View Full Version : Dial Up Modem

17-03-2007, 08:35 PM
I have two TIVO's. They both connect using the internal modem. In the last week they have both run out of guide data and now will dial out but fail to connect with Service not answering. I have tried to redo guided setup but have same problem. Could Xtra have changed something?:confused:

17-03-2007, 09:49 PM
Certainly nothing changed on the emu configs.

18-03-2007, 07:23 AM
My tivo was set up against port 80 and it also ran out of data last week. Mine was connected via my network and had been running well for over a year, but last week it would connect, set the time but no data seemed to be imported. Forcing a manual phone call didn't help the guide data situation.

The tivo was set up against the Saturn analogue cable service (it was actually a free to air tivo, with most of the channels switched off, with an external VCR).

Unfortunately, I can't give any logs as I decided to re-image the tivo with the latest image last night to get around the problem (I now have a new problem with the guide data having duplicates, but I'll go over that in another post).

18-03-2007, 07:28 AM
OK, good shifting to the supported emulators, that was the right move.

Forget the duplicates, thats simply a hangover from a bad daylight savings switch.

18-03-2007, 02:28 PM
I have two TIVO's. They both connect using the internal modem. In the last week they have both run out of guide data and now will dial out but fail to connect with Service not answering. I have tried to redo guided setup but have same problem. Could Xtra have changed something?:confused:
Can you attach a copy of the tclient log? It looks like xtra may have added an additional step to the plain text login procedure from when I first looked into using the modem (last year). I would suggest you try using only PAP to login instead as it will probably work around your problem, see my modification here: http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=1213

18-03-2007, 05:12 PM
How do I attach my Tclient log (it seems to be larger than allowed?) and also my TIVOAPP file. I have opened the tivoapp file with a hex editor but cannot find the code to change

18-03-2007, 05:16 PM
I should have added that I am getting the EXP_TIMEOUT message

18-03-2007, 05:24 PM
OOPS sorry suffered brain fade. Am now trying your fix

18-03-2007, 08:16 PM
Tried your patch. Was I supposed to do something like chmod 777 tivoapp? Still same problem - finishes dialling and then failed service not answering.:confused:

18-03-2007, 08:37 PM
My Tclient log has changed:
Mar 18 23:12:42 (none) comm[150]: Modem set up and onhook.
Mar 18 23:12:42 (none) comm[150]: Turning off dial tone detection
Mar 18 23:12:42 (none) comm[150]: ATX3
Mar 18 23:12:42 (none) comm[150]: OK
Mar 18 23:12:42 (none) comm[150]: Trying to connect
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: ATDT087303030
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: CONNECT 24000
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Got a connection.
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Trying to login
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Login is complete.
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Modem dialcode is 1
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Calling, Status In Progress
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "CL|31"
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Start_PPP, Status In Progress
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "ST|33"
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Going to start pppd.
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd:Start: enter
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: fork()ed (pid = 289)
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: storing child pid as 289
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 1
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[289]: Pppd::Start: fork()ed (pid = 0)
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[289]: Pppd::Start: spawning pppd
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd child handler invoked
Mar 18 23:13:07 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 2
Mar 18 23:13:10 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 3
Mar 18 23:13:13 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 4
Mar 18 23:13:16 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 5
Mar 18 23:13:19 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 6
Mar 18 23:13:22 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 7
Mar 18 23:13:25 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 8
Mar 18 23:13:28 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 9
Mar 18 23:13:31 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: waiting for PPP - 10
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Stop: enter
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Stop: killed (pid = 289, status = -1)
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Stop: waited (pid = 289, status = -1)
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Stop: exit
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: Pppd::Start: exit (failure)
Mar 18 23:13:34 (none) comm[150]: CallStatusReporter: Turning off-hook LED off
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) tcphonehome[150]: CallService return status 0xffff
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: AT&V1&V2
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: TERMINATION REASON.......... LINK DISCONNECT
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: LAST TX rate................ 26400 BPS
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: HIGHEST TX rate............. 26400 BPS
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: LAST RX rate................ 24000 BPS
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: HIGHEST RX rate............. 24000 BPS
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: PROTOCOL.................... LAPM
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: COMPRESSION................. NONE
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: Line QUALITY................ 024
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: Rx LEVEL.................... 023
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: Highest Rx State............ 67
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: Highest TX State............ 67
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: EQM Sum..................... 007E
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: RBS Pattern................. FF
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: Rate Drop................... FF
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: Digital Loss................ None
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: Local Rtrn Count............ 00
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: Remote Rtrn Count........... 00
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: BEGINaa13ab13ac13ad13ba12bb12bc12bd12ca77cb69cc202 da4ea0eb0fa80fb80fc80ga10gb0ha24hb21hc25hd0he86hf1 26hg0hh0hi0hj23hk22hl21hm23hn25ho24hp23hq23hr24hs2 4ia25ib25ic25ja0jb0jc0jd0je0ka1kb1kc0kd1ke16kf16kg 16kh2ki38kj0kk0kl13km33kn253la103lb103lc103ld103ma 0mb0mc30na0nb0oa4ob255oc255od0oe245of0og58pa1pb0qa 12qb1qc255ra255rb255rc255END
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: OK
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: ATZ
Mar 18 23:13:38 (none) comm[150]: OK
Mar 18 23:13:42 (none) comm[150]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Start_PPP, Status Failed
Mar 18 23:13:42 (none) comm[150]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "EX|13"
Mar 18 23:13:42 (none) tcphonehome[150]: TClient failed: EX|13
Mar 18 23:13:42 (none) tcphonehome[150]: Sending dialup event, subtype 8, msg EX|13
Mar 18 23:13:42 (none) tcphonehome[150]: setCallStatus called with: Failed state 0
Mar 18 23:13:49 (none) tcphonehome[150]: LastCallAttempt at 1174259547
Mar 18 23:13:49 (none) tcphonehome[150]: setting call status to: Failed
Mar 18 23:13:49 (none) tcphonehome[150]: setting call in progress to 0 (second successCount)
Mar 18 23:13:49 (none) tcphonehome[150]: Setting callActive to 0
Mar 18 23:13:49 (none) comm[150]: CallStatusReporter: sending data changed event 20
Mar 18 23:13:49 (none) tcphonehome[150]: destroying CommGlobals!
Mar 18 23:13:49 (none) tcphonehome[150]: pCommMempool empty
Mar 18 23:13:49 (none) tcphonehome[150]: Setting MCP PhoneHome action: ENABLED

I will check my tclient.conf otherwise?

19-03-2007, 03:15 AM
How do I attach my Tclient log (it seems to be larger than allowed?)

If you need to paste a larger log in the future, just zip the file first and attach the zip file.


19-03-2007, 08:56 PM
OK tried a different ISP with same result. I guess it is one of my files that is the problem. My ppp-options file was blank. I added a line

user (followed by my isp username)

this did not make any difference - any ideas?

19-03-2007, 09:28 PM
Yes all fixed. Xtra does noe need your patch. Thanks:) ;)

20-03-2007, 06:40 AM
Great to see you got it working, I was away hence the slow response.

I assume to get xtra working again you just configured the ppp-options file (added username) and pap-secrets file (added password)? If so, I guess xtra must have added pap authentication instead of just plain text.

Note that the fix I provided in the other thread will not hurt anything, so you don't need to remove it - it works fine with xtra and all other NZ isps that I have tested.

21-03-2007, 06:21 PM
Yes, Xtra must have made a change and it took longer for me to work out because i had a blank ppp-options file on the Tivo I first tried to get going again. As soon as I got the correct file from my other Tivo it connected. Thanks!:)