View Full Version : Annoying Problems

21-09-2006, 09:18 AM
I have a Philips TIVO running the latest(I Beleive) image. Approximately 2-3 weeks after install the Phone/Recorder menu stop working, a short time later the tivo complains that there is no video detected.

I usually go to the web page and set Pal Guided Setup Mode, and go through the guided setup again. This usually works.

Is anyone else seeing these problems ?? I have 2x100Mb disks installed.



22-09-2006, 07:54 AM
When you TiVo is in normal mode you will not be able to access the phone menu, it is a known result of the conversion to PAL in the software.

When you go back into guided setup mode you get around this problem, but the recorded video is jittery and not of good quality.

To restore the TiVo back to normal mode just go into tivoweb and select PAL, then reboot (this automatically happens after a few reboots anyway).

Try doing it this way and see if you still have problems.

It would also probably help if you read the problems and solutions FAQ's @ ProblemsAndSolutions (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/FAQ/ProblemsAndSolutions) and a few of the others in that area.
