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View Full Version : Linux Newbies

20-05-2004, 08:21 AM
Would it benifit people if a Linux forum were opened?

Or would it benifit people if a Linux newbie guide was written up on a web page?

I do realise that people do not need to know linux to get a TiVo up and running, but it may help people to understand them better. Thoughts people!?

21-05-2004, 10:27 AM
i.e. all the useful commands that come in handy on the TIVO or Binaries that can be added.

Things like Joe etc.

The other thing which i was thinking of trying to get around to was a map of where files live or go on a TIVO - this might be a good start on your guide and then tie in the useful Linux commands - Grep, Find, Joe, Cat, MV etc etc


22-05-2004, 03:24 PM
I've started putting something together. It will become available on http://linux.oztivo.net

It will expand with time.

25-05-2004, 04:39 AM
I was more thinking about taking it from when you get you get your TIVO and then introduce the commands they will use - rather than as a linux course like you are doing - but lets see how it goes.


25-05-2004, 08:36 AM
Oh, you ment a "Beginners Guide to linux Tivo",

well an introduction to linux would be required as well ;)

27-05-2004, 04:37 AM
I think most of them if they were interested would have bought a Linux book (or somethig like Keegans), i more think tie a Linux tutorial into the TIVO setup procees - explain what they will go through the different useful tools etc

Your way and miy way are the difference between Information based learning and role or task based learning


27-05-2004, 09:33 AM
I'll throw one together sometime next week then. I'll probably pull out the Guided Setup info and chuck in the explanations.

Any other suggestions?


28-05-2004, 09:16 AM
Good idea to tie it into GS and then the things like this is the files you will have to play with for Networking to work properly and here are the tools etc.
