View Full Version : Tivo Boot Problems

19-06-2006, 12:33 PM
My Tivo will boot fine without the turbonet card in it, but as soon as I put it in it fails and gives me a grey screen. Possibly a Power Supply issue? im not sure....

Darren King
19-06-2006, 05:03 PM
This is not a common problem. Grey screen when? Immediately on power up or some time later during boot?

Is the card seated properly? It helps to untwist the two locking tabs holding the motherboard down either side of the edge connector the turbonet card plugs onto.

Doubtful a power supply issue. These don't cause grey screens and a turbonet is not power hungry. I doubt the extra power required to run it would tip the scales of a flakey power supply.

19-06-2006, 05:26 PM
Its definately seated right, tivo boots up as if it doesnt recognise hdd when it is in but as soon as i take it out it works perfect.

When turbonet card is it I get the usuall "please wait while your tivo starts up" with black background then after 20-30 secs a grey screen at this stage if i take the turbonet card out, the screen will change to guided setup start.

Therefore im currently trying to use a serial cable, and run into yet another problem. Putty is working fine but tivo doesnt want to connect to the net, ive downloadeld wingate and installed but it still wont connect. Im just getting winroute now. Thanks for your help

Darren King
19-06-2006, 05:31 PM
OK so it is not software as you never get off the bootPROM screen (the one in the TiVo BIOS) and therefore no hard disk activity. And it will not be the power supply as you would not get this far.

At this stage it could either be a dud turbonet OR a dud debug port (the name for the edge connector your network card connects to). Unfortunately the only way to test is to put the turbonet into another TiVo and see what happens.

20-06-2006, 09:49 AM
BTW... removing the turbonet card while the tivo is powered up?
Surely this is not a good move...


Darren King
20-06-2006, 07:17 PM
Yeah I thought that too, but passed it off as surely someone wouldn't be silly enough to do that .... :eek:

21-06-2006, 09:13 AM
:eek: :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: