red for Regular recordings and Orange suggestions.
Thanks again,
25-05-2007, 07:10 PM
Just noticed, the logs shown in TWP r20070430 are now all shown centre justified (Both IE6 & IE7).
This makes it a little hard to read.
27-05-2007, 07:02 PM
Also another suggestion :o
Would it be possible to add a sort order option to the todo list, similar to what is available in nowshowing?
20-11-2007, 07:37 PM
While changes/fixes are still being applied to TivoWebPlus v1.3.1 the majority of development is directed at a much changed v2.1.0. The v1.3.1 distribution is still the best option for those wanting to use external modules as it is compatible with most modules for TivoWeb v1.9.4, however just about all external modules have now been included in the bundles. The v2.1.0 distribution includes things such as pulldown menus (there is even a menu editor to make it easy to customise menus).
Both distributions can be found on the website (
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