View Full Version : Problems with September image

11-10-2006, 08:28 AM
I've just upgraded to the new September 27 image and am having some unusual problems.
I am using my tivo with a Pace Foxtel Digital cable box.

Problem 1: When changing the channel - this happens very irregularly. The foxtel box somehow receives 4 numbers so ... say the tivo is trying to change to 648 the foxtel box seems to receive 6408 or something similar.
This is then an invalid channel and the foxtel box doesn't change channel ... I missed naruto because of this -- this is a serious issue hahaha

Problem 2: Phone home seems to die when processing certain slices. I have downloaded these manually and done a manual upload and it processes all but one file - not sure which one. Anyone else having these problems ?

p.s: I have run the upgrade script as advised by tivo messages and still having these problems

Darren King
11-10-2006, 01:06 PM
I would be going to www.oztivo.com and subscribing to the email group there. Hardly any of the OzTiVo software image developers use these forums.