View Full Version : Video Extraction issues

30-06-2006, 03:41 PM
Ok I still have not successfully extracted anything off my Tivo yet :(

1. I have tried mfsstream via tivoweb with no avail. Someone suggested to upgrade to tivowebplus, I did that and still the same thing. Basically I click on the title I want to download and it downloads a 0Kb file. I've read through threads on dealdatabase and a lot of people are having the same issue with no resolution. I thinking maybe it has something to do with router config or the fact we use a series 1 tivo?

2. So now I have tried tytool and everything setup fine and connected until I try to download something. I can delete shows perfectly fine but when I click get tytool basically hangs and just sits there doing nothing.

3. I have yet to try mfs_ftp but would like to know why the first 2 haven't worked yet :(

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

P.S Is it documented anywhere what the actual oztivo image includes? Like what apps, shortcuts, modules etc...

30-06-2006, 03:55 PM
3. I have yet to try mfs_ftp but
MFS_FTP is by far the easiest and most reliable way of transfering shows to/from the TiVo as it uses a fairly standard protocol and works well for the majority of users (most FTP clients will also display the transfer speed and ETA which is also nice).

30-06-2006, 11:43 PM
I think my issues have been due to my router and not forwarding the associated ports. I have mfs_ftp running now (had to port forward 3104 and 3105 to Tivo for it to work) although it keeps timing out randomly. Maybe an issues with my ftp client so still looking into it.

01-07-2006, 12:52 AM
I pretty much only use mfs_ftp. If your having dropouts, I recommend using Putty (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/) as the client. It's stable and also handles FXS transfers for TiVo-Tivo use.


01-07-2006, 05:51 PM
I have tried every ftp client known to man and I can never complete a transfer. It will start off and stay constant at like 1mb/s and then it just all of sudden randomly goes to 0mb/s and transfer is terminated. When I try to start it again or reconnect it won't let me and I have to reboot the tivo. Any ideas?

01-07-2006, 06:12 PM
I have tried every ftp client known to man and I can never complete a transfer.
Have you tried setting the timing to "failsafe"? (this seems to be done by running the nic_config_tivo command).

01-07-2006, 11:33 PM
thomson thank you so much that has fixed my issues. I have it running in failsafe mode although it doesn't transfer as fast (800kb/s) it doesn't seem to time out. There is another mode also called "normal" will try that later on and report back. Thanks again!

UPDATE: I have tested it in "normal" mode and runs like a charm at 1mb/s. The default setting is set to "optimal" in the oztivo image not exactly sure how it benefits? Anyways its working and so is tytool now :)

02-07-2006, 12:12 PM
I use Qt TYstudio Editor. I find this the best way to get a ty file off my TiVOs and convert it to mpg. Means I don't have to store a large ty and a large mpg file on my PC. TYstudio will convert on the fly from the TiVO. Also I can edit out the adds or fix up the stop/start time. Then I ftp using WinSCP my mpgs onto my MythTV box.

I've installed TiVOWebPlus but I don't let it run all the time. So I start it with /var/hack/tivowebplus/tivoweb on a console thru Putty. And then start Tystudio and mPlayer thru the "Hack Manager" in TiVOWebPlus. I start mPlayer so I watch ty files stored on the TiVO remotly on windows machines with WinVO.


03-07-2006, 02:42 AM
I use mfs_ftp and agree its the best way.

No point in using the 'extract' tool in tivowebplus as then twp will hang until its finished whereas obviously ftp you can go for your life.

03-07-2006, 05:18 PM
I use Qt TYstudio Editor. I find this the best way to get a ty file off my TiVOs and convert it to mpg. Means I don't have to store a large ty and a large mpg file on my PC. TYstudio will convert on the fly from the TiVO. Also I can edit out the adds or fix up the stop/start time. Then I ftp using WinSCP my mpgs onto my MythTV box.

I've installed TiVOWebPlus but I don't let it run all the time. So I start it with /var/hack/tivowebplus/tivoweb on a console thru Putty. And then start Tystudio and mPlayer thru the "Hack Manager" in TiVOWebPlus. I start mPlayer so I watch ty files stored on the TiVO remotly on windows machines with WinVO.


yeah i'm using tystudio now but for some reason it's really picky about spots you choose to cut. At cut point it will process but if you move it back one notch it won't. Have you had similar problems?

03-07-2006, 06:46 PM
Yes I have Razza. Dunno why I just work around it. I have had it happen once not at a cut point (right in the middle of a movie), this movie had been on the TiVO for 6 months before I took it off.

03-07-2006, 09:44 PM
Ok I've given up on tystudio as I always get errors in converting and constantly having to change cut points to get to work.
I have converted to tytools which is absolutely brilliant lets you cut, create vob files and even a dvd menu. Works flawlessly and in about half the time of tystudio!

03-07-2006, 09:53 PM
Yes I use tytools to cut the commercials and convert to MPEG format and then sit on my NAS and can stream through my media centre if I want to watch next time. This saves commercials and also space so can't argue with that.