18-01-2007, 05:13 PM
Gidday all,
A tip and a newb question...
About a year ago I stumbled on a GREAT addition for my Tivo... its a pre-configured MPlayer backend and Tivo GUI front end for Windows, called "WinVo".
You just download a zipfile, extract it in a folder, make a shortcut to the executable, tell it your tivo's IP and bang... you can stream your Tivo programmes to your Windows PC.
It works amazingly well, even across 802.11g wireless. Surprisingly the Tivo can cope perfectly well with streaming different programmes to at least two PCs at the same time, while still being responsive to a user wielding the remote.
So anyway, my question is... has anyone found anything similarly slick and easy for linux? I'd love to get this working similarly nicely on Ubuntu, its become my major stumbling block to switching from the Dreaded Doze.
Cheers all,
A tip and a newb question...
About a year ago I stumbled on a GREAT addition for my Tivo... its a pre-configured MPlayer backend and Tivo GUI front end for Windows, called "WinVo".
You just download a zipfile, extract it in a folder, make a shortcut to the executable, tell it your tivo's IP and bang... you can stream your Tivo programmes to your Windows PC.
It works amazingly well, even across 802.11g wireless. Surprisingly the Tivo can cope perfectly well with streaming different programmes to at least two PCs at the same time, while still being responsive to a user wielding the remote.
So anyway, my question is... has anyone found anything similarly slick and easy for linux? I'd love to get this working similarly nicely on Ubuntu, its become my major stumbling block to switching from the Dreaded Doze.
Cheers all,