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View Full Version : Repeats are called separate episodes

08-08-2006, 06:38 PM
I enjoy some programmes on Discovery, National Geographic & BBC. One feature in common with all of them: regular repeats of exactly the same programme. I'd really like to be able to record exactly one copy of each programme, but at the moment no matter what I set as ShowType I seem to get many copies of the same programmes. These duplicates have different episode numbers which seems to prevent Tivo's normal duplicate detection.

I guess the issue's a little complex. While NatGeo duplicates usually have identical Episode Titles and Episode Descriptions which should enable them to be grouped with the same episode number, sometimes the title is merged in with the description. On BBC programmes many repeat the same episode many times during the week, and have identical titles/descriptions. The episode detection would have to know to roll over the episode counter on a certain day of week for each series.

A simple, already solved answer, or is this an issue that we just have to live with?

08-09-2006, 05:28 PM
No replies? I thought many of us would be interested in whether there was a solution.

Anyone have any info - ie. has it all been covered before, or there's no easy way to resolve it, etc?

08-09-2006, 08:45 PM
At this point its something to live with.

We put a call out for further development assistance in NZ, with no replies, so no functionality.