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View Full Version : Minnie is broken Monday 7 June, 2004 @ 09:30

07-06-2004, 09:55 AM
I have noticed since last night (Sunday) minnie seems down. I am sure you all have noticed no email messages and any you submit are sent back 'delayed' bounces.

Obviously we will all have failed calls soon, so something to be aware of.

As such I have a small request. Can someone please cut and paste the old 'loadguide.conf' file from the old non guided setup here please?

I was going to get that up on the emulator imaged tivo's as a backup.



07-06-2004, 01:02 PM
Yep failed calls Sunday sigh.. Thanks for all your work, it's appreciated and I'd help if I knew anything about Linux.

07-06-2004, 04:45 PM
Linux has nothing to do with it. It is a server problem..... well if the server is running on linux, it would be a linux problem (which I think it's freebsd so it wouldn't be linux - minor technicality).

Cheers ;)

10-06-2004, 10:07 PM
:confused: My brother in Brisbane is a Linux expert looking after a number of big companies servers etc. If he can be of any help(free) to getting the system back up for you please contact me. I do enjoy my TiVo and will help in any way possible.


11-06-2004, 08:26 AM
I guess I should have pointed out that minnie and oztivo.net live on different servers, and are controlled by 2 different people despite having the same content. Warren and Ed would be the ones that you would need to contact if there is a problem with minnie. As a result of problems with minnie, if you are subscribed to the mailing list, you will find that your emails are being backlogged as we speak! :(