View Full Version : no 5m pre ot 15m post record on shows

09-07-2006, 01:34 AM
Hey Pete, John & Darren,

I manually deleted all my settings the other night on one of my Tivos and re did the guided setup etc to start again.

Now all is good but for one thing. When recording it will not record 5mins before and 15 mins after etc. It will only record for the specified time for the show no matter if there if nothing to record either side of it.

Do you know what I have to do to get this back working?

I assume its quite easy and have searched for the answer but cant seem to find it and any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.



09-07-2006, 02:51 PM
check the endpad.log for the reason why it is not running properly.

You could also try:

ps ax | grep endpad*

To see if it's running at all.


09-07-2006, 04:37 PM
When I try

ps ax | grep endpad*

it comes back with:

284 p0 SW 0:00 grep endpad*

Sorry but I have no idea on what that means. Any ideas?

09-07-2006, 04:42 PM
It means that endpad is not running.

Did you change rc.sysinit.author ?

How about the logs ?


09-07-2006, 05:06 PM
endpag log is:

Friday 00:26:00 : EndPadPlus log file, log rotated
Friday 00:26:00 : Back to sleep...
Friday 00:26:00 : Checking every minute for kill signal...............................
Friday 00:56:00 :
Friday 00:56:00 : Rise and shine!
Friday 00:56:00 : Processing current recording(s):
Friday 00:56:00 : * No recordings in progress
Friday 00:56:00 : Processing next recording(s):
Friday 00:56:00 : * No scheduled recordings found
Friday 00:56:00 : Next wake up will be 01:26
Friday 00:56:00 : Back to sleep...
Friday 00:56:00 : Checking every minute for kill signal......

That time around midnight on Friday night was when I deleted all guide data and redid the guided setup etc again

Nope, didn't touch rc.sysinit.author at all.

09-07-2006, 05:50 PM
Well, for some reason endpad has not restarted since you played with the TiVo.

Make sure you have at least 2 programs in your todo list and restart the TiVo.


09-07-2006, 06:03 PM

I have about 20 programs in the todo list at any given time and actually rebooted the tivo 2 hours ago. Since then it did record a 30 min show and it still has the problem.

Very strange indeed

09-07-2006, 06:12 PM

ps ax

This will list all processes. Then we can check if there are any others that are missing. This may point to an error loading rc.sysinit.author


PS you do have endpad started by rc.sysinit.author

09-07-2006, 06:48 PM
This was ps ax:

1 ? SW 0:00 init
2 ? SW 0:00 (kflushd)
3 ? RW 0:03 (kswapd)
58 ? R 0:00 update (bdflush)
66 ? S 0:02 syslogd -p /var/dev/log -m 10000
68 ? SW 0:00 klogd
78 ? SW 0:00 bash /sbin/shondss.sh
79 ? SW 0:00 bash /sbin/tnlited.sh
81 ? RW 0:00 /sbin/tnlited 23 /bin/bash -login
82 ? SW 0:00 /bin/bash -login
85 ? SW 0:01 /tvbin/switcherstart -m -F
86 ? R 0:15 /tvbin/mfsd
89 ? S 0:00 fancontrol
122 ? SW 0:00 /tvbin/mcp
153 ? SW 0:00 tivoftpd
155 ? S 0:00 cron
164 ? R 1:29 tivosh /hack/TivoWebPlus/httpd-tt.tcl
168 ? SW 0:00 PipeListen
172 ? SW 0:00 emuProxy2 -s
179 ? R 0:00 trickey
184 ? SW 0:00 /hack/tytool/tserver
189 ? S 0:01 Mcp event
190 ? SW 0:00 /tvbin/tcphonehome
200 ? SW 0:00 FsMpStream
201 ? SW 0:00 PipeListener
203 ? S 0:00 PhoneHome event hd
209 ? S 0:00 (dhclient)
212 ? R 0:00 /tvbin/dbgc-mcp
213 ? SW 0:00 PipeListener
214 ? S 0:03 /tvbin/myworld
215 ? SW 0:00 FsMpStream
216 ? SW 0:00 PipeListener
217 ? SW 0:01 TmkSinkMixAud
218 ? SW 0:03 TmkClipCache0
219 ? SW 0:00 TmkClipCache1
220 ? SW 1:01 TvMomCs22Sink
221 ? SW 0:00 TvMomCs22Sink
222 ? S 0:03 Mediaswitch0
223 ? R 0:01 TvVideoManager
224 ? R 0:05 TvRecorder
225 ? S 0:29 TmkTaskManager
226 ? R 2:48 Scheduler
227 ? R 0:21 Prioritizer
228 ? R 0:02 EventLog event
229 ? R 0:00 PvrMain
230 ? SW 0:00 bus handler
231 ? R 4:10 ContextMgr eve
257 ? R 0:01 TmkClipCache:
261 p0 SW 0:00 /bin/bash -login
263 p0 RW 0:00 ps ax

All if I have referring to endpad in rc.sysinit.author is the following:

# EndPad
# If you want to edit the start and end, do so in /hack/bin/runendpad.sh
/hack/bin/endpadplus.tcl 5 15 -auto

I don't have runendpad.sh showing in the /hack/bin folder.

