View Full Version : Can I switch from emulator port 80 to 8000 without losing shows?

18-02-2007, 07:26 PM
Below is quote from sticky on NZ emulators. My tivo was originally setup by hand with loadguide. Then I eventually switched to the old emulator port 80 by editing tclient.conf and running guided setup. I never did a clear all before hand and I lost nothing.

Now that I am old emulator are there any reasons why I couldn't just edit tclient.conf to port 8000 and rerun guided setup, OR is it now really important for some reason to clear delete eveyhting first??

Rgds HH, Nelson


* Existing legacy users wanting to convert to the new system will need to do a clear and delete everything then rerun guided setup against port 8000. That is edit you /etc/tclient.conf and change port 80 to 8000.
There are no plans to discontinue service on the legacy port 80 at this stage, although there are significant advantages of being on the current emulator.
* An existing machine (installed via the command line/add channels bit) can be converted to the emulator with minimal fuss. Go into messages & setup:system reset, and choose "repeat guided setup". Then follow the instructions as above. I just did this with mine, and all existing recordings, season passes, and all items on the to-do list were preserved. Note of course that you will need to configure the tivo such that it will do guided setup (on the oztivo image this is done from tivoweb under the PAL/NTSC link, if using an older image you may need a different method of changing to NTSC or PAL+GS). The entire process took about an hour and a half.

19-02-2007, 06:47 PM
This has been tried by various people. The result is that daily calls fail on the port 8000 emulator.

The new headend is quite different to the initial attempt which is now termed the legacy headend (with a legacy emulator).

(The legacy emulator system now supports only about 20% of the community)

20-02-2007, 04:34 AM
Hmm :-( So do we know what bit of the clear and reset everything is vital to making a successful switch to port 8000 i.e. is there any easier way I can switch from 80 to 8000 without losing all saved recordings?

20-02-2007, 01:35 PM
Yes the removal of the existing Headends and station data, there is a (old) script which will remove existing headends, however there will be lingering station data which may conflict with the new Headends. I don't recommed this approach unless you are confident in fixing a broken Tivo, the script has been known to put your Tivo into a reboot loop..

To retain your existing recordings transfer them to your PC, via MFS_FTP

It may already be on your Tivo, however more likely may not be due to it's distribution licence.

02-03-2007, 05:22 PM
Last night I made some silly rash decisions during an attempted switch from port 80 to port 8000. Anyone able to give me tips (I am a novice tinkerer) - Here is what I did and where I now find myself.

- Did a "Clear Program Data and To Do List"
- Changed to port 8000
- Rebooted
- Tried Daily call, it failed preparing data
- Went to TiVoWeb and changed to Pal Guided Setup mode
- Rebooted
- Tried running guided setup - it also failed in preparing data
- Read about upgrading (from 1.3) to OzTivo 1.6.2
- Did it - Oh why oh why (after recording MAC Address etc)
- I was able to Telnet to it and adjust Emulator IP address

Now I find myself unable to Telnet to the box and it just wants to do Guided Setup or shows no live TV (unable to get image) - guessing it is in NTSC mode....So I can't force daily call or try and reset network details...I can however play recorded shows.

Any ideas - I have shows on there I would like to keep if possible. But at this stage a new Hard Drive, new image are looking like my best option. But I guess my old recorded shows are gone.

Unless someone has skills to communicate with a TiVo with another method rather than Telnet or Web to reset up some obviously crucial settings


02-03-2007, 06:34 PM
Unless someone has skills to communicate with a TiVo with another method rather than Telnet or Web to reset up some obviously crucial settings

You could try the serial cable method.
I have used it in the past.
You'll need to make a simple custom cable see: ftp://orac.caffeine.co.nz/install/tivocable.jpg

And set the terminal at 9600-8N1 no flow-control.

02-03-2007, 08:41 PM
I agree with wibble, the serial cable method is the easiest and run nic_config_tivo to reset your network settings.

