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View Full Version : Channel Map Changes in NZ

28-02-2007, 11:27 PM
Inline with saturn/sky channel map changes, the NZ tivo maps have also been updated on the current emulator.

This is quite a massive changes, and we expect a few issues.

Here are the traps we identified in testing

* When your headend is updated, you may find channels missing...(the last channelwill be 93)
- Fix ... go into channels you receive and update

* Guide displaying on wrong channels, if you get your headend before the new guide slice was put up this may happen. Do another daily call.

* We expect that some season passes will no longer work, on your tivo read the lineup change message closely. If you want to be sure, re-create them.

If something really doesn't work with the new setup, try a "Clear Program Data & ToDo List" to start your headend and guide from scratch, this might occur where channels overlapped, but we don't expect it. This does not delete recordings (provided you select the right option).

If all of these suggestions fail, post issues into this thread.

(In-case anyone askes, we haven't even thought about how to bring the legacy emulator up to speed, yet)

01-03-2007, 05:11 AM
My thanks for your hard work.

01-03-2007, 11:08 AM
I'm still using good ol loadguide and wget to dl the slice, works fine and don't mind getting my hands dirty every now and then, like today where I'm happy to change the channels numbers manually, but while I'm at it, anyone know the station number used for the Documentary channel so I can add it to my lineup?

eg 7998001 is for tv1, 7998050 is for discovery. The number is just what tivo uses to id the chan seperatly from the number sent to the sky box to change it, so I just need that id number to add it to my tivo.

01-03-2007, 01:13 PM
I am certainly going to recommend you look at coming on board the emulator. Its easy to setup and once done your sorted and onboard with the rest of the community.

The loadguide slices are no where near as complete as the slices on the emulator. Functions like episode stuff don't work with the old system generating the loadguide slices.

Having said that the channels are generally 7998xxx where xxx is the corresponding channel number. As you have pointed out, same should apply for doco and others.

01-03-2007, 01:31 PM
Whats stopped me is I thought you'd have to lose all the season passes etc?

It would be nice to have the channels stuff sorted automagically for me, and the guide info isn't always as complete as I'd like it to be, but what I have works so unless there really is a painless and well documented process to changing to the emulator, I'll stick with what I've got.

oh, and what do you mean by "Functions like episode stuff"? When I imported the Tivo I had no idea if it'd even be possible to get working with listings, I just wanted a hdd recorder to replace my vcr at the very least. But after much trial and error and a bit of help from the nztivo.net founder, we managed to get it going. Its performed very well in the last 3 years, so I'm a little reluctant to 'fix' it, yet keen to upgrade if I know I won't lose what I've already got.

01-03-2007, 09:28 PM
Whats stopped me is I thought you'd have to lose all the season passes etc?

Hi just for reference I was on the old loadguide system for a while and have had issues with season passes that stopped working after changing the lineup.
(I'm on the emulator now)

Might I suggest the following.
As disks are cheap, get a second one, image it with the new image, swap disk and try it for a few days in your tivo. If it works, put the old one back and start pulling the programs to your home machine using ms_ftp. Then put the new disk back and put the programs back.

01-03-2007, 10:11 PM
I don't care bout the old programs, though I believe you keep those if just changing to emulator, but as vast majority of my season passes are actually wishlists, would this continue to work? If so, changing over wouldn't be too much of a hassle, and prob bout time I cleaned out the seasons passes with a lot of stuff in there that is very old.

So wheres the clear cut, easy to follow instructions on how to change from a loadguide setup to the latest emulator setup?

02-03-2007, 05:12 PM
If I'm loading up the new image, just downloaded, do I still need to Telnet into it once installed in the Tivo and edit the emulator IP address, or is it now OK for NZ, on the new emulator, in the NZ image?

02-03-2007, 05:19 PM
Ignore me please! I just found the answer in another thread.:)

If I'm loading up the new image, just downloaded, do I still need to Telnet into it once installed in the Tivo and edit the emulator IP address, or is it now OK for NZ, on the new emulator, in the NZ image?

03-03-2007, 06:13 PM
For reference NZ images are pre-configured for the current NZ emulator, nothing to be done.

03-03-2007, 09:24 PM
I too, was wondering if I had to telnet in and edit anything like we used to do -- as I've downloaded the image from orac, restored the image onto the hard drive, begun GS, but get Failed while preparing data at 17% of importing at the Setup Call (10-20min) screen. I'm using 02115 for Saturn Analog, 002 area code. What am I missing here? regards, S

04-03-2007, 07:59 AM
Yes, there appears to be an issue with the 02115 saturn analogue headend since the remap, I am looking at this.

04-03-2007, 09:29 AM
Saturn ~ 02115

OK, I have just:-

* Downloaded the NZ philips Aug06 image
* Imaged a clean hard disk (no changes made to basic setup)
* Installed in a philips tivo
* Selected cable -> 02115 -> 002
* Successfully completed the setup call (it did not stop @ 17-18%)
* Successfully completed the guide call (it is indexing now)

This is on the current version 115 headend slices ... (there may have been something dodgey with the version 114 slices)

04-03-2007, 10:33 AM
I've also cleared and deleted the 02115 setup and re-tested 02116, saturn digital, which also went through without issue.

06-03-2007, 08:44 PM
Thank you DJC, restored the image again and did GS with no problems at all -- works beautifully! WOW! the customised image makes an install easy now.

Thank you to everyone who works / has worked so hard to make TiVo so good!!

regards, S.