I do have:

I have manually started endpadplus and will report back here to if it works but I don't know why it won't start automatically.

09-07-2006, 08:38 PM

I started it manually by typing:

/hack/bin/endpadplus.tcl 5 15 -auto

and it worked with the next recording.

I wonder why its not starting up on boot up as I have not changed the rc.sysinit.author file in any shape or form since installing TivoWebPlus some weeks ago and it has working since then after many reboots until my reguided setup. If I reboot it wont work until I manually start it up again so there must be something going on which I have no idea on.

These are the contents of that file:

#### START HACKS ####

export MY_SERVER=

# Use extra libs (termcap, etc)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/hack/lib

#### Mount Network Shares #######

# mount NFS shares (if you have them) Change the NFS_SERVER variable above to the ip of box with share
#insmod -f /lib/modules/nfs.o
#mount -t nfs -o rsize=8192,wsize=8192 ${NFS_SERVER}:/home/tivo /hack/nfs

# Mount shares on your windows boxen.
# This doesn't work too well.
# insmod -f /lib/modules/smbfs.o
# smbmount //${SMB_SERVER}/SHARE /hack/smb -s putrename -c tivo -I x.x.x.x -U user -D WORKGROUP -P password

#### Start Programs ######

# CCXSTREAM - stream to XBOX
# google for ccxstream or search forums at xboxmediacenter.de
#ccxstream &

# CRON # Edit /hack/etc/crontab
cron &

#Start FTP daemon
# this is ADH's (from Deal Database) version that saves you from chmod +x
tivoftpd &

# Start TiVoWeb
# /hack/tivoweb-tcl/tivoweb &

# Start TivoWebPlus
/hack/TivoWebPlus/tivoweb &

# Vserver - Stream ty files on port 8074 see tivo-mplayer.sf.net
#vserver > /dev/null 2>&1 &

# EndPad
# If you want to edit the start and end, do so in /hack/bin/runendpad.sh
/hack/bin/endpadplus.tcl 5 15 -auto

##### Various Other Hacks #######

# Tweak HDD settings
# Don't worry if you don't have a two drive TiVo. It will work for 1 drive setups too.
# make certain runideturbo=false is in boot params, or rename
# the file /lib/modules/ideturbo.o to something else so it doesn't load.
hdparm -c1 -m8 -M1 -S0 /dev/hda /dev/hdb
hdparm -m16 /dev/hda /dev/hdb

# Copy Module
# copies anything written to /var/packages to /tmp
# very useful for capturing tivo slices.
#insmod -f /lib/modules/copy.o

# Emu Proxy
# A tool for cleaning up the HTTP output by the Tivo in order to pass through
# transparent proxies, etc.
# Works in conjunction with a small hack to the emulator to accept the header
# "TivoURLBase" which is the base url to give back to the Tivo when specifying
# data paths.
# Runs by default and is dependent on the
# 127::
# entry in tclient.conf
# in /etc/tclient.conf to reflect the IP and port of the emulator you are using
# There is a backup of the original here: /etc/tclient.conf-oztivo
# Usage: %s [-d] [-h] [-l localport] [-L listenAddr] [-s serverip]
# [-p serverport]
emuProxy2 -s &

# Report IP - Handy for those not using DHCP-DNS functionality
# set dhcp hostname in /etc/dhclient.conf
# See http://www.isc.org/ for more info on DHCP and BIND
report_ipaddress &

# Trickey by Kevin Lentin provides a way to force tivo to
# run commands by assign remote key sequences. Very Cool!
# check out /hack/bin/trickey.README
trickey &

/hack/tytool/tserver &

09-07-2006, 10:05 PM
looking at your ps ax, the items from rc.sysinit.author are all starting ok.

I don't use endpadplus anymore, I upgraded to the newer endpad, but it still runs from the same location as yours, just after TWP.

There might be an issue with TWP still initialising that is stopping endpadplus.

Try moving the command to bottom of rc.sysinit.author and see if that helps.


09-07-2006, 10:27 PM
Thanks Pete. Will try moving it down at the bottom like you said.