There have been a few people with the same problem going from 1.3 to 1.6.2, but we have not been able to narrow down the cause as once the damage is done there is no evidence as to why.

If the serial cable is not an option for you, you can use the OzTiVo installer CD as a boot disk and then use the menus to setup networking.


05-03-2007, 06:36 AM
Thanks guys. I will make up a cable in the next couple of days and give it a try.

Do you think from the position I find myself in a nic_config_tivo reset to my settings and then a TiVoWeb conversion back to PAL mode would get OzTivo 1.6.2 working?


05-03-2007, 01:22 PM
Reseting your networking using nic_config_tivo is all you should need.

You shouldn't need to go into TW.


05-03-2007, 07:16 PM
Update and further help needed:

I made the serial cable and even managed to get it connected via a USB to Serial Adapter and working from my old OS9 Macintosh !

I have reset DHCP via CacheCard and I can once again Telnet and TiVoWeb the box.

Now for my current problem....remember, this all stems from trying to change from port 80 to port 8000 emulator.

My current crop of problems:

TiVo (now running OzTiVo 1.6.2) starts up into initial Guided Setup screen, but when you press "Select" as instructed it takes you to the Green standard TiVo Central Screen...

TiVo has no guide data (having done a clear and delete data and to do list days ago)...A force of daily call sees it sit on "SettingUp" for ever, I will leave it overnight but not sure it will proceed.

I have no LiveTV, it has the no video signal blue screen message. (I have tried (from TiVoWeb now Plus) to change to PAL Mode (NO GS) and reboot but doesn't change anything

So in a nutshell, no data and no live TV.

Any ideas? without clear and delete everything !!


05-03-2007, 10:31 PM
It seems you need to redo GS, set pal guided setup mode using TWP then select redo guided setup from the on screen menus.


06-03-2007, 04:21 PM
Hi again,

I am now stuck with a message reading "Failed. No dial-in number chosen." when the Guided Setup starts the connecting process.

I am using v1.6.2 of OzTiVo.

Any ideas?

I am not using dialup at all...I am using CacheCard with ethernet to a router and broadband.


06-03-2007, 08:47 PM
What postcode are you using ?


07-03-2007, 04:10 AM
PostCode 02113 - although I just tried 02116 as well.
Area Code is 002


08-03-2007, 01:24 AM
Ok, next we will check that you are trying the NZ emulator and not the Oz one.

List the contents of your /etc/oztivo.conf file.


08-03-2007, 05:06 AM
Contents is:

# OzTiVo menu configuration settings file
# Please do not edit this file
# Run the nic_config_tivo tool to reconfigure

But when I run nic_config_tivo and try and change Emulator it gives me the following meaage:

/sbin/nic_config_tivo: line 2: 360 Illegal Instruction $dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --title "Select emulator" --menu "[Up][Down] to move\n[Enter] to select" 10 60 0 "minnie.tuhs.org" "Use minnie.tuhs.org, the Australian emulator" "" "Use (orac), the New Zealand emulator" "hydra.demon.nl" "Use hydra.demon.nl, The Netherlands emulator" "other" "Enter emulator IP/address manually" 2>/tmp/emulator.$$

Is it anything to do with me using Terminal program from Macintosh to Telnet into TiVo? - I only ask because a few weird things happen when trying to use that tool.

Is there any config file I can change manually via Telnet to put NZ details in? - I Did change the tclient.conf (like we used to have to do) - but I guess it doesn't use that file anymore?


08-03-2007, 05:34 PM
Is it anything to do with me using Terminal program from Macintosh to Telnet into TiVo? - I only ask because a few weird things happen when trying to use that tool.



instead of


Specifying the port turn off the fancy telnet negotiation which can cause problems on the tivo.
For example plain telnet from a linux box usually doesn't work unless you do the above.

08-03-2007, 09:52 PM
I agree with wibble.
