View Full Version : no sound through my tivo

23-07-2006, 08:36 PM
Hi i am new and have just set up the tivo with a cache card, all works fine except there is no sound from the channels. i have tested the sound output from the stb teak dv-b300, and thats ok, i can also hear the tivo noises beeps and such.Is there a setting that i havent added?
thanks trokia

Darren King
24-07-2006, 07:12 AM

Generally no there is no setting you have missed provided you have only set up the TiVo for one A/V input source, however there are a couple of things that would be helpful to know:

1. Are you feeding in more than one A/V input (ie something else other than the Teac STB) and therefore does this TiVo have the second A/V modification? If it does have you enabled the second audio input via palmod_config?

2. Have you tried booting the TiVo without the cachecard connected and does it then have sound?

24-07-2006, 12:40 PM
1. Are you feeding in more than one A/V input (ie something else other than the Teac STB) and therefore does this TiVo have the second A/V modification? If it does have you enabled the second audio input via palmod_config?

-JUST one av i/p

2. Have you tried booting the TiVo without the cachecard connected and does it then have sound?

I have already cleared everything and now i will re image the hard drive and start the installation again.

if it happens again i will test it with out the cachecard

thanks for the advice

24-07-2006, 09:54 PM
While your taking the cachecard out, also have a look at what revision it is.

Versions earlier than V2.2 have been known to cause sound issues in some TiVo's.


25-07-2006, 08:33 PM
hi just to add some info i have
TiVo Philips Series one unit w/250Gb,Seagate 512Mb Cachecard, teac STB
I have just reimaged the seagate drive, double checked settings - no sound
i have removed ram from the cachecard rebooted - no sound
i have removed cachecard and rebooted - no sound
i have replaced original philips tivo disk with cachecard driver installed -gone through setup again-as last time picking cablebox and the connection as composite l+r video STATUS OK
each time i have done this i have connected an rca joiner from input to output and can hear audio from the STB
Note the tivo sounds fine but the sound does cut in the opening sequence when the tivo is playing with balls, funnels and sled ramps. So still no sound through the tivo with the original drive.
I have since returned the 250G seagate into the tivo with the same sound issue.
what do i do now :confused:
thanks troy

Darren King
26-07-2006, 06:05 AM
the tivo sounds fine but the sound does cut in the opening sequence when the tivo is playing with balls, funnels and sled ramps.

This is normal.

i have replaced original philips tivo disk with cachecard driver installed -gone through setup again-as last time picking cablebox and the connection as composite l+r video STATUS OK

"Status OK" implying you DO have sound?

26-07-2006, 08:31 AM
"Status OK" implying you DO have sound?

Just the sound that the tivo makes not the STB.

26-07-2006, 08:36 AM
each time i have done this i have connected an rca joiner from input to output and can hear audio from the STB

Not sure what you mean by this, do you mean when running GS and selecting a cable box you can hear the sound of the STB through your TiVo, but not once it reboots?


26-07-2006, 09:06 AM
Not sure what you mean by this, do you mean when running GS and selecting a cable box you can hear the sound of the STB through your TiVo, but not once it reboots?


not sure what GS is but i just mean that i am proving that sound is coming from my STB and all the leads are working correctly going int the amp.Not at any stage in the process have i ever heard sound from my set top box passing through the tivo.

26-07-2006, 09:26 AM
I'm assuming that you have just purchased this TiVo, where did you buy it from?

It is begining to sound like a hardware fault with the audio input.

Even though you have confirmed the STB is working properly, it's probably worth trying another source for the sound anyway. Try plugging in a radio, cd player, DVD, PS2, Video, Xbox etc and confirm you cannot hear any sound.

If it doesn't work, you may need to speak with your supplier if you bought it locally or talk with Darren as he can most likely either repair the existing fault or bypass it by adding a 2nd audio input.


Darren King
26-07-2006, 09:31 AM
Yes I agree 100% with Peter on his above post.

If it is a hardware fault and you cannot get some form of satisfaction from the person you purchased it from I will offer my technical assistance if required. Contact me off list if you require assistance.

26-07-2006, 09:47 AM
Hi it was puchased on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=9741562704&ru=http://search.ebay.com.au:80/9741562704_W0QQfromZR40QQfviZ1

I have tried other input sources.

i will email the chap.

thanks troy

26-07-2006, 09:57 AM
If you go back through your sellers history, you will see he bought something from Hobotech in January 2006. I believe all Hobotech sell on Ebay are TiVo's, so it could still be under warranty with them. See if your seller can provide a reciept.


PS looking at his Ebay purchases he seems like an A/V nut, so it's quite possible he fried the input.

Darren King
26-07-2006, 12:02 PM
Yep I was thinking the same thing Peter. The Micronas chips that control the sound input terminals are a tad fragile to anything untoward hooked up to them and not the first time one has died because of this.

Good news is I have spares and can replace them easy enough. Troy has contacted me and I shall post a brief diagnosis for anyone who is interested what has gone wrong.

Darren King
02-08-2006, 10:26 PM
TiVo arrived early this week and I got some time the last couple of evenings to find the problem. It was not as simple as just a dead input sound processor chip, although that was indeed faulty. There was also a fault in the 8V power feed to this chip on the motherboard that powers the analogue input section of the chip. As to whether it is just bad luck, or the 8V power feed killing the chip, or something the seller did (either unknowingly or not) I am unsure as there is no clear cut evidence to support a theory on this.

But the good news it is fixed and in the recovery ward :)

04-10-2007, 01:48 AM
TiVo arrived early this week and I got some time the last couple of evenings to find the problem. It was not as simple as just a dead input sound processor chip, although that was indeed faulty. There was also a fault in the 8V power feed to this chip on the motherboard that powers the analogue input section of the chip. As to whether it is just bad luck, or the 8V power feed killing the chip, or something the seller did (either unknowingly or not) I am unsure as there is no clear cut evidence to support a theory on this.

But the good news it is fixed and in the recovery ward :)

Would it be possible to point me in the physical direction of this chip? I am in USA and have the same problem. If you can tell me which pin I am looking for to test for 8V, that would be a great help too, although once you point me to the chip I can probably pull the schematics.


04-10-2007, 02:10 AM
From memory the regulator is U62 and pin 5 is the 8v output. It is located near the fan connector.
