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View Full Version : Exporting / how to save recorded shows??

21-11-2006, 10:43 AM
I think I need to re-image my hard drive as its a sony box and I used Phillips image, have just been putting it off in an attmept to watch all the recordings, but its getting worse, less time more shows!!!!

So how do I save all the recordings?? Tivo is networked and I have a spare 140GB space on my pc but dont know how to transfer files from TIVO??

Do I need to extract, or is the a sneaky way to save it on the tivo drive and reinstall SONY software over the top of the phillips image??

Thanks for your help.

21-11-2006, 03:43 PM
Can you please first tell us why you want to move from the Philips image to the Sony one. There is more support for the Philips image and the only difference is the background animations.

In fact we almost didn't upgrade the sony image to 1.6.2 this time around as we are considering droping it from the update cycle altogether and only having the one image to support.


Darren King
22-11-2006, 07:05 PM
Peter is correct. There is absolutely no difference internally between a Sony SVR2000 and a Philips Series 1 TiVo and both run each others images fine.

Although I am a little sad to hear the Sony image may face extinction. At least it now explains why I can't download a multi image any longer where I can select which flavour I want to install.

22-11-2006, 08:31 PM
The multi image was removed to save bandwidth from minnie, as only a few of us really need to test both images. The Sony image is still currently available as a separate download.

In fact since the MFS is the same in both Philips and Sony 3.0 images (unlike UK), they will both be maintained for the forseeable future by the upgrade script. But there is still a chance there may be no more Sony image iso's produced in the future. It just depends on who ends up maintaining the image and whether they have the time to continue duplicating thier work.


25-11-2006, 07:04 PM
A fellow Tivo uiser installed the sony image and it appeared to make the Tivo more stable. I am often having to restart my tivo as the normal remote stops working, or the web remote just freezes. I had assumed it was due to having the wrong image file but if not, that's great!!! I didn't really want the hassle anyway......... so thanks for clearing that up. However, if I wanted to extract movies to make DVD's from them and free up space on HDD, how do I do that???

25-11-2006, 08:54 PM
both the Sony and Philips images are v3.0 software and both suffer from the event bug.

But for extraction I suggest downloading mfs_ftp (http://www.dealdatabase.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21915) and use it to transfer the files to your TiVo.


26-11-2006, 10:00 AM
Have downloaded mfs ftp.tar.zip and extracted files on PC, but then I got lost. Where do I find /var in the tivo, and what do i do with the extracted files on PC?? readme.txt very complicated / too geeky for this nonconfident computer tryer!!!

26-11-2006, 12:23 PM
Have downloaded mfs ftp.tar.zip and extracted files on PC, but then I got lost. Where do I find /var in the tivo,

/var is just a directory on your TiVo. use an ordinary FTP Program to transfer mfs_ftp.tar to your tivo in binary mode.

and what do i do with the extracted files on PC??

What ever you like ?

readme.txt very complicated / too geeky for this nonconfident computer tryer!!!

Unfortunately this model TiVo was never designed to transfer digital images so extraction is a hack.

I suggest you have a read of our extraction FAQ (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Videoextract/WebHome) it will show you what you can do with the files and also other methods of transferring shows.


26-11-2006, 07:47 PM
I am not on a Mac system, I am on PC, windows

Darren King
26-11-2006, 08:40 PM
.... and there are a couple of PC/Windows sub categories in the area Peter gave you. Just read down the list a bit further.